
So true. I don't have kids but I did play that protector role with my little sister. It was very frustrating to mentor her and show her the pitfalls of hanging with certain people. She put herself in dangerous situations but luckily she remained unharmed. What I couldn't stop was her having kids with an idiot....but that's her burden to bare. She's now in her 30's and understands what I tried to shield her from.
u know
why do we all
never heed the warnings of our elders
everything my mom said
and i just brushed off happened
why don't we listen
i try stressing to my kids
im not saying stuff to be mean
or trying to stop u from doing stuff cause i wanna be mean
I'm doing it for the benefit of u.
but one also thing i think is
if I'm always showing them how to move
what happens when I'm not there to show them or help them through something
and what i showed them or told them
doesn't apply anymore
will my hand holding
and me shielding them put them in a worse position
since they aren't used to having to deal with stuff
on their own
man being a parent is so damn tough
So true. I don't have kids but I did play that protector role with my little sister. It was very frustrating to mentor her and show her the pitfalls of hanging with certain people. She put herself in dangerous situations but luckily she remained unharmed. What I couldn't stop was her having kids with an idiot....but that's her burden to bare. She's now in her 30's and understands what I tried to shield her from.

My little brother is hella reckless. Immature, irresponsible, and has done stuff that could lead him to jail.

you can only dude somuch for a person but at the end of the day-theyre still gona do as they please
you can only dude somuch for a person but at the end of the day-theyre still gona do as they please

No doubt. Some want to experience hardships first-hand and that's okay as well. I just wish people made unique mistakes instead of the same old ones.
women are taught from birth to repel a man's unwanted advances, what they aren't taught is peer pressure from other girls to do bone headed decisions.

That's why they gotta be smart to hang with the right people

Too many bad seeds more than ever especially with drugs being so rampant too

You're a great dad so have faith and confidence that your children will apply your advice into their lives. That's all you can do as a parent when they're ready to deal with this crazy place.
thank you!!!
but man i feel so bad for this lady
i couldn't stand to bury a child
and I'm being real
if i had to bury a kid
i don't know how i would be able to deal with it
my kids are the reason i get up in the morning
if i didn't have them
i would give a **** about anything
id be at a bum *** job
just tryna get enough money to buy some shoes or something
my kids are the reason I'm not doing that
i remember my son being born and holding him thinking
im not gonna disappoint u
im gonna be the best person i can be
and make an example
my mom
took this pic of me at the very moment i was able to hold him
and had that EXACT thought


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i wonder did the mom
have like a gut feeling
u know like when something bad happens
u get that feeling that somethings wrong
u know
why do we all
never heed the warnings of our elders
everything my mom said
and i just brushed off happened
why don't we listen
i try stressing to my kids
im not saying stuff to be mean
or trying to stop u from doing stuff cause i wanna be mean
I'm doing it for the benefit of u.
but one also thing i think is
if I'm always showing them how to move
what happens when I'm not there to show them or help them through something
and what i showed them or told them
doesn't apply anymore
will my hand holding
and me shielding them put them in a worse position
since they aren't used to having to deal with stuff
on their own
man being a parent is so damn tough

cuz when we are young we think we know everything

"it wont happen to me, im too smart, strong etc"

we think we are invincible when we are young, that "that wont happen to me"

we think our elders are doing or saying things cuz they dont want to let us do things or have fun, not realizing that theyve been exactly where we were or are at and have seen way more than us and are tryna teach us from their mistakes. "Do as i say not as i do"

cant even count how many times when i was younger my mom would say something along the lines of "when youre older youll understand" or "when you have kids youll understand". i dont have kids but i definitely understand
Investigation of woman, 19, found dead in Rosemont hotel freezer turns to viral Facebook video


Police investigating the death of a young woman found in a Rosemont hotel walk-in freezer are reviewing video on social media that appears to show the victim in a ninth-floor room hours before she disappeared over the weekend.

Investigators also have been going over surveillance video and questioning potential witnesses, but they have yet to say how 19-year-old Kenneka Jenkins died or why she was in a freezer in a vacant area of the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel & Conference Center.

Jenkins' mother, Tereasa Martin, said she last saw her daughter around 11:30 p.m. Friday when she left their West Side home to go to a party. Jenkins' sister last spoke with her around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, close to the time she went missing, relatives said.

Her body was not discovered until nearly 24 hours later after the family repeatedly contacted the hotel and police, at one point knocking on doors until officers stopped them. Jenkins was pronounced dead on the scene at 12:48 a.m. Sunday, according to the medical examiner's office.

Jenkins' mother said Sunday she was told by police that her daughter apparently let herself into the freezer while drunk and died inside. An autopsy Sunday afternoon failed to determine a cause of death, and the medical examiner's office said it was awaiting toxicology tests and further investigation by police.

Rosemont spokesman Gary Mack said police are reviewing a Facebook Live video that appears to show Jenkins sitting on a bed in a hotel room with other people around her.

The video — which has gotten more than 3 million views — features a woman in mirrored sunglasses talking to the camera. Reflected in her glasses is the other side of the hotel room, where Jenkins appears to be sitting.

Mack said authorities have identified most of the people on the video.

"Yes, they've looked at it and continue to look at it and all the other social media videos and posts," Mack told the Tribune on Monday. "They are leaving no stone unturned as far as trying to corral everyone they can and talk to them and interview them about what happened and what was going on that night."

The Facebook video has stoked outrage on social media, where many users believe Jenkins met with some kind of foul play. Some have threatened to harm people in the room.

The video has been shared online more than 46,000 times and has spawned a trending hashtag on Twitter bearing Jenkins' name.

But Mack said that to seasoned investigators, this type of social media attention has become commonplace and it doesn't hurt the investigation.

"In law enforcement this kind of social media has become king, so everybody with a camera is a reporter now, and they're just taking it in stride as best they can," Mack said.

Mack said it may take weeks to determine what happened. A toxicology test routinely takes weeks or months to complete, and the time it takes to finish a police investigation can vary greatly.

"I don't think anything has been ruled in or ruled out at this point," Mack said. "It's just considered a death investigation at this point."

Records from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration show that walk-in freezer deaths are rare, but one happened last year at a hotel in Atlanta. Carolyn Mangham, who worked at the Westin Peachtree Plaza, was trapped in a freezer for 13 hours at temperatures below minus 10 degrees.

An exit button inside the freezer was supposed to allow people to open the door if it shut behind them, but authorities found it sometimes malfunctioned, The Associated Press reported.

Mack said he didn't know if the freezer was on at the time. "If it was unused, I don't know. Sometimes people keep refrigerators on all the time even if they're unused," he said.

It also remains unclear how Jenkins was found and who discovered her body.

Her family members have said they went to the hotel at 5 a.m. Saturday looking for her and repeatedly asked the hotel and police to search for her. A search was begun around 1:30 p.m. after the family said it was allowed to file a missing persons report.

Steven Shapiro, director of the hospitality and tourism law program at American University's Washington College of Law, said hotel managers are reluctant to intrude upon their guests' privacy, even when someone from the outside indicates there might be an emergency.

"Generally speaking, they're going to bring in the police … and let them do the investigation," he said. "Because people try to dupe them, they're generally not going to open (a guest's) door and say, 'What are you doing?' Their first obligation is to their guest, and not to the person who comes in off the street."

Jenkins' mother said she doesn't believe the hotel began reviewing surveillance video until 3 or 4 p.m. Jenkins' body was found around midnight.

Mack said he didn't know if the surveillance video led searchers to the freezer. "I suppose they searched everywhere," he said. "The surveillance video will reveal a lot, I suppose.

"As far as who found the girl's body, they're not saying on that," Mack said. "That's something that's part of the investigation and they're not releasing."

He said police also were not disclosing whether there were any signs of trauma to Jenkins' body.
Did i just see the dude who raped shorty having a daughter in his social media page?

It's only so much you can do as a parent. Which is why some siblings go down totally different paths.
It's only so much you can do as a parent. Which is why some siblings go down totally different paths.
only so much yes
but then sometimes
as parents we can be complacent or naive
and don't either see the signs
or wanna believe the signs
Video of one of the girls there trying to commit suicide on Facebook live but the cops got there just in time. I'll try and find it.
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