Katt Williams meltdown in Oakland

Dude was NEVER funny to me. Don't know what yall see in this fool, he ain't even in my top 10 fav comedians, hell, not even 20.
He was probably perked out and on that PCP. A shame. Don't know why celebrities let themselves go like that. I blame him but I also blame the people around him. If he had people around that really loved him, they'd make sure he didn't do anything that could jeopardize his career. 

Oh well though. It ain't my life. 
^ I mean, really? C'mon man

Damn I didn't hear about this. He did it again?
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I was vibin with him just being a crazy real him for a second, then he started calling out greats like Pryor, Carlin, and Murphy acting like hes anywhere near them... Quality over quantity son...
 its official this dude has lost his damn mind...

Katt Williams  led police on a crazy chase through the streets of Sacramento on Sunday -- even driving on the wrong side of the road -- all while riding on a bizarre 3-wheeled motorcycle, law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

According to law enforcement sources, cops observed Williams driving his motor tricycle on the sidewalk -- and when they attempted to pull him over, Williams took off.

We're told the chase continued for several minutes -- with Williams driving all over the place, even on the wrong side of the road.

At one point, we're told Williams took his helmet off and yelled back at the cops, saying, "I'm not going to stop!"

According to sources, police called off the chase for public safety reasons -- and now plan to ask the D.A. to charge Williams with felony evasion.
So Kat was shermed out on a raptor aaaaaaand the cops let him take off?

Son just avoided a DUI to the tenth power.
Let me remind you all that when we first met Kat Williams, he didn't have any front teeth.

I only know of one demographic of people that lose their front teeth before 65...
you can say what u what but Katt challenged all them on stage! even bent his self into the audience and even had his shirt off after the show backstage waiting and nobody stepped up! Truth to what he say but you all are overlooking the truth. Bunch of haters that aint going to drop a fly. Oakland yaw scared let Katt punk yaw out. let him say that in detroit and see what happens
Oakland scared? What are you on?

dude's obviously never been to oakland :lol:
Sounds like he no-showed in Seattle tonight. Tons of people on Twitter and FB calling him out right now. Can't believe people pay money to see this clown.
you can say what u what but Katt challenged all them on stage! even bent his self into the audience and even had his shirt off after the show backstage waiting and nobody stepped up! Truth to what he say but you all are overlooking the truth. Bunch of haters that aint going to drop a fly. Oakland yaw scared let Katt punk yaw out. let him say that in detroit and see what happens
Had his shirt off backstage, yeah with about 9 bodyguards/security guards right behind or pretty damn close. No way he's walking around by himself running his mouth like that.
Sounds like he no-showed in Seattle tonight. Tons of people on Twitter and FB calling him out right now. Can't believe people pay money to see this clown.
that might mean something if katt handles his twitter acct instead of some pr person from the label.
that might mean something if katt handles his twitter acct instead of some pr person from the label.

I'm not an idiot. I know how it works. I'm just saying a lot of people were posting about it, regardless of if it falls on deaf ears.
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