Lol call it as you see it .....I will be that but if I'm anyone else onthe the thread I can be helpful so for those of you trying and not getting pairs hit me up lets talk about a future release...but if u want to hate be my guest and call me names that just fuels me to get more and post.

This was not about bragging but showing my determination......

P.S. thanks for the hate!
Lol call it as you see it .....I will be that but if I'm anyone else onthe the thread I can be helpful so for those of you trying and not getting pairs hit me up lets talk about a future release...but if u want to hate be my guest and call me names that just fuels me to get more and post.

This was not about bragging but showing my determination......

P.S. thanks for the hate!
Just calling it how I see it. No hate. That's some "look at me" nonsense.

If you feel driven to post about how many of the same model shoe you got, be my guest.  That just supports my opinion of you, a look at me type. 

And, you're welcome for the critique. 
awesome post.Always positive huh?

I'm just a realist. I hope y'all not relying on a restock. I also think it's funny that y'all all buddy buddy with each other in this thread, sharing links and info when 80% of ppl that posts in this very thread are resellers....and then get mad when these resellers posts their multiple pairs to entice you to cop from them. These NT dudes aren't your friends cause if they were, they would be giving away their extra pairs to those that actually wanted them for retail.
it's only a matter if opinion, but royals more rockable than a BRED c/w?? :lol: also, bred 1s, like concords, bred 11s, spacejams, bc3, wc3, infrareds, etc. are a shoe that can be retro'd pretty regular as we have seen and the hype will never die. royals, on the other hand are what they are ONLY bc they just got retro'd for the 1st time. :wink:
1st time retro of the royals step your game up lucky charms :lol:
Sorry if this has already been asked but has anyone ever visit footlocker hoh after the pickup window and was able to snag a unclaimed pair? If so? Was it the same day as release or you had to wait till the next morning?
Do you guys think the market value will keep rising up? I'm deciding if I should cop another pair just to keep one to stock and the other to rock
Sorry if this has already been asked but has anyone ever visit footlocker hoh after the pickup window and was able to snag a unclaimed pair? If so? Was it the same day as release or you had to wait till the next morning?
depends on the manager.. they tell us 24 hrs, so this morning.. finishline says at 10 same day..
I'm just a realist. I hope y'all not relying on a restock. I also think it's funny that y'all all buddy buddy with each other in this thread, sharing links and info when 80% of ppl that posts in this very thread are resellers....and then get mad when these resellers posts their multiple pairs to entice you to cop from them. These NT dudes aren't your friends cause if they were, they would be giving away their extra pairs to those that actually wanted them for retail.

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:lol: speaking of resellers. Look at your own sig. You have 2-3 pairs you're flipping on eBay for 400 $. See what I mean? Why should anyone have hope for retail when ppl like you exist? This is a guy that frequents this thread as well. :lol:. I'm not mad at you, b. Get that money

And what exactly do you think you are accomplishing by laughing at people who hope getting their pair for retail?Making NT better?smh...All your posts are filled with biterness in here bro...stuff like

-Laughing at people chasing retail
-Can't wait to see the sad posts

And best of all

- Y'all hilarious......I hope you all strike out


p.s.Oh my god.You saw my sig...?I THOUGHT IT WAS A SECRET....!
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Struck out on every method tried, still have my 01's but wanted a fresh pair.  I refuse to pay a dime above retail + shipping these days.  Its sad the craze behind these and I feel its only so hard to cop because of the market.  I don't blame re sellers, they're filling a space, they only exist because of the outrageous prices people are willing to pay.  If people truly wish to see anything close to the good old days, ie waking up around 8-10 am make your way to a shop or 2 and locate your size and enjoy your day, they'll be patient and snub everyone selling for those ridiculous prices.  Make em sit on those pairs until they have to lower the price to sell.  Im sure the # of ppl needed to accomplish this would never come together to do what I'm suggesting but guaranteed if this retail or nothing attitude carried over to say 2-3 releases people would be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.  Its simple, eliminate their reason to sell, insane profit margins from retail in such a short time, msrp @140 I see ppl here, on CL and ebay asking almost double if not more. If people want those prices to drop and also not have the pleasure of clicking a live release link and seeing every single pair sold out/ in a cart within 2-3 seconds of the link going live lol.  

Peace NT
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Oh it was a good day camped out at local kid fl n got three pair then went to local spot to pick up 2 men's sizes then I picked up a pair from a store for doing a mgr a favor on a previous release and gave that to my friend for giving up a pair of XI gammas.

I did not get my pair so I need to move the other pairs to get my 11.5 then the craziest thing happened went into a local spot which was supposed to have a raffle. I was told 2 different times they were not getting them so I went back sat n I seen a guy coming out the store with 2 boxes I seen the black red Nike n asked if he was selling one. He tells me there very limited no. So I walk into the store looking for this guy and he comes from the basement with 2 more pairs in hand. Then he tells me the shipment came in late fri night. So he tells me he got a 10 left and he would sell it to me. So I asked about the 2 he just came up with and he tells me its for another customer. It was me alone in the store. Mmmmm? I paid for the shoes n headed out. I went home to figure out how I'm gonna get my size peeped craigslist n someone needed a 10 for sz 11. I hit the person up n he was willing to a meet up and it was all good till I looked at the box and seen it was a 10.5 so I called him back n told him then he tells me he get back to me....

Damn tired from camping was going to sleep get up n head back out to see if I could get mine and see what was left. Before my head hit the pillow he called back n said he wanted the 10.5 ....great myself up n hopped a bus to the meetup he was late but AJ1 were good so now I'm a half size closer....

Some of you may say I went H.A.M on pairs but I'm not done cuz my collections not complete.....

So far I have the chicago- 2 knicks- 2 shadows - 2 black toes- Royals - 2013 patent leather. So I want 2 blk n red and I'm good......[/quote

Hopped the bus ?
Stop buying shoes and buy a car then buy shoes in that order unless your 11 :lol: "que cool story bro gif"
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And what exactly do you think you are accomplishing by laughing at people who hope getting their pair for retail?Making NT better?smh...All your posts are filled with biterness in here bro...stuff like

-Laughing at people chasing retail
-Can't wait to see the sad posts

And best of all

- Y'all hilarious......I hope you all strike out


p.s.Oh my god.You saw my sig...?I THOUGHT IT WAS A SECRET....!
lol not in this beef but I did cringe when I saw that picture
It frustrates me to make an argument in here when I know the only people who will respond are the resellers trying to protect their price.

Don't pay a price that you have to come in here and ask if it's reasonable. It's not worth it. That's all I'm going to say because making sense and using facts won't work in an aftermath thread that has become some type of "protect my investment by denying all hope" :rolleyes.

I've been around for every OG release since the Knicks. I bought or had the opportunity to buy every OG 1 this year. I have a very clear understanding of how the next few weeks will play out. I'll be ready. Will you? Don't give in yet. @RosheRiots touched on a little bit of what im saying a couple of pages ago.

Watch the ones that shoot down any hope though :wink: :smh:
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These Are A Few ScreenShots I Took From The "Just For Kicks" Documentary. They Look Like Bred 1's To Me But I'm No Expert, Legend Has It He Scored 63 Points In Boston During The Playoffs.

I knew the Just For Kicks doc would pop up. They photoshopped the blk/red in there. Notice how they are still images and not video. The game MJ scored 63 on April 20, 1986 against Boston, he was wearing the white/red AJ 1.
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