Just Don x Air Jordan 2

i like these but i will admire the pictures, there is a time when you say enough is enough. I work hard for mines no mommy or daddy for my back up, it just shouldn't be this hard to spend $650, ill go spend it on some premium designer shoes where i can walk in the store what ever time i want and buy, so like a bad deal on shark tank, IM OUT

I agree 100% I want these but gotta draw a line or Jordan will just keep reaching in my pockets for more and more money lol
Just saw the same email from UNKNWN and was trippin over the 350 tag.  Came in here to verify and boom! NT makes me realize when it's too good to be true...
This is what I hate
I don't even bother with IG follow tag your friends Raffles. it's all Ka-ka Doo Doo, Poo Poo!
It was already robbery....now my guy is just being flat out greedy!
Retail 650! And if you've ever purchased from rsvp they tax the hell out of you!
Now you gotta buy something for 40 and up to have a chance at getting to spend another 650 when after tax you'll
Easily be paying 710+ smh this is nuts

Nvm it's still FCFS in them streets :lol:
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Same process as last, successful only if your card was charged.

Locked and loaded for the possible W with the 20% off code, or a possible L to add to my long list of L's :lol:
If you win Nike takes your money asap correct what if you don't have funds do they pick someone else or na?
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