Journalism aint no joke...smh

oh sweet..

how about you become niketalk's official inside reporter??

give us some dirt and things really are...

you'll be rewarded handsomely through kudos and props responses!
so if you're a celebrity writer.......and beyonce is throwin the p' your way to not write a certain story about her past life that for some reason onlyyou know.....would you say pass or take it?

Originally Posted by iMaPyT

So im a senior in college doing an internship at a local newspaper in baltimore where i attend school... so i was assigned to cover a story at a hotel downtown. Guests had been complaining about bed bugs and other filth, so i had to do a story... I met the manager , and before i could interview him he tried to butter me up asking questions about traffic and if i had trouble finding the place... I just complained about the increasing costs of gas....smh this ninja had the nerve to say he would cover the costs and proceeded to give me $500 for gas.....smh the normal me woulda been like eeeeekkks!!! the reporter me had to turn it down due to ethics and creditablity.....bribing reporters for a good story...tisk .. sad thing is that these type of things occur on the governmental level...thats why many stories get hidden from the public...

Yeah, you are supposed to turn down a gift like that. It's good you stuck to your ethics; things like that would come back to bite you in therear.

And you definitely hit the nail on the head: dude was trying to make you write a positive piece so he won't catch heat. Journalism really is no joke.
Originally Posted by Bruce Uppercut

During my career as a journalist I have come across endless scandals, backhanded deals, bribes, corruption and people backtracking on their accounts of situations (luckily I like to keep everything backed up in electronic storage) that I've become sickened at the amount of liars and cheaters that exist not only in my community, but in my state as well.

State and local corruption pales in comparison to federal corruption in terms of the money involved and people still trust the federal gov't to do theright thing. Of course conspiracies don't exist. People NEVER come together for a common goal.

Damn. We live in a country of ignorant fools. Grown men having orgasams over college basketball.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Bruce Uppercut

During my career as a journalist I have come across endless scandals, backhanded deals, bribes, corruption and people backtracking on their accounts of situations (luckily I like to keep everything backed up in electronic storage) that I've become sickened at the amount of liars and cheaters that exist not only in my community, but in my state as well.

State and local corruption pales in comparison to federal corruption in terms of the money involved and people still trust the federal gov't to do the right thing.
You better believe it! I would never be an investigative journalist working on a Federal level because I'd undoubtedly be involved in a"suicide" at some point.
Check out:

it is only a bribe if you allow the money to coerce you.
That's an absolutely moronic way of looking at things. Once you start accepting money from those involved in your stories, you'd not onlyget fired, but you'd also get blacklisted in the business. Is throwing away a lifetime career really worth that $500?

Additionally, please don't ever enter a career where you have a position of power because it's people with your mindset that ruin this country.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Don't take bribes. That's absolutely against the code of ethics in journalism.
it is only a bribe if you allow the money to coerce you.

if you still wrote the same story, but had cake in your pocket....i dont understand how he would have negotiated

you woulda had the same story printed, with the same criticisms, un-biased, with 500 in your pocket from moron-man who thinks 500 would make you break your morals and not report the TRUTH.

thats like a police chief being paid off by some mobster, the dude taking it, and still arresting him and everyone who runs with him....

he wasnt really bribed out of doing anything, was he?


youre putting money ahead of what REALLY some point morals come into play. If she did take the money and write the same story , she can beaccused of leaving things out or not reporting certain info , even if that isn't the case. Media jobs are very delicate ; once it becomes known you'refull of !$#$ , you'll never escape that tag. It's also gonna be impossible to defend yourself and win ; that hotel manager will let you get buried andsmile as it happens.

you'd throw your career away...for 500 damn bucks
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