June Wrestling Thread 2021 | AEW | Sasha Banks is JOTM

Favorite Show This Year?

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Nicolas Cage and Naomichi Marufuji

:smh: Not sure what part of this is the worst.

The ref holding the ladder.
The defensive wrestlers STANDING there waiting for dude for 15 seconds
The actual dive.

Hope dude is ok.

ftr is such a boring tag team

They are "Solid Hands" and serve as good bases. SOmeone in that promotion needs to be more mat based / traditional and not high on the spots.

Friend of mine was in town for the weekend. He works at one of the hotels that some of the WWE talent was staying at in Orlando during the pandemic. Said Jay Uso was one of the coolest dudes he's met. Was always super nice and cracking jokes. Jim Uso and Naomi were always quiet. Said Lana was a huge pothead and always wreaked of weed, and that she would look like a completely different human when she didn't have all her makeup on. Rusev and Shelton Benjamins were cool too.
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