Jordan getting rid of release dates in 2016

Don't worry when someone strolls in a shoe store and see such and such shoe on the shelf within a few hours everybody will know thanks to social media that's the only thing that made this work back in the day because release s spread from word of mouth social media was around and you had better chance of it not selling out before you found out.

Isn't this exactly what happened with Melo 1s last year?
This doesn't seem compatible with having a career.

Not at all, honestly almost all the JB shoes I've wanted this year have sat and gone on discount. So as long as they continue producing in large numbers, everyone should be happy.
The stores can sell their in store stock using the upcoming FTL, Finishline, Champs, etc.. Mobile app.

The company knows how much inventory each store has.

1. Send out a notification to sign up for a raffle for the shoe.

2. Pick your local store

3. Probably charge automatically if selected ( or just pay at store although that leads to other issues).

4. Profit

Less in store raffle games, wasting time doing raffle signups, and they can grab more data off their app users.

Im sure someone will figure out a way to try to exploit the system, but at least the stores are trying something.

I like the new Nike raffle system and I hope other stores use something similar.
Interesting. Semi in
I hope this shoe game thing is gonna start dying off in 2016 TBH
tell em it's been needing to die years ago but damn thing keeps coming up for air. Lol I wish I could slap MJ with my dog **** covered black gum 1s :lol:
I actually hate the raffle system. I prefer lining up so much better.
Line ups only make sense for allows like the xis or the ovo's. Lining up for every release if wack and I'm not trying to deal with the ratchets either
As I get older, and start to value my time more, lining up is outta the question for me.

If the new new system allows be to cop shoes with less hassle, I'm all for it.

If not, welp, I just be buying less shoes. No biggie

These dudes better have the apps on all platforms at launch doe if they are going that route.
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Doesn't matter, have NT and this kind of info does not stay quiet. They will still have to have 24 hours probably before drops, especially if you want to do a raffle system. Even if it is electronic you still need SOME time to organize the mess and let people enter/pick them up. This will suck for those going paycheck to paycheck though :lol:
LOL.  From a logistics perspective, information will always get pushed out to retailers, so no secrte.  But bottom line, they are trying to replicate the same strategy as the tech giants like Apple and Samsung.  It makes sense if you understand it, and it is probably good for consumers, well at least those that want to buy the shoes for themselves.  The demand and purchases are still heavy on the resell side.  Nike has obviously taken steps to combat this and to take the resell profit margin.  Not sure if it'll work the same way with multiple releases through out the year, but because of the ways shoes are produced, keeping a lid on things make NO SENSE and even if so, is really hard to do.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter.  Sooner or later, consumers will get fed up w/ the product as retros are, if not already, the fad/hype (if it isn't already so).  Why buy a pair if the guy next to you is wearing the same?  The retro market has lost its appeal and NIKE is cutting it real close.  It's only a matter of time when it falls apart.  Just ask someone like Paul George.  The new gens don't know who Jordan is, they only know about Kobe; Bill Russel, Magic, Kareem, West, McHale, etc. etc. are nobodies to them.

This is is just Nike doing a stunt, and trying a different approach to keep the retro appeal, but truth be told, the big bids come from the resellers.  But even they are hurting!
Sounds like a terrible idea, just more difficulties to obtain.
How it is now aint perfect , but I dont see no reason to change it.

I stopped coppin Jordan's in 2011 cuz it became too much of a hassle to get the kicks I wanted. If this makes it harder I'll continue to stay away.
not sure how I feel. if its truly random and you either have to show up at the store when it drops or be at your computer, i could be forced into retirement. can't keep up with. 

but they should revamp the raffle system. its about to be 2016 and we are using raffle drawings like its elementary school
I'm out if that's the case. I already hate the amount of hassle involved. If I have to spend my whole day or week waiting for a tweet or a text they can keep em.

Repped just because of your avatar.

I need to go to a couple of more Red Sox games before the legend retires :x :frown: :smh:
like i said before, we know the end is near now that nike/jb are pulling out their beloved "nike air" trump card. no release dates is only more confirmation that this is the end.
90% of Jordan's release on a Saturday. I hope this doesn't mean random drops during the weekdays. Working ppl would be sol.

Ppl will just show up to malls every Saturday.
The footlocker release procedures are legit. My store manager connect told me that during the aqua release
doe anyone think this will go on affect after the flu games? since they have already been confirmed for a may 28th release
I'm very curious on this, also. All I want is the All black 12's, Flu game 12's, and the Matellic black 5's as far as Jordan's. As far as Nike's, I just want the Black/White Air more Uptempo's.
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