K-TOWN - EPISODE 1 - Watch Here

Jasmine would get it. 

Violet's funny. "I'm fat. Yeah I'm fat." Then when Jowe has enough of her yelling, he put his face in her face and she macks on dude for like 7-8 seconds and says she "Can't do it anymore" but you could tell she was into that kiss. 
 Then she gets into dude's car later on in the night and smashes. 

I thought Cammy had brown teeth before I peeped her braces. 

Violet da troublemaker  ******. 
 When Jowe said if she held her hair up she'd look like a Chinese boy. 
 And when he called her ugly. 
 Had me coughing.  She really doesn't think she's ugly! She thinks she's a 10 just 'cause she was a stripper. 

Oh... dat toof. 
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This "show" is complete trash. My fiancee's Korean so I watched the first ep :x never again. [yup she's ashamed]

Faker than fake (as most people know so-called reality shows are) what's worse is just how pathetic these people are. What are they, in their thirties (and one's got a kid) and still acting all high schoolish with that stupid drama? Yup there's a good reason this never got picked up and is now relegated to the same place we get cat videos and some dude crying "Leave Britney alone!"
They've should put South Asians instead of East Asians and some islanders(Samoan , Hawaiians,Togans) too, Show would be more funnier , hood Asians are crazy .

Man...this was how it was when I was in high school. Bunch of asians throwing the n-word around like it's a second language. Oddly being in a the corporate world now, I kind of miss it. Haha.
Man...this was how it was when I was in high school. Bunch of asians throwing the n-word around like it's a second language. Oddly being in a the corporate world now, I kind of miss it. Haha.
My friend and his Dad who is Filipino says "*****" all the time , haha .

It's all good though , Asian people are cool .
I barely watch television cause I don't have cable so this show is quite interesting to me. This is actually my first reality show but it looks fake as hell.
The stripper is ugly and I can't believe she honestly consider herself a 10. Shes a 5 in my book but she does have a body.
Jasmine is the only good looking one.
All the guys look like tools and douche bags.
Always knew reality shows were scripted but they're decent actors.
I barely watch television cause I don't have cable so this show is quite interesting to me. This is actually my first reality show but it looks fake as hell.
The stripper is ugly and I can't believe she honestly consider herself a 10. Shes a 5 in my book but she does have a body.
Jasmine is the only good looking one.
All the guys look like tools and douche bags.
Always knew reality shows were scripted but they're decent actors.

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I've partied with some Korean girls outside of K-Town (especially those surrounding Los Angeles and Orange County).

Granted there's a lot of exaggeration and one of my friends know one of the girls personally in real life (she's not even really from K-Town).

With that being said, the show is alright but I definitely don't see it going past a web series for immediate value. I guess you can say this is their way of trying to tip toe in the Asian Market pool to see if this type of entertainment is marketable in the future (given the success of Jersey Shore).
It's soooo painfully obvious at how scripted this show is. Seriously.  Not even "so bad it's good" at all.  I can't last more than 5 minutes watching this.
That was painful to watch. Ironically, the international Korean seemed to be the more realistic representation of an American Korean than the others
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