Jordan (Nike) Restock Day 5/25/13!!!!! (Info on page 1)

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Use grown up words kid
What is flame or roc
Bro,you're corny and annoying.I would flame you but it's against the ROC.

That horrible ROC is the reason members have to deal with this garbage and why good members get banned for life and the trash stays. I'd rather these people be cutters, cry babies, and drug addicts because of bullying than have to deal with their trolling.
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Rob nobody cares Brah

Kam why didn't you get tje royals when they re-released and you were in line at the same store , sounds fishy
Because I was going to that same store to get a totally diff shoe.... When i got there it was already 30 to 50 people in line, and at the time I had 2 pairs and was talking to people about getting 2 more, so what would be the point of standing in a 30 person line for 12 - 15 pairs of shoes, which i think they even had less than that...
Dont get your hopes up, its something fishy going on, by them changing it so quick..... i just dont know what it is just yet...
Thanks bro.  I'm DEF going to wait and see what happens before I explore other options.  I just won't be able to get to a Champs store on the 25th.
Only 2 kids that hate me on this board lol^

It's a Nike Talk forum

People agree & disagree, not everyone thinks the same , I will go to another thread but you kids will follow me in there just to see what I right next, move along kiddo's , I'm not that important
Lmmao, I never heard of dude, but he must be on everybody bad side! Everyone was like we hate you, your annoying, go away!
how is it useless

They can still see your posts and true trolls, like the phish loving members of this forum, will still reply to you and you can still see when others quote that person. It also doesn't make their posts completely non existent, you still know they posted and just have to not click expand. But 80% of posts in a forum quote the last post or 2 so you always see their nonsense. It would be nice if it just didn't show their name or posts existed and did not allow them to see yours. The quoting part isn't something that can be controlled.
Only 2 kids that hate me on this board lol^

It's a Nike Talk forum

People agree & disagree, not everyone thinks the same , I will go to another thread but you kids will follow me in there just to see what I right next, move along kiddo's , I'm not that important
i dont hate anyone.
Only sneakers & rob cause I put them in their place, big j doesn't like that I have royals, he hates also
Only sneakers & rob Bad side lol cause I put them in their place, big j doesn't like that I have royals, he hates also for some reason cause I blamed him for shutting down the royal thread
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