once i found out you were "the artist formerly known as...." i knew your input was coming from the right place

Haha thanks man, I like that quote as well! I can roll with that. Glad you were able to cop your pair!

Sorry to hear that rhinosport rhinosport , :smh
That dude is on some crusade against himself, but did he straight rat you out??

Thanks Gambino! And sorry to hear you haven't landed yours yet. if you have any villas opening the best 4 months near you keep an eye out. These will be in those store openings. Luckily not quite as limited as their royals "refresh" of 2 pair (1 to an employee) a few months ago haha.

LOL @ "Marko"... Even tried to throw that Euro flair on there! I hope they at least appreciated the attempt :lol:

Haha drew you won a raffle and had it easy this time. NO BRED FOR YOU! :rofl:
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I think I give up on copping for retail. Everyone's blowing up the spots and ish, can't even keep secret spots secret. Now the struggle is finding a pair for resale without being iffy on authenticity 
I just missed out on an ebay seller selling a pair size 9.5 for $299, but with no laces and no shoe box.
I can't say for sure they were legit.  He said he "got them early".
Assuming the pair was legit, do you guys think that was a great deal?

This sounds like soleawesome. Their product description was the same. No box no extra laces, and they are early pairs.
All chances of getting these for a reasonable price are done huh? 

Enough salt has subsided for me to rejoin this thread 
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Not to come at you sideways bigj, but weren't you part of that old crew of dudes who would secretly get outlet Intel and grab your pairs first before passing it along to everyone else?

Not to drag this issue on, but I don't think anyone is trying to feed their egos knowing that they have the drop on info others don't. It's just that the lurk game is so strong that people who don't normally visit this site are creeping trying to get pairs too. The first thing I fell in love with about NT is how we look out for one another, but it outright doesn't make sense to turn competing against a couple dozen/couple hundred people on a small UK store's site and turn it into possibly competing with thousands of people under those same circumstances. I definitely see your point, but it doesn't seem like anyone who knows something is a bad person is this thread, so if another NTer wanted to know it only takes one PM and the consideration of not throwing it to the wild before the person who scratched your back can also scratch their own.

:lol: did you associate me with NTOC? anyone in that group can tell you that they were doing their thing before I really started posting on the board. The only one I dealt/deal with was upandcoming32. they had their own crew. They got their stuff and posted the info. Nothing different than what my original statement was. AT LEAST THE INFO WAS POSTED ESPECIALLY WHILE PEOPLE COULD STILL ORDER.

I never once came sideways at someone that posted links. I didn't always post links either.

My point is, keep the info to yourself if you want. Its your choice. BUT DONT ADMONISH PEOPLE FOR DECIDING TO SHARE.
I <3 Sneakerfan1
@Sneakerfan1 @bigj505Getting out of the shadows to declare I LOVE YOU BOTH no homo no homo
off to the shadows again....(positive energy in this thread is like an oasis in the desert...)
Unless you plan on selling me some of those pairs in your stash for US retail with free shipping, provide me with a tracking number in 5 minutes, quadruple box ship, and PM me once you have 10 pairs of Red Octobers for me to purchase at a frequent buyer discount price...I hate you.

Nah, we cool. 

bboyd bboyd I was referencing someone that got cancelled, not myself. Long time no see. It's been a min since the Royal threads and seeing that avi of yours.
Hey I kept the pizza boys hopes and dreams alive lol. Helped Mark, Grizz, Gerald, and another friend secure a pair before I could get mine. Luckily I got in on that on Thursday eventually as well. Pizza fam in my phone, size 10 and under, ATE.

JJ jus sent shipping. NBAstore started shipping physically today, and size has shipped. Just waiting on End, but I know those pairs are secured. Shipping jus won't be the usual 2-3 day process from them bc both holidays last week set them and shipping companies back a little.
wow you put in work! congrats man.  I'd ask for help but it'd be a while before I'm interested in another shoe. Got the foams I wanted today but after this I'm really only interested in future NA 1's, xi's and the infrared 6's so I'm gonna get another good rest from the shoe game for a while.
Just got a PM from a very prominent nike talk mod that tells me bboyd bboyd is skating on thin ice showing his face in a NA 1 thread :lol:

He bout to get 'westbrooked' if you catch my drift :lol:
I envy some of you guys in different states.... In the NY area everybody tries to bang everybody over the head for resell.... I haven't seen anything under $400 on CL or FB groups... The lowest priced GS size I saw has been $225..... :smh:
Sucks that there aren't any nt'ers in Ok to link up with and share info. Good to see guys helping each other out though .
I envy some of you guys in different states.... In the NY area everybody tries to bang everybody over the head for resell.... I haven't seen anything under $400 on CL or FB groups... The lowest priced GS size I saw has been $225..... :smh:

Better to be in a state like ny during a release like this than a smaller state like I'm in . One store in my area got these, 1. There's not even resellers on cl selling lol
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