"Kelis said her milkshake bring all the boys to the yard.."

Nas is going to committ that . Guaranteed he's going to be suicidal word to Sean Kingston .
Did anybody else notice the unborn child mentioned in the document?

why do these guys get married? i mean your a rock star/nba player etc, and you are ALWAYS on the road, the media is at your grill all day, young, RICH, prettydumb, i mean WHY???
NH but can someone get me that Jay/Nas pic ^ without the PS?

not to be on some Elton %*@ but i also heard about that rumor of her getting smashed by a rapper. I aint believe it @ first but i guess w/e

I SO wanna see him tomorrow but I dont think he's even gonna go.
When I was a snowboard instructor, a group of 12 very young girls use to sing me the milkshake song on the lift. It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable Ihave ever been.
Originally Posted by Gello 201

JoseBronx wrote:

a dope album should come out after this whole mess is over, hopefully

Word..it's kinda like the only chapter Nas hasn't really had as an artist. Maybe a girlfriend messed him up one some songs...but any musician makes some of their best stuff after things like divorce, death, etc....puts things in perspective.

Yea, thats not happening. Nas hasn't had a dope album since it was written. This coming from a huge Nas fan who in 1997 had a boom box with an illmatictape that got eaten in it.
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