Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

2017 royals for 2013 breds is def a fair deal right?
Just wondering to those who were lucky enough to have the 13's if they prefer them over the 17's?
i have both & i prefer the 2013's. i feel like the 2017 leather makes it crease so much easier in weird places, idk.
Remember when people bought a shoe and were excited about it, because it was cool to them regardless of what anyone else may have thought?

That need to break it down to the point it made them unhappy about spending the money didn't exist except in rare circumstances. Now, those rarities back then, the same guys buy the next one and that attitude continues to grow like a cancer, until all they do is put things under a microscope to find one cell that is abnormal.

I guess that creates more people who see that and feel it's necessary to do the same, almost as to prove a point. It's like watching everyone else to see what their move is gonna be before you make yours.

Don't get me wrong, criticism is great for conversation and gaining knowledge, especially for people who only see small sample sizes. I just think more should appreciate the fact that you bought something you enjoy for yourself first and foremost. Without that, why even buy any shoes?

It's not like JB/Nike have been putting out Louis and Gucci quality materials and then made a switch to Payless materials. Sure the quality was a little better back then, but there was still plenty of glue spots, off threads, scuffs, unstraight labels, height differences, cuts that weren't perfect by any means.

The thing was, if it was bad enough, you didn't buy it. Otherwise it was scooped up with a smile. Maybe that's all I'm trying to say, it's cool to criticize and compare, but be happy with what you have or move on (some people would be more than grateful to trade places).
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I'll preface by saying that I'm not complaining.  Anyone with pairs like this, how do pairs with this type of leather age?   These are DS but came with some funky creases that I've never seen before on my other 1's. 


mine have that too even worse. they're like weird air pocket winkles.

I want to try to smooth them out but I'm afraid of messing up. but I was thinking maybe taking a damp hot towel and pressing it against the leather could help smooth it?

if anyone knows a way to fix it let me know
Not sure if it can be fixed.  I'm debating on keeping this pair.  I have another as backup, but that one has mix matched leather lol. 
there's not a damn thing wrong with those
Legit didn't read the text underneath the picture and I was staring at the picture trying to find out what was wrong 

right dudes really trippin. And I thought I was OCD
I'm curious, you all would feel the same way about these creases?

More than anything I thought they were kind of in a weird place. 
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actually really funny to me that anyone would care about that tbh, maybe if it was patent leather or straight up plastic.. but leather? just wear em
Remember when people bought a shoe and were excited about it, because it was cool to them regardless of what anyone else may have thought?

That need to break it down to the point it made them unhappy about spending the money didn't exist except in rare circumstances. Now, those rarities back then, the same guys buy the next one and that attitude continues to grow like a cancer, until all they do is put things under a microscope to find one cell that is abnormal.

I guess that creates more people who see that and feel it's necessary to do the same, almost as to prove a point. It's like watching everyone else to see what their move is gonna be before you make yours.

Don't get me wrong, criticism is great for conversation and gaining knowledge, especially for people who only see small sample sizes. I just think more should appreciate the fact that you bought something you enjoy for yourself first and foremost. Without that, why even buy any shoes?

It's not like JB/Nike have been putting out Louis and Gucci quality materials and then made a switch to Payless materials. Sure the quality was a little better back then, but there was still plenty of glue spots, off threads, scuffs, unstraight labels, height differences, cuts that weren't perfect by any means.

The thing was, if it was bad enough, you didn't buy it. Otherwise it was scooped up with a smile. Maybe that's all I'm trying to say, it's cool to criticize and compare, but be happy with what you have or move on (some people would be more than grateful to trade places).
Perfectly said...

I will, however, say that some of this to a small degree has to do with Nike making limited numbers of styles with bad quality. Not only were sneakers not AS popular back in the day, but the quantities were higher so you were able to look at them firsthand and make a decision. Hell, I don't even think you're to try on a sneaker to see how it feels on your foot anymore because of the whole silly "DS" thing that this new sneaker culture cries about.
Creases happen

It doesn't devalue or cause issues with the shoe
actually really funny to me that anyone would care about that tbh, maybe if it was patent leather or straight up plastic.. but leather? just wear em
Rock em without worrying about creases...
Nobody gonna see em anyways...
Agreed. More I was just curious what people would think. They are going to be worn anyway. 
Perfectly said...

I will, however, say that some of this to a small degree has to do with Nike making limited numbers of styles with bad quality. Not only were sneakers not AS popular back in the day, but the quantities were higher so you were able to look at them firsthand and make a decision. Hell, I don't even think you're to try on a sneaker to see how it feels on your foot anymore because of the whole silly "DS" thing that this new sneaker culture cries about.

I certainly get that. The resell boom greatly affected things.
Point being, if you spend too much on something and don't like it, either return it or buy something more in your price range to where it doesn't make you angry that it isn't flawless. Hell, resell it even, since it's so easy nowadays anyways.

I use to mess with eBay heavy, but have really slowed down since it became frustrating with quality issues, fakes, bad communication with sellers, etc. I didn't need to complain about it to make the change. I did it from within, and just walked it not talked it.
I love that this year has changed more than previous years with plenty of stock everywhere. That way we can finally go in store and check things out before deciding to buy them. Even during times I found something online and was willing to pay resale, I tried to track down a pair somewhere in a store or that someone I knew had in hand, just so I could judge the quality and colors in person first. I also was not thinking I was going to get an exact clone of that specific shoe if I decided to pull the online trigger, just wanted to make sure I didn't get a fugazi.

I honestly understand being critical of how we spend our hard earned money. I do plenty of research before I buy anything, so reading reviews on anything is a must to me. Flaws are everywhere in all industries, not just kicks. It's just sad when the same people leave bad reviews and then do the same for every single product they purchase for the most part. It's like they could care less to learn from the mistakes they make or how certain things affect their mindset. Some people just complain to complain, and that negative attention just frustrates me.
The true blues and those royals I feel like have just put it on another level. I'm just waiting for someone to talk about a thread on their mf'ing shoelace to be off and taking them back because its like JB doesn't even try to get it right. Getting a lemon is one thing, but whining because you want perfection from something that has never been just that, is ignorance. Just my opinion, its all love for the shoes from me.
on my pair they weren't creases though. hadn't even tried it on yet and already the black side panel had these wrinkles in the leather that looked like lines of air bubbles. like the pic from NikeOtaku above, but worse.

those aren't creases as far as I know. it looks like some sort of manufacturing defect, like maybe air gets in between the actual leather and the material used to blacken it? idk much about it to be honest.

to me that's a valid complaint, because it looks crappy already and we don't know if it's going to get even worse when you wear them.

there was a pic about a week ago of a guy's who had huge bubbles in his side panel. don't tell me that wasn't a valid complaint. I'll try to find the pic later or take a pic of my pair if I have time
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