Jordan Brand Blunders/Mistakes

ijapino wrote:

And what about these?? AJ IV Mars:

Upside down Jumpmans, I can understand. Typos? Sure, why not. But this is completely unacceptable! On one shoe, the netting is a dark grey, while the other shoe features a white net. It's like they just used whatever they could find to scrap together this pair. It's not like any other AJIV used a grey netting, so I'm not sure HOW this mistake was done. I'd almost rather have the pair of fakes pictured on the shirt rather than these....almost!     

 I wonder how that happened. I think that's the same netting Nike used on the CG IVs. Do you know if the side panels are also darker grey ? 

I remember seeing a pair of 2000 Concords online a long time ago that had blue traction pods from the Jams. I don't know if they were customized or just a factory fluke though.  

I love the dark mesh tho..least u won't yellow lol
not necessarily a jordan mistake but my cdp 16s and 17s both had the same lace covers/shrouds for both feet
This thread has plenty of funny in it. Goes to show you kids that quality is and always be an issue.
As long as humans exist things like this will happen, nothing is perfect especially not JB haha

That MJ full face alien hoodie from earlier in the thread is gonna give me nightmares lol
My size 13 BHM 1's came with two diff size shoes. 1 size 13 and the other size 12
[quote I'd me="BigMikeJeezys" url="/t/327307/jordan-brand-blunders-mistakes/330#post_17300985"]My size 13 BHM 1's came with two diff size shoes. 1 size 13 and the other size 12
Where did you buy them from? Same thing happened to me with size 13 Concords from NDC in 2011.
The news of a possible Bred 1 release this year reminded me of my DMP's. On the Bred's in the pack, one of the shoes is missing the "Jumpman Air" tags on the tongue. I honestly didn't even notice when I looked at them in the store. I saw the pack on display on clearance at finishline, and they only had two sizes left, one of which was mine. So I was all excited that I was getting a really good deal on some good looking 1's to use as beaters. Then about a month later when I went to wear the Breds for the first time I noticed it. I was pretty pissed, but I figured it was no sense in returning them since I got such a good deal on them, and they didn't have any other pairs in my size to exchange for. I've been wearing them with one tag, but I've been thinking about tearing the one off to make it even. What would you guys do? lol
The news of a possible Bred 1 release this year reminded me of my DMP's. On the Bred's in the pack, one of the shoes is missing the "Jumpman Air" tags on the tongue. I honestly didn't even notice when I looked at them in the store. I saw the pack on display on clearance at finishline, and they only had two sizes left, one of which was mine. So I was all excited that I was getting a really good deal on some good looking 1's to use as beaters. Then about a month later when I went to wear the Breds for the first time I noticed it. I was pretty pissed, but I figured it was no sense in returning them since I got such a good deal on them, and they didn't have any other pairs in my size to exchange for. I've been wearing them with one tag, but I've been thinking about tearing the one off to make it even. What would you guys do? lol
tear it off jumpmans on 1s looks stupid, the less the better
^^ I agree, I hate the Jumpman that's why I only rock the 1's with Nike air on the tongue the way there suppose to be
My Jordan 3 white cements from 2011 have different leather on both shoes.

Both of the tongues feel different and also look different. One tongue is really soft and smooth when you touch it, while the other one is more rough and has a different texture to it. Also one tongue is a little shorter then the other.

The same goes for the toe boxes. One is really soft and smooth when you touch it and push down on it while the other is harder and more tumbled. They both crease completely different too. The one that has the softer leather creases a lot above where the 5 red eyelets are.

I wish I would of saw these things before I started wearing them because I would of returned them. I didn't think Jordan's would have problems like this. This is why I turned these into beaters.

MN must be running out of rumors to spread because they posted about this thread today on their site :lol:
I wear mine 2-3 times a week, doesn't matter to me.
haha ya, if i ever get a shoe with a flaw or sumthing I just rock the ish out if it so they get beat and in the end the flaw matters not. after a while i stop even noticing at all, and i know nobody else ever has a clue
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