Jordan Skateshoe Confirmed!!!

what a joke.
what is jb thinking?

a disgrace
this is the worst decision since picking kwame brown first in the draft
Nothing they do over there suprises me anymore so I'm just waiting for the next off the wall hair brain idea to come from them.
Out of all sports, WHY SKATING!? Why not Golf, a sport that Jordan actually plays....
. The JB line is supposed to represent the player Jordan was, Gentry has no respect for this brand, and only wants $$.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

blco02, What are we looking for there, the "Classique"??

Could this be the reason why Ryan Sheckler was wearing JB gear on his show

This is exactly what I was thinking. JB is getting people ready for what's to come.
Originally Posted by 23SOLE

It's already been done a loooong time ago fellas.... remember these??

Jordan P-Rods... duhhh

i love these shoes.

Still have a pair i wear and a deadstock pair
just give me what i need to have at least one colorway of all 23 sig pairs and that is it.
to elaborate a lil on my first post:

gentry just saw how successful the whole SB craze was and is tryin to cash in. the basketball crowd and the skate crowd are 2 different groups of people.he's just tryna bank in on a fad that the whole brand missed.

if he wants JB to survive and have credible longevity, he needs to avoid fads at all costs. just because nike SB got lucky and hit a home run with the SB dunk,doesn't mean they need to make a skate shoe out of every former basketball sneaker to date.

JB needs to stick with basketball before they lose their entire market over a trend.
To be honest when I saw the Flipsyde I wasn't thinking of those as skate shoes. IMO they just seemed like the "Big Fund" of the Air Jordan III.I'm never around any skate shoes though so maybe that's why I never saw it.
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