FTL still waiting on approval... I was one of those who got the last pair a few mins before the sold out tweet. Oh man, I hope I'm still good for these. Had two pair canceled in the pass while waiting for approval.
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Lmao if you're referring to me @apthekid then it doesn't matter who I chose to help or why. FOH thinking people should just reach out to help every Tom John and Larry that signs up on NT. I helped the people in my personal telephone and they're in there because they are good members here and have become my friends, that also share info and have helped a ton of other worthless niketalkers that don't do a thing for anybody and just beg for help until a nice guy like Gerald that can't say no to people throws em a bone. Then he never hears from em again and they're posting 5 pairs of some other shoe he has been talking about for 6 months and has always wanted but couldn't get. That's the realistic way that niketalk works for the people who are able to help bc they've put in thousands of hours towards this hobby. Why shouldn't the helpful, useful, good members be rewarded by someone that can lend them a hand for once?

The pizza party thing is nothing more than talk between members who showed their real love for this shoe and were in this thread for 7 months talking about it before a resale value or limited release was officially assigned. They were all the people that were active in this thread...a good criteria for getting my help bc that shows they really do like this shoe. C'mon son.
You had me worried.  Thought you were going soft on me.  Was about to fly out and intercept your packages as punishment. 
anyone notice how the tongue is different between the royals and the breds? the tongue feels weird on the bred 1.
I was in OKC for the Black Grape release...Wish I knew you were out there, we coulda linked up. I was at the big mall in OKC with the HoH...I had to run across the parking lot and then run through the mall...Most excersize I've done in years. I shoulda realized it was about to go down when some kid next to me ripped off his breakaway pants and started stretching.

Oh well...Maybe next time.

Completely unrelated...Good to see NTers helping NTers, but that pizza party thing got extra corny extra quick. Creating a "cool kids" table on NT? C'mon son...

Being discreet is always better than being exclusive.
the Pizza party was more a celebratory thing and  was for all to join in, it was a way to celebrate getting a pair of these shoes. some did think it got corny but at least it provided some lulz in here while we waited for RD. 

so cal heads really helped each other out on this one and even went as far to get together as a NT Summit. 

so cal shared sheikh codes while others were trying to trade codes, plenty of lurkers and out of the wood-work dudes asking/ "begging" for info as their first post in this thread just got tired and repetitive
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Damn 2013 has been horrible for me when it comes to coppin 1s. Straight donut on every release except for Chicago 1s which I returned to NDC due to poor quality. Still need these and the Broyals. Hopefully both get a restock next yr and I get lucky.
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For all those that hate or are tired of the Pizza jokes are whatever.. It was just a group of us NTers that have been through all the NA 1 releases together for this whole year. I can understand they got annoying and spammed the thread but we all shared the common love for these 1's and it helped us laugh and be positive. I did my best to help them out. I realized after my noobish/naive early NT days that I needed to say no more after being such a nice guy. There are some out there who that want the shoes, not want to be your friend. All those pizza boys are my friends and we stuck it out for each other through the thick and thin too for the whole year. And I couldn't appreciate @Bboyd  's help anymore for what he has done for me either. I haven't posted a pizza joke in a while anyways, I didn't realize one GIF would have such an influence. 
 But I am blessed to have met and made friends within one year. I went from starting the year being alone and a newbie striking out on the Royals to having a whole pizza gang of friends at the end of the year all trying to look out for each other and making sure we all tried getting our pairs. It's been a blessing. 
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So what's the general consensus as to the strategy on resale prices?

Buy now while resellers are eager to sell or wait it out and hope prices fall?

I am definitely willing to wait it out if the prices will fall.
For all those that hate or are tired of the Pizza jokes are whatever.. It was just a group of us NTers that have been through all the NA 1 releases together for this whole year. I can understand they got annoying and spammed the thread but we all shared the common love for these 1's and it helped us laugh and be positive. I did my best to help them out. I realized after my noobish/naive early NT days that I needed to say no more after being such a nice guy. There are some out there who that want the shoes, not want to be your friend. All those pizza boys are my friends and we stuck it out for each other through the thick and thin too for the whole year. And I couldn't appreciate @Bboyd  's help anymore for what he has done for me either. I haven't posted a pizza joke in a while anyways, I didn't realize one GIF would have such an influence. 
 But I am blessed to have met and made friends with all these pizza within one year. I went from starting the year being alone and a newbie striking out on the Royals to having a whole pizza gang of friends at the end of the year all trying to look out for each other and making sure we all tried getting our pairs. It's been a blessing. 

never forget 
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