unfortunately im the one with the bred 1s. Lol
Yeah, that's a terrible deal for the blk/rd owner. Unless you don't really care for that color way to begin with. But I think the extra $150 is too much to give.
Too bad I got school tomorrow 

The search continues...

1. He'll cave and do "shoe 4 shoe"
2. You'll get a much better deal
3. You'll possibly catch a restock

i guarantee you won't have to drop 150 if you post on CL saying you want $XXX or Royal 1 trade
Wonder if people are out there frantically scripting for the chimp site.
really wouldnt make much sense for a reseller to bother with the chimps release

cuts way too much into their profit margin seeing as itll come out to around 250 shipped

to the states and these are going for like 3-400 at most
The shoe is priced at $182.36 plus shipping bringing it up to close to $220+.

From the site that everyone and their grandmas is talking about.
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In all honesty, if it's coming down to the point of finding the slightest inconsistencies between pairs you know are authentic and those you think are authentic.
Inconsistencies so small that it's hard to distinguish between Nike's awful factory flaws or a GM pair
Does it really matter at that point if the pair is GM or Authentic?

You're right bro. I understand your point exactly and I agree. That's the very reason why I'm accepting the pairs I have and glad to be moving on from this release officially. It's a shame that this shoe has had me low key stressed and worried for a good portion of 2013. I knew it would be a mess due to the OG 1s being limited bs, and it was. Hope JB doesn't release any shoes I want next year in limited quantities like.... OMG, so do y'all think they will make the OG NA Chicago 1s limited if they ever do drop? Damn I'm not looking forward to that, at all. That would be absurd. Would hate to have to jump through hoops to get that shoe just because Nike/JB wants to be ***** and make those extra limited as well. I can only hope they leave the sick jokes behind in 2014. But that's just wishful thinking.
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