Jordan Retro XI 11/11/17

I was trying to figure out what these reminded me of.. those Georgetown lows. Although, they look a lot better with the white mesh vs grey. I thought I would pass initially, but man, that high patent looks so nice on the 11s. Can't wait for some 'Cords and B/Red with that patent.. but I guess we're still several years out if the alternating years continues.
I'm all preordered for the sweet price of 173 [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Lol why woud anyone preorder these right now. RD is so far out that you have no coverage if the seller decides to not ship.
Shapes and colors are the only thing fakes always get wrong. The jumpman logo for retail pairs will most likely be the same.
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Lol why woud anyone preorder these right now. RD is so far out that you have no coverage if the seller decides to not ship.
You buy from reputable people that's all. This isn't the first time I did this.
All the way in. I was interested to see what these came out like and I like what I see. I need some more Navy/White shoes in the closet and these will fit the bill perfectly.
I wish the navy was brighter, like this

That shine is absolutely beautiful. 
I think it's just the lighting or filter that makes the navy appear darker
Honestly I think the light blue hits on the 23 and tongue tag would have made these better

And that PS blue does look better, hopefully its just a filter or low light on those new pictures
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Keep Dem All Reds!!! Dubb Gang!!!On Dem Navy's Can't Wait...
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Damn these look nice. Not a fan of the high patent leather cut but these have great color blocking. Like a concord but with shiny blue.
I'm not extremely knowledgeable on sorting out these early shots but I feel like we haven't seen a final production pair yet
These are so [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]

I will pass on all other releases to ensure multiples are had! :Nthat
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