Still need a pair in my size...Bought one for relatively less than market price to resell and buy.
Hey douche do you understand English? I said " I'll post tomorrow with source" which means I was gonna post tomorrow with a link to Matt's tweet. Good god brother. UNREAL

Yeah I responded to exactly what you said genius. "I'll post tomorrow with source" like you know a damn thing or have some special connect we don't know about and have access too. You've been a useless idiot this entire thread. Just quit posting. And Matt Powell sales numbers in the us for 5 websites won't be production numbers for these. Thanks so much for trying to act like you know anything though.

People like you that don't have personal experience ordering from overseas should shut up and quit providing bad information to members too. LMAO @ $100 customs fees on a pair of these. Or guaranteed customs fees for any order over $200 (clueless on declared values on top of that). I buy $1,000 orders from End and depending on many factors, have been lucky and never paid a customs fee. You could buy a $175 order from overseas and get a customs fee still, but not anywhere near $100. It isn't a set value and it isn't based on what you paid. These shoes aren't $250 shipped either. Also, if you haven't ordered overseas before, and didn't call your bank/ CC company the last week to let em know you'd be ordering overseas, you won't be able to purchase through Chimps payment processing company. Would take 5 tries and 30 minutes on a normal Thursday at 2am with no traffic. SagePay payment services is not your friend.
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anyone here size 9?
Yeah I responded to exactly what you said genius. "I'll post tomorrow with source" like you know a damn thing or have some special connect we don't know about and have access too. You've been a useless idiot this entire thread. Just quit posting. And Matt Powell sales numbers in the us for 5 websites won't be production numbers for these. Thanks so much for trying to act like you know anything though.

People like you that don't have personal experience ordering from overseas should shut up and quit providing bad information to members too. LMAO @ $100 customs fees on a pair of these. Or guaranteed customs fees for any order over $200 (clueless on declared values on top of that). I buy $1,000 orders from End and depending on many factors, have been lucky and never paid a customs fee. You could buy a $175 order from overseas and get a customs fee still, but not anywhere near $100. It isn't a set value and it isn't based on what you paid. These shoes aren't $250 shipped either. Also, if you haven't ordered overseas before, and didn't call your bank/ CC company the last week to let em know you'd be ordering overseas, you won't be able to purchase trough Chimps payment processing company. Would take 5 tries and 30 minutes on a normal Thursday at 2am with no traffic. SagePay payment services is not your friend.
Most already lost.

Admins work your magic too many paragraphs going back and forth its making my hangover worse.

They should work their magic and delete your last COMPLETE LIE post. Site hasn't been offline since 8 PM. You can get through this entire time if you refresh enough. Site is crashing from traffic. Another useless person this entire thread right here. One of the worst additions to NT this year actually.
Ah hell nah chimpstore already gave me 504 errors. i'm going back to sleep. Save myself the frustration.
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Those paragraphs have information about this specific release. I have bought from chimpstore and but from other overseas spots all the time. That hard to scroll right past it, really?
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