Judge William Adams beats his daughter, Youtube vid

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

You don't gain anything from doing that. Only thing that comes outta that is a child that fears their parent.

not saying that what this dude did was the right way of going about things, because I don't think it was, but discipline that results in fear of the parents is a good thing and pretty much necessary, as far as im concerned.  i remember my old man telling me when i was young, "i'm not here to be your best friend, i'm here to be your father."  i had the fear of god in me if i knew i !%+%*# up and he was on his way home.  i never got straight beat up with anger or malice, but disciplined hell yea.  my moms treated me the same way.  by the time i was 11 i didn't need anything more than a stern glance because i knew that the wrath of zeus would be unleashed if i stepped out of line in the least.  now that i'm older our relationship has changed and we speak on a man-to-man level, but i think that fear is needed in raising children.  gives wildin young kids some damn respect.  can't be having your kids think they're the boss, end up on dr. phil or some ricky lake type nonsense.  
My dad had a limit to how much he would beat me with a belt (he told me this many years after the beatings stopped). He would beat me just enough that I learned my lesson, and stop short way before I was in actual physical harm or openly showed emotional distress. I believe there is a line between discipline and abuse.

I want to know why this was videotaped? Taping this is not just abuse, its humiliation. To curse and beat a child in the privacy of your own home is one thing. To videotape it and put it on the internet shows poor decision making and lack of professionalism. I can see him being disciplined at work for this
A little physical discipline is okay but, I've learned that there's way to explain situations to your kids without cussing and going off on them. Everytime I got a whooping, my dad would explain on why we got a whooping and why what we did was wrong.
They were enjoying that

if this is how handles justice in his house imagine the type of judge he is
First i was like cool, i grew up getting spankings. Then as the video went on it turned into a beat down. This just didnt sit right with me. 

Then i also read the description and she has a form of cerebral palsy< thats just plain demonic.

Im on the fence with spankings, i got alot of them growing out but they didnt stop me from doing what i wanted. I did feel a thorough explanation and argument or a mind altering experience would be more effective instead of physical abuse. It was a great laughing subject when i got older and friend would share there spanking experiences. hahaa
I have no problem with beating kids. Beat your kids before someone else does. But my problem is with parenting. What the hell are you so mad for?
Are there any updates? I'm interested in seeing what happens to this guy.

For the record, I understand the spanking as a form of punishment and discipline, and to an extent it is a great tool. But that is only when it is used with caution and control. To much can lead to extreme both mental and emotional damage. Like others posted before, you can't just beat your child. You have to explain to them what is going on, why your doing what your doing, and what you expect from them in the future. It should be a learning experience, and the parent should treat it as one. When you are beating a child with that much anger and violence behind it it crosses the line from discipline to abuse. Also, taking into consideration that this is not a "child" but a 16 year old girl. Studies have proven that physical punishment vastly loses its effectiveness the older a child gets. Beating a girl like that is abuse, and beating a girl with CP like that is disgusting and unsettling. Parents need to do better, not just for their kids, but for the rest of the world that will have to deal with these emotionally damaged children when they grow up.

And for whoever posted asking why would someone ever film this, and how it is just adding embarrassment, etc, I think that the daughter set the camera up herself to catch her father in the act. Which definitely leads me to believe that this type of beating was a regular occurrence in the household long before she filmed/released this video.
Originally Posted by 510hayward

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

The girl has cerebral palsy btw, and she got beat like that for downloading music on a computer?

Not cool to me.

I read this too, cmon son


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

They were enjoying that

if this is how handles justice in his house imagine the type of judge he is

The more I see it...I don't know if I could hit my kids...that sort of resentment doesn't foster love or respect rather than resentment and strained relationships. 

Kids remember this stuff. Remember when you were a child and adults thought you didn't remember or see but you always recall more than they expected you to?

I NEED for this man to be brought to justice. 

Any man or woman who says verbatim "beat her into submission" and "this is what you get for being disobedient"   deserves to be investigated. 
I have more of a problem with the cursing, but I still think the beating was way too excessive
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Okay? Kids get beat by their parents everyday
 same thing im saying i got whopped by my parents plenty of time
EDIT:never mind i just read she disabled
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