Jordan 13 “Class of ‘02” (Melo) - September 15, 2018

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Just left the Williamsburg outlet to try and help a fellow NT’er, they were wiped out :wow:. Cashier said they got them last Friday and they were all gone by Sunday. Dude said “him & few other employees tried to hold some back but the manager made them put them all out because they were selling well.” I had a hunch they wouldn’t last for the friends & family discount.
Had one guy who heard the story from an employee, and I could see him looking them up on ebay, and he started snagging pairs.

Anybody need a 14? Guy had car issues come up, so if anybody needs a pair, let me know.
tupac003 tupac003 was right.....a grip of fools rushed in black friday style. Employees were all coy n ish.didn't want to release any shoes they "basically dont have many sizes left"..found a girl that was cool...found no size 13s for the NT fams i was looking for. Damn!
Sorry dudes @benhouli and
kungfu koala kungfu koala ...i looked for your size 13s.

Good meeting you fam. The employees were the worst. They were hooking folks up with certain stuff. I saw a guy that given pairs when at first they told me they didn't have any. Same guy was given a pair of the platinum tent 11's that just dropped and a pair of Cortez Kenny horseshoes that just dropped...

I wanted a 15 but all they had was 14. Tired them on and it fit just fine.

Cool they are doing B-grades now too, but it's good to be able to have them in hand and match those with least defects.

yup, but good luck to whoever is gonna want to return a super jacked pair. them being marked b-grades will eliminate any reason u have to return em lol
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