Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Did I say the cause of George Floyd’s death? No, no I did not. I said stock up on Yeezys as a joke, cause his recent antics are definitely gonna get him cut off from adidas, hence ending the Yeezy line. Am I suggest ppl go out and buy as many Yeezys as possible? Hell no. It was a joke indicating the deal between Ye and adidas is completely over.

I live in Kentucky fam, I hardly consider that southern.

I literally don’t get it. Why is the fact that I’m white affects if u like Yeezys or not?

You didn’t suggest stocking up on Yeezys, but you said stock up on Yeezys as a joke. Which is it? :lol:

Kentucky is the South.

Being white has no affect on liking Yeezys. I like them too and I’m black. But your literal skin in the game can affect how you view Kanye’s shenanigans, which in turn can affect how you move forward with your financial support of Kanye.
I'm a white guy originally from Alabama. I don't do Facebook bc of days like today. I know damn well I have some family members or friends from back in the day going with the "See Kanye is one of the good ones, he gets it!" bull**** and I'd spend the rest of my day calling them a stupid mother****er and making fun of their trailer.
:lol: :smh:

It's a shame...

This is not the argument I am making.

The people who debase themselves are the Carson, Candace and Kanye. I'm not talking about them.

I'm talking about N.O.R.E. and every other Black personality with a microphone who's gonna place it in front of the people above because we "need to hear them out."

We don't need to hear them out, especially when we know they only agreed to show up to these interviews because they know their views won't get challenged. And we need to make it clear.

Ben Shapiro knows there's a line he can't cross, and that line is having a Holocaust denier on his show, going off about who was a real Jew in Poland in 1940, while Ben silently acquiesces.

Maybe for us, Black folks being responsible for their own death in police custody is that line, but I wnn't hold my breath.

NORE is trying to get views and clout on his show.
he's not going to have on random black guy who has problematic opinions.
he's havingf Kanye west on because he's one of the most famous people on the planet.

"hearing people out" is not the motivator. it's money.

Ben Shapiro, supports Trump.
Trump, a guy who constantly implies the antisemitic dual loyalty trope.

Who's anti semeticism is like maybe slightly more vailed than Kanye.


and yet


maybe you don't mean it this way,
but it just sounds like you are holding black people to a standard you don't hold anyone else to.
I don't own any yeezy's
but I don't think the ravings of a mentally ill man, would prevent me from wearing them.

unless the sneakers have secret anti semetic messages encoded within them.
ill just separate the art from the artist.
like we all know this,

there are a bunch of black people on the "black people are the real jews" tip.
and there are a small minority of mostly black men who have a reactionary resentment to being forced to vote Democrat.

combine that together and it will lead you to dark places.
add in some metal illness and billions of dollars...and it will lead to even darker places.

i just don't know why this fact should reflect poorly on all black people.
I do not.

this sounds indistinguishable from arguments made by racists;

"black people just naturally want to debase themselves and therefore the media is right to not take them seriously."

Yea not sure how that isn't viewed as "victim blaming" but folks will find a way to rationalize anything.
financial support of Kanye.
Yeah I’m sure the $700 I’ve spent on Yeezys truly affects ye’s financial state. Mans a millionaire. Going on “strike” now ain’t gonna do nothing, he’s already made that money when you first bought the shoes.

You didn’t suggest stocking up on Yeezys, but you said stock up on Yeezys as a joke. Which is it? :lol:
Both. I said it as a joke.
Someone need to get this dad on the line he keeps talking about.

Honestly him ish’ ing on his mother. Who he named a whole damn album and loved so much and painting her as a villain on Tucker really shoes between Candice and his dad he’s really lost and just wants someone to confide in. He just picking the worst people.
Kanye needs some help for his mental health issues

But his problems go way beyond just that

He is totally lost in the reactionary right wing conspiracy sauce. Therapy and meds are not gonna cure him of these ****** up views

Best case scenario is that he just becomes better at peddling nonsense.

Sad thing is that he is the perfect mark right now for the Tucker, Candace, and Kushner to exploit. People giving Ye good advice just become data points for people like Owens to use to poison dudes mind some more

Nasty situation
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