Jumpman Car Decals?

^^^ doesnt look horrible but i couldnt do it kinda OD but everyone has their own style. There is an integra around my neighborhood with it HUGE on the rearwindow
Originally Posted by From Da South06

Which brings me to something else, does anybody have a jordan tatoo or know of anyone with one? I've seen someone with one on, its sad its kinda like getting his name on you lol
haha jumpman tattoos are terrible. I remember going to a basketball camp where a kid had a huge jumpman plastered on the back of his calf, it wasterrible. and then just last weekend i see a guy with a jumpman tattoo on his bicep and he's wearing SKIN clothing and DC shoes? i didn't understandit.. as for the decals, NY GIANTS I think's looks good since its sorta low profile and not too out there, but a huge decal on the center of the back ofyour car is a bit tacky
Yeah, Jordan tats are definitely sad in my opinion.

Now before you get all defensive and get your panties in a bunch, read the last 3 words of that sentence.

But yeah... having another grown man on your body for the rest of your life? Terrible. The Jumpman IS a brand logo, but it is a PERSON, like the LeBronDunkman. That is an ACTUAL PERSON, and you have him on your body. Yes, you can get it removed someday, but NO ONE gets a tat and thinks 'I'll have itremoved when I get sick of it..' For the rest of your life, you plan on A) advertising for Jordan, and B) wearing a GROWN MAN on your body. A grown manstrutting around with another grown man etched into his skin?!
well i was planning on putting it on the back window, but i guess yall are right it would look tacky i guess, i jus tought it would look ok on the back of atruck window..cuz ive seen trucks with FOX decals on the back window an i thought it didnt look bad...but ya idk thanks for the responces, changed my mind.
Do what you want man.

I had one on my old car, and everyone always asked where they could get one.
Originally Posted by vick619

Originally Posted by JAEGER13

whats up i was wondering if any of yall knew where i could get a Jumpman Logo decal for the rear window of my car
and if so u think they make one thats 3M material? that would be sikkk

anyways, any info is appreciated..thanks

this made me laugh...because in Tijuana you always see cars with a jumpman logo or a nike swoosh but its always off somehow....
hahahahahaha so true
got it on my car.
looks like the actuall jumpman...doesnt look like trash, like some pictured on this post.
Call it Tacky...

But I had a Flight Jumpman Decal on my $50K Escalade and my $50K Infinity QX56 now.

The thing is... It's not ALL HUGE and in teh middle of the window. I have a subtle one on the left corner of my Window in the back...altho I will sayit's kinda weird being in Beaverton with it on Campus...lol

When I lived in the DC area the women knew it was me in the ride. Gift and Curse...lol
^ #1- It was small. I have NEVER seen a pic of a small, inconspicuous Jumpman on a vehicle. It's ALWAYS centered, and always big.

I'm a huge Oakley fan, and I have a small Oakley 'O' sticker in the upper right corner of the back window of my truck. Why people can't do thiswith the Jumpman is beyond me, but it's definitely not tacky, in my opinion

#2- Your career gives you a pass.
Yeah, Jordan tats are definitely sad in my opinion.

Now before you get all defensive and get your panties in a bunch, read the last 3 words of that sentence.

But yeah... having another grown man on your body for the rest of your life? Terrible. The Jumpman IS a brand logo, but it is a PERSON, like the LeBron Dunkman. That is an ACTUAL PERSON, and you have him on your body. Yes, you can get it removed someday, but NO ONE gets a tat and thinks 'I'll have it removed when I get sick of it..' For the rest of your life, you plan on A) advertising for Jordan, and B) wearing a GROWN MAN on your body. A grown man strutting around with another grown man etched into his skin?!
Don't let JumpmanSt read this...
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