Kanye YEEZUS Tour With Kendrick Lamar (NEW DATES ADDED 10/22)

deuce going to deuce. have you seen the show? if you did then you'd know its a vital piece to his performance.

people aren't going to see dude stand on stage and spit a cipher, people are going because kanye is a great performer. theatrics and all.

you out here *****ing more than people attending these shows. how you look like.

What happened to one mic?

All this clown **** is corny, and Ye is about as lame as it gets so I expect nothing less.

Ye is like 0-10 this year in about every endeavor undertaken. 

That's a .000 win percentage for 2013. 
This is the exact nonsense that some of you Kanye fans subscribe to and sign up for.  It would be understandable if Kanye had a family emergency or something along those lines but to postpone a concert due to a broken video screen is preposterous.  The only time people gather in a large indoor setting to look at large video screen is when they go to the movies, not to a concert. 

Most importantly, I'm quite sure some fans are inconvenienced with the schedule change.  Now you have people that have to adjust their plans because Kanye isn't able to use his video prop/aid to help him get threw his show.  As long as Kanye has a working voice and a working microphone that should be all he needs to perform/rock a show, but that appears to not be the case.  Kanye postponing shows cause he can't give a power point presentation and some of you dudes are just going right along with the program like that's cool.  Did you dudes purchase tickets to a rap concert or a movie premiere??  Might want to check your receipt. 

Have you seen the show? It's a pretty important part of it. The man wants to put on a production beyond just a rap concert. What's the problem with that? If you just want rhymes then go to a Lupe concert or something. I personally wouldn't want to go to the show knowing that it was missing something significant.
i dont fault kanye for wanting to put forth the same show/performance at every tour date, shows he doesnt want to half-*** anything. . sure ppl would be happy to just see him perform, but then they'd miss out on the "yeezus tour " experience. That screen is huge btw, very essential to the presentation. 
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i was at the LA show, screen is a big part of the show/theatrics. look at the intro the "Power".
Have you seen the show?
Well champ I wanted to see the show but now Kanye postponed it
.  I guess Kanye doesn't mind inconveniencing his fans, but then again if he fans don't mind getting jerked around, I say more power to him.  Keep doing what your doing Kanye. 

On another note, at end of the day as an artists either you can perform/rock a concert with the bare minimums or you can't.  This is why I'm under the impression that overall this concert isn't that good to begin with or maybe just maybe a vast majority of the songs on Yeezus are just that bad and the power point presentation is needed to help kill valuable time in what would otherwise be a boring concert.  Some folks can make it happen with just them and them alone, and others need postponement. 

As far as the theatrics go and the video screen, I admire Kanye for trying to add as much to the show as possible and making sure fans get their money's worth and all that extra stuff but dammit either you can perform or you can't.  Again, did you dudes pay money to see Kanye or did you pay money to see Kanye feat. the LED video screen??
All I'm gonna say is Governor's Ball was VERY minimal. Most of the show was just him on a center podium and a mic with the night sky as a back drop, and I LOVED every minute of it.
Well champ I wanted to see the show but now Kanye postponed it
.  I guess Kanye doesn't mind inconveniencing his fans, but then again if he fans don't mind getting jerked around, I say more power to him.  Keep doing what your doing Kanye. 

On another note, at end of the day as an artists either you can perform/rock a concert with the bare minimums or you can't.  This is why I'm under the impression that overall this concert isn't that good to begin with or maybe just maybe a vast majority of the songs on Yeezus are just that bad and the power point presentation is needed to help kill valuable time in what would otherwise be a boring concert.  Some folks can make it happen with just them and them alone, and others need postponement. 

As far as the theatrics go and the video screen, I admire Kanye for trying to add as much to the show as possible and making sure fans get their money's worth and all that extra stuff but dammit either you can perform or you can't.  Again, did you dudes pay money to see Kanye or did you pay money to see Kanye feat. the LED video screen??
by all your accounts why bother attending any concert when you can listen to the same exact music on a cd or mp3 in perfect sound quality. considering how you knock kanye why are you even going to the show?  are you a closet kanye stan yourself? i find it hard to see your appeal to see him perform if youre not there to see the "show". a concert is an artist playing their music live, but a performance enhances it with visual effects ( ie lighting, screens and performers) 

look back at that U2 360 tour that had a set stage that cost $750,000 to set up.
Do you consider their music "bad" enough that they have to distract the concertgoers with that claw stage? U2 would do the same thing if their stage was messed up and no one would knock them. 

an artist wants to be proud of what they put out there, Kanye is just keeping it "300 hunnid, like the romans" 
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Deuce King is gon' Deuce King. :lol:

Same ol' tired arguments.

The LED screen is integral to the set and sequences. And the ambience at times.
All I'm gonna say is Governor's Ball was VERY minimal. Most of the show was just him on a center podium and a mic with the night sky as a back drop, and I LOVED every minute of it.
Now see, that's what I'm talking.  Someone I know went to Governor's Ball as well and said it was a very good show.  If the set up was just as you described that's all you really need.  You want the audience to feel you as a performer.  You want them to be focused on you, not some LED screen.
by all your accounts why bother attending any concert when you can listen to the same exact music on a cd or mp3 in perfect sound quality
For starters there's a big difference from hearing recorded music versus hearing the music live and being among other individuals that enjoy that particular music as well.  Not to mention, some ****** are just happy to get out of the house, which appears to be the case with some Kanye fans.
 considering how you knock kanye why are you even going to the show?
Sarcasm champ, sarcasm.  I have been to a Kanye concert before, I just chose not to go to this one, and by the looks of things thank goodness I did.  I probably would have been receiving my ticketmaster postponement e-mail notification right about now.  Instead I get to kick it in here with you dudes on the Yeezus concert cancellation policy.
a concert is an artist playing their music live, but a performance enhances it with visual effects ( ie lighting, screens and performers)
The key word in your entire post and particularly this statement is "enhance" champ.  Meaning you either have it in you before the addition of something or you don't.  What ever happened to "the show must go on" attitude.  Another way for all you dudes to view this situation is that sometimes in life things can hinder or get in the way of your vision on the way you want things to go, but you got to keep pushing, work with what you got, and most importantly make it happen.  Nobody has time for excuses.  I want you dudes to focus in on that for me. 
Same people who dislike Kanye...coming in to a Kanye thread and complain about him...

What happened to one mic?

All this clown **** is corny, and Ye is about as lame as it gets so I expect nothing less.

Ye is like 0-10 this year in about every endeavor undertaken. 

That's a .000 win percentage for 2013. 

The whole theme of the show is to create an enhanced experience, more than just going out there and rapping over your songs

The designs, the elevating stage, the pyrotechnics, the lights, those chicks in full body spandex suits :lol:

everything comes together with the music and you have yourself a full show not just the same old performance

even in kendrick's opening.. getting the intro right before money trees was ******g dope, it just puts you in that mindset seeing the visuals

atmosphere :pimp:

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The key word in your entire post and particularly this statement is "enhance" champ.  Meaning you either have it in you before the addition of something or you don't.  What ever happened to "the show must go on" attitude.  Another way for all you dudes to view this situation is that sometimes in life things can hinder or get in the way of your vision on the way you want things to go, but you got to keep pushing, work with what you got, and most importantly make it happen.  Nobody has time for excuses.  I want you dudes to focus in on that for me. 
doesn't just enhance his performance, it enhances your experience as the concertgoer. 

like i said, he doesnt want to half *** his show, i commend him for it.

would i have been content with a regular performance, yes. but im glad i experienced the "yeezus tour " experience in full effect
Damn.... I just watched a bit of that Kendrick video... this BETTER not be postponed for Chicago.
tell me there is no difference between these 2 performances:

and these videos don't do the atmosphere justice. when you're there, the fireworks/pyro is so much brighter/louder. gets me hyped just watching.

but hey, if you want him just standing on a stage, with no effects, more power to you.
no doubt, videos can never do a live show justice, but from watching you could see the difference is night and day

I was close to the stage I felt the damn heat of the fireworks/pyro :lol:
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i'm sure yall would be surprised if they put a poll up for venue audience members on whether to have the show without the screen or postpone. I would of voted for it to be postponed.
Today i should be on my way to the Anaheim show but I rather wait it out until they have it all figured out in december.... hopefully.

I do feel bad for the people that aren't locals and made travel plans.

Side-note. How did you guys enjoy the Governors Ball show??? I was at NYC during that time and i passed on going. Reason was that if i remember right the whole yeezus album didn't come out yet and he was gonna perform that mainly.
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tbh I stanned over kanye so much I forgot about the screen, but thats also cuz he was 20-30 feet away. However, the screen does play an intricate part for transitions and a couple of the songs.
tbh I stanned over kanye so much at times I forgot to look at the the screen, but thats also because he was 20-30 feet in front of me. However, the screen does play an intricate part for transitions and a couple of the songs.
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I would rather just go to the show without the screen instead of having to wait

my argument was more to the claim that Kanye is doing too much at these shows, and that they don't add to the experience
Ya know, why haven't we seen a picture of this supposed accident on a local website of where ever the truck crashed? I feel like a crash like that would make some local news site of where ever it happened, and would have surfaced by now.
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