Kanye-Graduation... Vent post I guess

I loved Graduation when I first got it, played it every day in the car.. but for some reason now I can't stand it.

I definetly do not want to hear the same sound everytime.

In fact, CD and LR do not have the same sound...Yes he uses sped up samples but CD is more up beat and in your face, while LR has a darker feel to it...

I simply wanted Graduation to showcase the best parts of those albums, while leading himself in to a new direction... But instead the "new" directionwe got was him going completely pop and losing creativity...

How can you say Barry Bonds is creative? Its not...Anyone could have thought of that...

And Homecoming? He ruined a good track... He didnt add anything creative or different to it.

Please tell me how he has shown musical growth on this album when the lyrics suck, its tryint to fit in with everything else, and the production took a stepback from CD and LR.. I truly believe that. LR's production >>>>>>>>>>>>> Graduation' s production. There is nowhere near the depth in the beats as there was on the previous 2 albums... And if you think there is, then please break down the tracks your talking about...
I loved it. I thought it's production was amazing.

It's just a change and progress in his production style.

I like seeing it change. Would I love another album of samples, drums, and soulful feeling? hell yeah... but we already have that, it's called CollegeDropout and all his pre-dropout mixtapes.

Late Registration was brilliant, bringing in Jon Brion to help and co-produce with the addition of the strings gave his music a brand new feel.

Graduation was obviously different, but he took a chance and I think overall it worked.

It goes CD > LR > Grad

But I still loved Graduation.
IMO CD was overhyped and i got swept up in it. But now that the hype has died down this album is light basura to me. Good beats and everything but lyrics areblehhh. I think this album is not up to par. LR > CD > GRAD. beats knock in the car though thanks Ye
As mentioned before... the problem with this CD was that it was far TOO impersonal. Kanye said he wanted to make it more general so it could be "stadiumstatus" and as a result of that, in a way he alienated his longtime fans. The album was dope and I still play it, but it doesn't even comparewhatsoever to his first two albums, which were masterpieces. Late Registration specifically.
In my opinion, it fell short of my standards. Just didn't seem like his best. College Dropout is still my favorite Ye album.
Originally Posted by Tricky P

graduation was on the top of 07' musically. he cut the skits that he had previously. seems he put this out attacking the album from all angles. i think "the glory" proved that the sped up samples and heavy beats never got old. it covers a diverse style such as you wouldnt expect "flashing lights" to be on the same album as "everything i am". i still cant rank his albums because all were

i just wish he put something else on it besides "barry bonds", track never grew on me

truth. this album was really one of the nicest ones Kanye ever put out but CD#1 Graduation#2 and LR#3

LR was somethin like art imo. it was iight but didnt catch me. We Major, Roses, Late Registration, Touch the sky, Never Let me down, and that one track withStrings was nice.
I didn't listen to this album for 2 months (intentionally), after playing it everyday since it came out. And so I played it the other day, and I fell inlove with the album much more than my previous listens.

His last two efforts were the kind that you loved instantly, but this one you have to come back to it to fully appreciate it.
sounds like u mad at him for tryin to b versatile... and what does matter who the hell did ur drums? toomp is a beast... he also did the melody... only thingkanye did was get ol girl to mumble some $*@% n the background... toomp also did the synths on good life...
Mad at him trying to be versatile?

Some of you act like CD and LR are alike...

Those differ and it worked

On Graduation his versatility went downhill in my opinion...
On the other two albums his lyrics and production were much nicer...

He went soft on this... He didnt get more versatile...
Graduation was is just as good as his other albums IMO.

Single wise, "Good Life" is > "Gold Digger." "Can't Tell Me Nothin" as a lead single > "Through the Wire" and"Diamonds."

Introspective? You had Family Business on CD, Roses and Hey Mama on LR, and now your got Champion (his pops), Everything I Am, and Big Brother.

"I Wonder" and "Flashing Lights" on the same album? Wow, 2 huge tracks.

And as bad as "Barry Bonds" is, it's still better than "Breathe In Breathe Out" on CD.

I think the reason you guys feel the way you do is because you cut out all the SKITS, which makes it feel less cohesive and more like a bunch of singles throwntogether.
U seroius right now?

Im giving my opinion on the album homie...

By saying I dont even like skits, that actually means there somethin good about the album
These tracks were garbage, forgettable, unchecked when importing the tracks to put on my iPod: Good Life, Barry Bonds, Homecoming, The Glory, Drunk Hot Girls,and Good Night.

The rest of the tracks were good IMO. Stronger, Bittersweet, Good Morning, Flashing Lights, Everything I Am, Big Brother, Champion, Can't Tell MeNothin', all still get play for me. The album wasn't on Late Registration's level for me, but in a really bad year for rap music, it still stoodout.
Originally Posted by PAsSback


I definetly do not want to hear the same sound everytime.

In fact, CD and LR do not have the same sound...Yes he uses sped up samples but CD is more up beat and in your face, while LR has a darker feel to it...

I simply wanted Graduation to showcase the best parts of those albums, while leading himself in to a new direction... But instead the "new" direction we got was him going completely pop and losing creativity...

How can you say Barry Bonds is creative? Its not...Anyone could have thought of that...

And Homecoming? He ruined a good track... He didnt add anything creative or different to it.

Please tell me how he has shown musical growth on this album when the lyrics suck, its tryint to fit in with everything else, and the production took a step back from CD and LR.. I truly believe that. LR's production >>>>>>>>>>>>> Graduation' s production. There is no where near the depth in the beats as there was on the previous 2 albums... And if you think there is, then please break down the tracks your talking about...

No offense kid but you are disappointed because your expectations were ridiculous. You wanted Graduation to showcase the best parts of his previous twoalbums?! Why? The only thing you should expect from Kanye is for him to put out good music and a good album. And he did. The sound of the album is verydifferent from CD and very different from LR but that does not mean its bad. Kanye did some amazing production on this album and I loved his new use of highsynthesizers....it brought a fresh new sound to the album. There are two songs on this album I can't listen to (Drunk Hot Girls and Barry Bonds). Howeverthere are many gems (Big Brother, I Wonder, Flashing Lights, Good Morning, Champion)....great songs with great production.
I think the problem in youranalysis lies with your expectation you expected the same sound from before (I don't know why you would want to be fed the same thing over and over butwhatever) and you didn't get it. So of course you are disappointed.....if you just expect good music and look at it objectively then maybe you won'tbe so disappointed and appreciate the music for what it is.
Decent album, although for me it has little replay value. I can't remember the last time I listened to it.

This is easily his worst album, IMO. EASY.
i thought it was a very good album, about as good as LR. the only song i never listen to is drunk and hot girls and rarely barry bonds, but every other song is

Im sorry I have an opinion...

The whole point is that I didnt like the album.

You dont have to agree

Barry Bonds and Drunk and Hot Girls were just flat out garbage. I didn't like Stronger at first listen and still don't really understand why peoplelike it. The drums suck and it's a very simple beat with the Daft Punk sample that just didn't do it for me.

I Wonder is solid. I hated Can't Tell Me Nothing when I first saw the video online but the song grew on me a lot. Flashing Lights is an amazing songmusically, one of my favorites this year. Everything I Am also gets a lot of listens. Homecoming was great at first but now I don't really listen to itanymore.

As for Big Brother, I really don't get the hype over this song. Everyone was jumping on it saying how good the beat was, when I think it's one of theworst on the album

I don't hate the album, but I can't play it in the car and get hyped like I do when I listen to College Dropout or LR.
College Dropout>All.

I need one of those hip hop graphs showing Kanye's inflating ego raising and talent falling
Graduation isn't as personal as it's predecessors, but I feel like it's musically superior. A lot of the tracks have a really grandiose feelcompared to those from CD or LR, but I like it.

Stronger would have been better with another rapper doing the verses, but it's still hot. Personally I would keep the hook by Kanye, and put T.I. on theverses, or maybe even Em.

It's a top 3 Kanye album. Easy.
Am I the only one that actually likes Barry Bonds? Minus Lil Wayne that joint gives me an early 90s Hip-Hop feel & Kanye straight up ripped his verse IMO.The Album as a whole i'd give it a 8/10.
Am I the only one that actually likes Barry Bonds? Minus Lil Wayne that joint gives me an early 90s Hip-Hop feel & Kanye straight up ripped his verse IMO.
nah you not the only one. Ye's swag was
on this.

when i need an ego boost this is the shhh i listen to
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