Katt Williams meltdown in Oakland

why is this cracked out lunatic still roaming the streets?? he really believes he is on top of the world and cant be touched, typical napoleon complex
Katt Williams was arrested Friday for allegedly endangering his 4 children ... TMZ has learned.


Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... LAPD cops picked Katt up at his Woodland Hills home this morning, after an investigation from the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services concluded there were numerous guns and illegal drugs in the house that created a safety hazard for the kids.

Our sources say ... during the arrest various items were seized.

Katt is still in custody ... being held on $100,000 bail. As for the kids ... authorities have placed them in protective custody

We're told the case will go to the D.A. next week for possible felony child endangerment charges.

:smh: People let drugs destroy them

One of my friends had some tickets to Katt Williams show in Houston a couple weeks ago. I told her she'd do better re-watching Pimp Chronicles at her own house and return those tickets. She laughed and the very next week the show here was cancelled.
people shouldn't want fame to begin with

i don't know, maybe it's as simple as it's being told, but i feel he pissed off someone he shouldn't have
& i don't mean audiences of cancelled shows or gang members
After listening to Chapelle's story over and over, I can't see how people would still want to be famous. From the outside looking in, it just seems like it does something to you. One gem Jay Z dropped was in lost ones.

"I don't even know how it came to this, except that fame is
The worst drug known to man.
It's stronger than heroine
When you can look in the mirror like 'here I am'
And still not see what you've become"

A lot of people convince themselves that they won't let it affect them, and undoubtedly some people can beat the bite of the fame bug. But a majority of people in the limelight fall victim to it at some point, in some shape or fashion. Katt Williams is a tragic case of this. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find dude funny at one point. But to see him now, can't help but to :smh:
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dude also owes 4 million in taxes..

3.2 million from 2008 and over 800K in 2009...

dude is finished...
Damn, dudes life is tough right now. This might break dude. Real talk my thoughts are with him, it's just too much.
re "fame" personally when I heard Patrice O'Neal talk about it I could see how

Best I can do is paraphrase.


Imagine going into a room, talking to some people, then getting invited to Courtside, Madison Square Garden, gotta move yo feet when the player's go by or you'll trip them...  As easily as you have it, they just ... take it away.  And you don't know if you'll ever get it back again.  Then they ask/make you offers you compromise a part of yourself to do because you want to taste those amazing perks.  And that's what Dave is talking about with movie executives (predominantly middle aged/older whites/jewish) twisting and molesting their creative vision or just their character as black men - his references to every black man having to play a cross dressing role, and the deeper point is that it's a 'second class' citizen status in entertainment.


So yah it can be very difficult for all people but especially for those who also have to deal with latent racism/homophobia/sexism/agism etc...
re "fame" personally when I heard Patrice O'Neal talk about it I could see how

Best I can do is paraphrase.
Imagine going into a room, talking to some people, then getting invited to Courtside, Madison Square Garden, gotta move yo feet when the player's go by or you'll trip them...  As easily as you have it, they just ... take it away.  And you don't know if you'll ever get it back again.  Then they ask/make you offers you compromise a part of yourself to do because you want to taste those amazing perks.  And that's what Dave is talking about with movie executives (predominantly middle aged/older whites/jewish) twisting and molesting their creative vision or just their character as black men - his references to every black man having to play a cross dressing role, and the deeper point is that it's a 'second class' citizen status in entertainment.
So yah it can be very difficult for all people but especially for those who also have to deal with latent racism/homophobia/sexism/agism etc...

What part of this is you, and what part of this is the "paraphrased" quote? And I'm being 100% serious. Because the way it was posted, it looks like a random copy and paste job, so please clarify who said what. And back it up with sources,
What part of this is you, and what part of this is the "paraphrased" quote? And I'm being 100% serious. Because the way it was posted, it looks like a random copy and paste job, so please clarify who said what. And back it up with sources,
Right after the word paraphrase there are dashes surrounding the paraphrase.  I'll see if I can find it, I think it was delivered secondhand by Jim Norton on Opie & Anthony after I watched the documentary on him and while I can't find the exact story that I heard.  But this is him doin an interview where he talks about his attempt to 'get something' from the industry.

But I do think I heard the story from Jim Norton as they were talking about Patrice after his death

Patrice O'Neal was a very well respected comedian that basically had an internet show which was Tosh.0 years before Tosh took it to Comedy Central. More info on Patrice, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_O'Neal . His last special before he died " Elephant in the Room" is currently free for Amazon Prime members.

edit: more of Patrice on the industry specifically the movies.
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this dude is out already...

he got out a couple of hours after he was jailed and then hit the club with suge where they got in a fight with some dudes and suge almost ran some people over in his SUV..

katt said the guns were found in lock boxes and and that they found weed which isnt a drug 
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