I'd rather get caught cheating on my girl than on a test in college.

Just hope and pray you don't get expelled.
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

at the end of the day if you wanna be with her, do what you gotta do homeboy. i'm tombout flowers, chocolate, the whole nine yadda

but for real though, I thought of the same thing.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Which college do you attend?

Shame on any of you who have cheated their way in anything in life especially academics. Sickens me and if I go the academic route after grad school I will def be one of those profs who push for the harshest punishment.

Good luck though man. I hope it all turns out well and you don't get expelled, but if you do... you deserve it, sorry.

Player Hater
real life...
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Wade187

This dude said +!%* that reading #%#! 
My man came into the post, didn't read #+*$, and decided to post based on assumption.


This %**# had me in tears....dude didn't bother to read 2 lines of text....FAIL!
Originally Posted by FourReal

come on bro you should @ least have some technique�

i was like 1 the best all time cheaters in my high school history imo i think i only got caught cheating about 5x out of my whole 4 years in school

o yeah 1 the best way to cheat on a test is to write on a rubber band really small
take notes brah

real life...
too many....

I've only been caught up once and thats cuz i was helping my boy...
during a college final exam...

i turned in my exam and exited the room...the teacher was waiting outside
so i started talking to him about the class, and he says "hold on, i'll be right back"

some dude comes out of the bathroom and teach confronts him
(dude was going to the bathroom to check his cheat sheets for answers then go back to complete)
teach tells him to empty his pockets...dude does & teach says "i saw you looking at notes in
the bathroom, i followed you in" also - dude had cheat sheets in his pockets - completely busted
dude was huge but he started acting like a female upon the confrontation

teacher ended up being nice, and just gave the dude an F on the final, he may have even been able to pass
the class in the end (it was teachers last year at the university & probably didn't want an expulsion on his conscience)
so dude lucked out in my book

i have no sympathy for you though really
i ended up with a 3.74 undergrad gpa & would have gotten a 4.0 if i cheated
with cellphones today - i imagine at least half of college students cheat easily now
cause if you lock your phone, i don't think the teacher has the right to make you open it
I remember having a smartphone before it was the norm and I had plenty of teachers who let me use it for a calculator. Downloaded the powerpoints and googled so many things right on the spot
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

at the end of the day if you wanna be with her, do what you gotta do homeboy. i'm tombout flowers, chocolate, the whole nine yadda
proof that people dont read the post before the click reply
If your professor is one that goes by the book, you might get expelled or even banned from certain universities.

Like everyone is saying, you need to talk to your professor and be real apologetic. Cry if you have to, like those cries/hiccup-can't-breathe type of cry. After all, your education will have a good impact on your future.

Goodluck, lol.

If you don't get lucky, you did deserve this.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by jplikejayz

at the end of the day if you wanna be with her, do what you gotta do homeboy. i'm tombout flowers, chocolate, the whole nine yadda
This dude said $+%# that reading %@$% 

I got an e-mail from Student Conduct, I couldn't log-in so I guess I have to show up to Student Affairs on Thursday
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I got an e-mail from Student Conduct, I couldn't log-in so I guess I have to show up to Student Affairs on Thursday

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