Jordan xi pics...og's and dmp's

my DS dmp XI 's



I understand the rarity of the gold lettered DMPs but I think the ones that actually released look better.
GZA73 very nice bro...u wear 9.5? all my xi's are 9.5. i gotto take pics of my breds,sj,and cg....
m almost 100% shur this guy got busted selling fakes here on niketalk (concord 11's) i hit him up thinking about buying them ( i dint know they were fake)he then starts emailing me (b/c his account said he was banned) i go back to check his post and its locked and it says "banned for selling fakes"
kobe4threebang[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 03/20/09 1:50 AM
[/td] [td]
m almost 100% shur this guy got busted selling fakes here on niketalk (concord 11's) i hit him up thinking about buying them ( i dint know they were fake) he then starts emailing me (b/c his account said he was banned) i go back to check his post and its locked and it says "banned for selling fakes"
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Which Guy?
All my XI's -some cool grey BEATERS
nice stuff guys. i seriously need a digi cam so i can show you guys what im about. and for the NTers that have been to my crib can tell you how i roll.peace.

i have my doubles on all XIs (except cool greys)
but you guys kill it with the octomom amount of concords.

here is a little sumsumthin' from my computer.

icy Concords





will come back tomorrow with the coolgreys(sorta icy) and lows.

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