Justin Timberlake x Lady Gaga SNL

Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle
TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
You obviously have no idea how the music industry works.

He would have to bust his +$! touring everyday all over the country to equal the money he would eventually earn for shooting a movie that takes  30-45 days.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
You obviously have no idea how the music industry works.

He would have to bust his +$! touring everyday all over the country to equal the money he would eventually earn for shooting a movie that takes  30-45 days.
Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
You obviously have no idea how the music industry works.

He would have to bust his +$! touring everyday all over the country to equal the money he would eventually earn for shooting a movie that takes  30-45 days.

He made about 130 million for his 2007 tour.

How much are they paying him for these supporting roles he's been doing?  This new movie with Mila Kunis is like the 1st film he had when hes the main star.
Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

TonyReali wrote:
Film money > Music money

I respect the hustle

Is he really getting paid huge amounts of money to be equivalent of a Paul Ruud Lite?  In music he's at Kanye's level though
You obviously have no idea how the music industry works.

He would have to bust his +$! touring everyday all over the country to equal the money he would eventually earn for shooting a movie that takes  30-45 days.

He made about 130 million for his 2007 tour.

How much are they paying him for these supporting roles he's been doing?  This new movie with Mila Kunis is like the 1st film he had when hes the main star.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

He made about 130 million for his 2007 tour.

How much are they paying him for these supporting roles he's been doing?  This new movie with Mila Kunis is like the 1st film he had when hes the main star.
But that's $130mil on top of his previous solo tours, his previous Nsync tours, his solo album sales, his Nsync album sales, and his memorabilia that he sold solo/with Nysnc...The man has more than enough money for a dude that isn't even 35 yet..He has enough money to last him 10 lifetimes so I don't think at this point in his career he does things in terms of how rich it'll make him..He's more focused on his passion at the moment and if comedy and film making is his current passion then let him live
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

He made about 130 million for his 2007 tour.

How much are they paying him for these supporting roles he's been doing?  This new movie with Mila Kunis is like the 1st film he had when hes the main star.
But that's $130mil on top of his previous solo tours, his previous Nsync tours, his solo album sales, his Nsync album sales, and his memorabilia that he sold solo/with Nysnc...The man has more than enough money for a dude that isn't even 35 yet..He has enough money to last him 10 lifetimes so I don't think at this point in his career he does things in terms of how rich it'll make him..He's more focused on his passion at the moment and if comedy and film making is his current passion then let him live
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