Karmaloop.com Model's SKEET SKEET SKEET


Shes fine..

she looks like the dude that models for kl dude always got some off the wall @@@! shaved in his head
DAMN!!!! i never looked at the female clothin on Karmaloop

bcuz i never plan on buy female clothin

but after seein some of these chicks

seriously tho..ive found myself staring at these glamgirl.com or whatever ads on NT..that one latina chick is soooo cold
Originally Posted by aaron1976

Well I thought the new American Gladiators would cure some of my boredom, I guessed wrong.

So that said, with all the Karmaloop.com promo codes in everyone's sig's I finally checked out the site. I found the site to cater to your high school kid that lives in small town with no access to his favorite "Kool" clothing brands.

After 5 mins of scanning the web site I did noticed some cute/sexy every day type dimes that I'd consider letting sleep with me.

So far I have numbered it down to these 2.

This girl looks like she could keep me in check and has that edgy "I can out drink you and do shots of Patron all night". The Tattoo is a +1 too.


Second one I just like cause shes Asian and I love Asian girls.

So what Karmaloop.com aspiring American Apperal model would you take to the IHOP?
how bout NO!!
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