so i got an rd pair and noticed the ghost swoosh in one of my shoe but not the other.. anyone notice?
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Hey listen common sense should tell you to be a little weary of overseas transactions, ebay etc regardless of who is doing the recommending. If you can afford to lose $$$$ then take that risk but if it aint a major retail store or a mom and pop where I can actually see them in my hands then I aint risking it 
Hey listen common sense should tell you to be a little weary of overseas transactions, ebay etc regardless of who is doing the recommending. If you can afford to lose $$$$ then take that risk but if it aint a major retail store or a mom and pop where I can actually see them in my hands then I aint risking it 
If you use paypal you are covered though....

Waited all year and couldn't cop.

I really hope I can snag a Size 9.5 or 10 some where.... #wishfulthinking
I don't think royals restocked and I haven't heard anything about meg canceling pairs, so there's that slim chance :\

royals restocked on FNL (FSR)

twice i think

you guys should follow @deeznu88z

he's pretty good on restocks
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My brother was in London when these came out. People were camped out at 10pm for these shoes and would have to wait 14 hours for the store to open. Tells you how limited these were.
If you use paypal you are covered though....
Usually you are covered thru paypal when it comes to $$$$ but not when it comes to fake Jordans. Ive been screwed out of cash before thru paypal , they had to investigate and 4 months later I got my money back but it was a hassle
FELLAS, these can be had if you're $$ is right. Local FB groups and CL are the best come up (i've seen prices all weekend from $250-$320). The key is NEGOTIATING. Many of you either don't know how to, or aren't very good at it. Money talks, and many local folks aren't sneakerheads like we are and don't quite comprehend the market/distribution/value of this sneaker and are just looking for a quick buck. I've already hooked up 2 of my boys via this method.

Saturday was one of the longest days of my life but I was able to get my pair, and 5 other NTers pairs (3 local, 2 in the midwest), and am still on the lookout for 2 more. Full recap and some pics coming soon. FYI, i put in more legwork for these kicks than any other kicks EVER, and i've been doing this since the mid 90's. Needless to say, the NTers took care of me and the positive vibes/karma will surely come back.
If you use paypal you are covered though....
Usually you are covered thru paypal when it comes to $$$$ but not when it comes to fake Jordans. Ive been screwed out of cash before thru paypal , they had to investigate and 4 months later I got my money back but it was a hassle
It deff is a hassell but Paypal to my knowledge will cover you if you receive fake shoes.... They usually side more often than not with the buyers so that is why a ton of people are willing to take chances on shady and foreign sites due to paypals buyer friendly rules.... Now if people are paying via check/money order/western union they are taking a big chance because they will most likely take the L
Dude thinks he can criticize people cause he's been in the game for awhile and his reputation on here is insane. Relax bro you aint better than anyone on here so if mofos are trying everything they can to get these iconic shoes so be it. Been in love with thses since I was 12 but couldnt afford em in 1985 so i will leave no stone unturned and if it effs up your international connects so be it

NT didn't use to be this way. Dudes made their order, posted the link, and kept it moving. Now is like, well you messing it up for everyone. I hate NT for this. I really do.

You of all people know that there's more grey area than your generalization of why it isn't the same as it used to be.  I'm not going to clog this thread up anymore than it already is debating that topic, though.

me of all people? what is that supposed to mean? NT has a ton of threads where info is freely shared.

again, if people want to go at people that share info then they don't need to be here. that's not what niketalk is about.

we all lurked at one point or another. to say, "hey man, as soon as I found out about the site, I logged in and contributed all types of info" is a straight up lie. we find the site, we evaluate if we want to join, we have that moment where its time for us to start contributing. it is what it is.
"You of all people" = someone who has been in this hobby for a while and is a respected member on this site. Have you read through this thread or the Jordan brand section as a whole lately? It's a train wreck. You know damn well that when we share info in other sections, it doesn't turn into this. NT is different because in between people wondering why their orders haven't shipped instantly, people posting false info, and all of the other nonsense going on in these threads, you're not even 100% sure what is legit or fake. There is so much more guess wotk that goes into this now. Especially with high demand items (Jordans especially).

Prime example, someone posted a soleawesome link at one point. You don't think that some random lurker saw it, copped, and has a pair of fakes on the way to him as we speak? Zyzz posted info in this thread about fakes several times. Only a few of the many examples of why it's not as easy as posting a link and keeping it moving anymore. Thirst is at an all time high. Fakes are getting better. People are desperate. In our time as lurkers, wasn't this section of all sections more on top of stuff? Like it or not, you can no longer assume that info is credible just because it's on Niketalk. More responsibility comes with this now. You can no longer assume that people are legit or that people aren't blindly spending their money without knowing what they're getting into. I'd like some of the few legit channels we have left to remain available. A little patience, research, and responsibility would go a long way for a lot of folks.
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I just missed out on an ebay seller selling a pair size 9.5 for $299, but with no laces and no shoe box.

I can't say for sure they were legit.  He said he "got them early".

Assuming the pair was legit, do you guys think that was a great deal?
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I just missed out on an ebay seller selling a pair size 9.5 for $299, but with no laces and no shoe box.

I can't say for sure they were legit.  He said he "got them early".

Assuming the pair was legit, do you guys think that was a great deal?
No box + no laces for $300...
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