Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

People still working backwards to defend “slavery was a choice” is hilarious. the dude went on twitter and in his clarification started talking about we had more numbers and tweeting out fake Harriet Tubman quotes criticizing the mentality of the slaves. And his mindset was very clear when dude in that TMZ interview started saying black people have a tendency to only care when a white person kills a black guy/what about marches for black on black crime/Chicago ********. Honestly that part of it was just as offensive as the slavery quote but it didn’t make the viral clip with Van Lathan that was shared everywhere.
Yeah the thing he said about "when whites kill blacks, we march out, but when blacks kill blacks, u don't hear a word of it" is absolutely wrong, and Van Lathen replied with the correct information, "They do, but it does not receive the publicity." And I hope that rebuttal hit Kanye and made him understand that reality.
I keep seeing people praise Ghost Town.

That **** is pure, unadulterated trash juice. Can't even make it to the second half of the song that I hear people talk so highly about.

Struggle singing from Cudi and Ye on one track? No thanks, Jeff.
I keep seeing people praise Ghost Town.

That **** is pure, unadulterated trash juice. Can't even make it to the second half of the song that I hear people talk so highly about.

Struggle singing from Cudi and Ye on one track? No thanks, Jeff.
Have you never heard a song from kid cudi?

People love it because this is a signature ye song.
Like we major, celebration, runaway.
I think knowing the history of Haiti and why that country is still currently a mess would go a long way for some ignorant folks
I keep seeing people praise Ghost Town.

That **** is pure, unadulterated trash juice. Can't even make it to the second half of the song that I hear people talk so highly about.

Struggle singing from Cudi and Ye on one track? No thanks, Jeff.

Don't mind the song...but i can't with 070 shake. Just can't. Like cudi has a vibe...ye can not sing at all...070 is trash to me. And i still can't get over the stove = bleed. Bruh AGAIN you don't bleed when you put your hand on the stove.
Have you never heard a song from kid cudi?

People love it because this is a signature ye song.
Like we major, celebration, runaway.

Of course I’ve heard his songs. And I avoid most of the songs where he goes into that struggle singing mode. He doesn’t do it all the time.

And no, this track is nowhere near the levels of the songs you mentioned. Not even remotely close. :lol:

Stop trying to make this album something it isn’t. No shame in enjoying it, but to mention certified classic Kanye songs in the same breath as anything from this album is asinine and homer-ish.
Don't mind the song...but i can't with 070 shake. Just can't. Like cudi has a vibe...ye can not sing at all...070 is trash to me. And i still can't get over the stove = bleed. Bruh AGAIN you don't bleed when you put your hand on the stove.

^^ 070 Shake is upcoming, she' hasn't even released a debut ALBUM.

I know I'm biased because she's from my hometown, but I legit bump her old stuff to this day.
How you going to tell me how much I should enjoy this album? Or what to compare it too. Is this album my personal fav, naw. But there are tracks on it I would put next to my fav from the 7 albums
This album is poopity poop, just like everything past mbdtf.
Chill B.
Cudi is a vibe. If you looking for a hot song, Cudi is not the one, his music is about feeling a different energy space. If you know, you know. I will concede that he will never top the Man on the Moon albums.
Good description. Man on moon was so fire to me because I feel like I was in a similar headspace as him. That said, haven't listen to him much after that.
first listen to cudi and ye it took me aawhile but when we got to track 4-7 i was like yesss.
listening again later.
and that it's a choice that we continue to be enslaved now.

The War on Drugs was declared by Reagan while the rate of drug use was actually declining, years before crack use exploded in African American communities.

Before that, as governor of California, Reagan signed into law a bill aimed at disarming the Black Panther Party because its Black members legally carried firearms to signal to abusive law enforcement that they wouldn't be allowed to rough people up in their communities.

The War on Drugs brought the US prison population from 350,000 inmates to 2,000,000 and counting.

The War on Drugs brought an exhacerbated focus by law enforcement on Black communities despite the fact that Balcks and Whites use AND sell drugs at a similar rate.

All I want to know is, where is that choice Kanye said Black people made to be criminals and perennial wardens of the state? Because in light of the evidence, the choice to keep Black people emprisoned was made for them by the powers that be.

If you guys want to continue supporting a bigot out of habit, just say so; but don't try to justify the unjustifiable.
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