Kanye-Graduation... Vent post I guess

Album is damn good...it was when I first heard it, and it still is today. I feel sorry for the people who went in with preconceived notions of what"kanye songs" sound like. This album may not have been a great album lyrically, especially with the delivery kanye uses on some tracks, but itsdefinitely decent. But musically, I feel its one of the best hip hop albums to drop in 07, only bested by Jay and Lupe.

It was a great album. I can't understand the hate, other than lil wayne's verse and drunk and hot girls.

Stronger is not good? really?! I mean, that song is fire! Why do you want to hear the same type stuff over and over again, because it seems like thats whati'm hearing a lot in here. "where are the samples, where are the soul beats?" I mean...why would youwanna box dude in.
College Dropout- masterpiece, he stuck with his style and with what works for him.

Late Registration- Bigger budget, so he tried to add all the bells and whistles. Basically tried too hard to be something he's not.

Graduation- Seems like he lost focus of reality and went mad commercial. 2-3 hot tracks at best IMO.
It's a disposable type album to me. It has no layers to it. I forced myself to listen to it a gang of times & now I'm done with it.
Originally Posted by iLLscan

It's a disposable type album to me. It has no layers to it. I forced myself to listen to it a gang of times & now I'm done with it.
yeah that's what i feel too...i liked it a lot when it first came out and listened to it many times, but now it doesn't have any replay valueto me.
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