Just Don x Air Jordan 2

True about the last line. But I know I guy who wins every time
Exactly, I'm not saying they never backdoored a pair or something, it's really none of my business, but the raffles are worth entering
I'm not gonna deny that but saying it's not worth going to sign up for at the location is bad advice because there are a lot of pairs that they release to the public. I've been going there for years too, the "shadiness" is mostly contrived from ppl who didn't get pairs, probably dudes who get skipped in the back of the line
Hate to disagree but the "shadiness" is absolutely real. For anyone trying to deal with UNKNWN in Aventra Florida this is the worst

RIGGED place I have ever seen. My son had been trying to Buy the package(hat and shoe) since Monday from them as per there policy

and was told that he was in the top 5 people and as soon as they new exactly what they were getting they would  finish the deal. He called everyday

to check in and they took his information  and everything to make a long story short a few hours ago the manager tells him that somehow 15 or so

extra people magically appeared knocking him out.  Save your time with there fixed raffles  only friends and family will win if any.

For those of you that don't think the fix is in here a the best example I have seen yet. Maybe I should have just asked how much Cash will it take

for all of the backdoor pairs feel bad for my son.
Alp I know you're gonna win too lol
lol I hope so.

Hate to disagree but the "shadiness" is absolutely real. For anyone trying to deal with UNKNWN in Aventra Florida this is the worst
RIGGED place I have ever seen. My son had been trying to Buy the package(hat and shoe) since Monday from them as per there policy
and was told that he was in the top 5 people and as soon as they new exactly what they were getting they would  finish the deal. He called everyday
to check in and they took his information  and everything to make a long story short a few hours ago the manager tells him that somehow 15 or so
extra people magically appeared knocking him out.  Save your time with there fixed raffles  only friends and family will win if any.
For those of you that don't think the fix is in here a the best example I have seen yet. Maybe I should have just asked how much Cash will it take
for all of the backdoor pairs feel bad for my son.
I was talking about 21m, don't know what goes on at other stores, especially outside my city
at the end of the day whatever u like is worth more personally. pure value wise frags are a safer bet
No disrespect, but don't listen to these people... if you feel like that's a good trade then do it... 

Too many people concerned with "winning" and "loosing" in a trade. If you prefer the Frags and the trade is available, make it happen.

Resell price is hypebeast chatter.
only thing i'll say about that is, if the shoe is in your inventory then the assumption is you like it or liked it at one point. everything i have, i got cause i liked, so aside from the dangers of trading, there's also the thing that i couldn't part with an item unless i had multiples. the idea of having something just to trade down the line is foreign to me
That's a maturity thing.
Younger cats just see $$$$$$ 
Same people that ask for opinions.
A grown man could give two $#!ts about what another person thinks.
exactly man that's alll you see in the local groups asking if every release is gonna sell out or asking how much resell is it's crazy
Buying the hat is not even worth it.
$675 plus tax= $700ish
Plus the shoes=$300 plus tax

That's a total of about $1,050

Then if you TRY to sell the hat on eBay at a loss. Lowest right now being $500 so far(none sold)
So between $400-450 IF someone buys, you're still loosing $300+ dollars.
Which leaves you with a total of around $700 you spent for the sneakers.

Mind as well just spend the $700-$750 on eBay resale prices because that's about how much they are going for. Its a 2. Not a lot of people like that model which is reflected on the resale market.
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Kith just tweeted they are doing a raffle... And if you cop the hat you get a gauranteed pair. Wish I was in nyc
Buying the hat is not even worth it.
$675 plus tax= $700ish
Plus the shoes=$300 plus tax

That's a total of about $1,050

Then if you TRY to sell the hat on eBay at a loss. Lowest right now being $500 so far(none sold)
So between $400-450 IF someone buys, you're still loosing $300+ dollars.
Which leaves you with a total of around $700 you spent for the sneakers.

Mind as well just spend the $700-$750 on eBay resale prices because that's about how much they are going for. Its a 2. Not a lot of people like that model which is reflected on the resale market.
The hype >>>>>>>>>>> common sense.
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