Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Lol the Financial Aid System is getting raped on both spectrum. This is the problem with NT. A lot of you guys will go in about how many kids are abusing the financial aid system but you forget about all the for profit colleges that are RAPING the financial aid worse than any student. Not sure if you guys watched the CNBC special on Student Debt but the for profit institutions like ITT Tech, Keiser, and University of Phoenix are straight up RAPING the financial aid for the government. They inflate their tuition and do VERY shady practices to ensure they get the financial aid money from the government.

NT is always focusing on the little guy we want to strip the welfare benefits from the poor people but we dont care how the bail out money was spent. We dont care about our elected officials making money to just chill or that the fact that ALOT of our elected officials are embezzling money. But we care about the small percentage of poor people who MAY abuse the welfare system.

That's real life though and not just NT.  Every once in a while you get a CNBC special but most of TV/media/politics is about blaming poor people with little to no media representation. 
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

NT is always focusing on the little guy we want to strip the welfare benefits from the poor people but we dont care how the bail out money was spent. We dont care about our elected officials making money to just chill or that the fact that ALOT of our elected officials are embezzling money. But we care about the small percentage of poor people who MAY abuse the welfare system.

This pretty much sums it up.

Rich people abuse the system and live lavishyly and NTers want to call it a "reward".
Poor woman gets govt cheese and shes a cancer to society.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Federal student loans fall under the umbrella of Financial Aid. You have to fill out a FAFSA to apply for them. I used to work in the FA office. God what hell that was. They're not free money, no, but they're still a financial aid for student use.

So then I guess I should specify the type of govt aid which isnt meant to be paid back.
Isnt that Tap and Pell or something like that?

Thats what Im talking about as being a form of welfare and all NTers should be fair game for drug testing if they receive this aid since they seem to be so for it.

If you want to get nit picky about it, I suppose.  Grants and scholarships do not have to be paid back. Pell is the big federal one, most states also have one.  You then have Veteran benefits that are not through the financial aid department, but are a form of assistance that does not need to be paid back. Different bills have different benefits. Some include housing in addition to paying books and tuition. 
If the government substantially paid for me to go to college I would WILLINGLY subject myself to drug testing. I don't think that's too much of a sacrifice. 

i thought htis was common knowledge.

financial institutions are REALLY the one raping everyone...

before loans were so readily available...

houses, cars and college education was ACTUALLY AFFORDABLE

meaning, you could PAY YOUR OWN WAY!

you could put half down on a house because houses were 50-75k

you could pay your tuition because it was like 1k for the year

you could BUY a car because they were like 1500 bucks...

now that loans are the norm, the same exact house is now sold to you at 175k...

if there were no loans, do you REALLY think people would be buying houses upwards of 175k?

the same college tuition that was 1k a year, is not 3k, 4k a quarter....and they change the state constitution to raise the tuition percentages higher than legally allowed....why? because they can...why can they? because we're not paying out of pocket....we can just take out a bigger loan.

how many people do you think would go to college without any sort of loan whatsoever? is 29k a year affordable without a loan? no.

cars are the same, as well. KIA and scion make 11k cars....the cheapest cars you can buy....

why are they 11k, tho? because you can take a loan out on it. do you think a car that was 11k would sell well if there were no loans to finance them? people would just drop 11k in cash on a whip on the spot?

with these loans comes inflation, and from the inflation comes bigger loans...

its a cycle they CAN play....

which is why when the major banks were going to fail, i was all for it. Colleges would no longer be able to charge you 30k a semester, because everyone would be forced to dropout and the colleges would collapse.

these houses going for 175k and are considered cheap wouldnt sell because, who has 175k in cash? instead, the prices would CRASH into the floor...youd be buying houses for 25-35k
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

If the government substantially paid for me to go to college I would WILLINGLY subject myself to drug testing. I don't think that's too much of a sacrifice. 

I dont think drug testing is needed to be honest. The government has already provided restrictions for financial aid. Schools have certain regulations for each student. Unless there is a correlation between drug use and passing classes its not necessary. I wouldnt say the majority of people who flunk out of school because of drug use its usually because of being irresponsible and just simply not being ready for school. There are those that sign up for schools at community colleges to just collect the student aid but that is such a small percentage of kids.

If I remember correctly to keep your financial aid you need to do have a 2.0 in the overall school year and pass 67% of the credits attempted. I believe the responsibility is the school though to actually regulate the restrictions.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


i thought htis was common knowledge.

financial institutions are REALLY the one raping everyone...

before loans were so readily available...

houses, cars and college education was ACTUALLY AFFORDABLE

meaning, you could PAY YOUR OWN WAY!

you could put half down on a house because houses were 50-75k

you could pay your tuition because it was like 1k for the year

you could BUY a car because they were like 1500 bucks...

now that loans are the norm, the same exact house is now sold to you at 175k...

if there were no loans, do you REALLY think people would be buying houses upwards of 175k?

the same college tuition that was 1k a year, is not 3k, 4k a quarter....and they change the state constitution to raise the tuition percentages higher than legally allowed....why? because they can...why can they? because we're not paying out of pocket....we can just take out a bigger loan.

how many people do you think would go to college without any sort of loan whatsoever? is 29k a year affordable without a loan? no.

cars are the same, as well. KIA and scion make 11k cars....the cheapest cars you can buy....

why are they 11k, tho? because you can take a loan out on it. do you think a car that was 11k would sell well if there were no loans to finance them? people would just drop 11k in cash on a whip on the spot?

with these loans comes inflation, and from the inflation comes bigger loans...

its a cycle they CAN play....

which is why when the major banks were going to fail, i was all for it. Colleges would no longer be able to charge you 30k a semester, because everyone would be forced to dropout and the colleges would collapse.

these houses going for 175k and are considered cheap wouldnt sell because, who has 175k in cash? instead, the prices would CRASH into the floor...youd be buying houses for 25-35k
Your right about everything you posted but I am specifically talking about the for proifit institutions. If you have time CNBC did a special on it heres the link
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

If the government substantially paid for me to go to college I would WILLINGLY subject myself to drug testing. I don't think that's too much of a sacrifice. 

I dont think drug testing is needed to be honest. The government has already provided restrictions for financial aid. Schools have certain regulations for each student. Unless there is a correlation between drug use and passing classes its not necessary. I wouldnt say the majority of people who flunk out of school because of drug use its usually because of being irresponsible and just simply not being ready for school. There are those that sign up for schools at community colleges to just collect the student aid but that is such a small percentage of kids.

If I remember correctly to keep your financial aid you need to do have a 2.0 in the overall school year and pass 67% of the credits attempted. I believe the responsibility is the school though to actually regulate the restrictions.

Good point, when you get a grant or a scholarship from school you have to achieve at a certain level or it gets taken away. This happened to several people I know
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Your right about everything you posted but I am specifically talking about the for proifit institutions. If you have time CNBC did a special on it heres the link

dude, everything in this entire country is run for-profit.

the real national religion is some pseduo-capitalism...

thanks to my capitalism thread, i know its more closely related to cronism....



Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

but im sure you don't think so.....cant even consider nor fathom it....huh?
oh no, i think about it. actually, I'm reading a book about these very scenarios you're bring up, Malcom Gladwell's Outliers. Give it a read.
 @ "I'm reading a book about these very scenarios you're bring up" then sugesting someone to "Give it a read"....................%!@*@ i lived it


Originally Posted by DownyBoy

but im sure you don't think so.....cant even consider nor fathom it....huh?
oh no, i think about it. actually, I'm reading a book about these very scenarios you're bring up, Malcom Gladwell's Outliers. Give it a read.

 @ "I'm reading a book about these very scenarios you're bring up" then sugesting someone to "Give it a read"....................%!@*@ i lived it

Originally Posted by PoloLax

this idiot really said the government has never supported him.

so the streets he drives on, the safety of society (police, firemen, public hospitals) have never once helped him, he never once recieved a vaccination at school, he doesnt enjoy having poison-free foods compliments of the wack +*% FDA, you know, he's not protected, nationally, by a US army or anything,

this guy is on his own in this world, doing it big.
The government supports everyone in terms of public goods, infastructure, schools, FDA. You're absolutely correct.

The whole reason for the public goods is that it benefits everyone. The roads I drive on can be used by anyone, public schools can be attended by anyone, public hospitals will not deny you a  right to be seen, the FDA creates guidelines for all foods, not selective foods that only certain people eat.

But you know what's funny, while I pay my share into those services, I can't ever be denied that access. But if I, or anyone above a certain income threshold wanted food stamps, we would be denied automatically.

Now, answer me this. I'm not sure what the numbers are, but I'll just throw a number out there. If the poverty line is set at 20,000 for a family of four (once again, hypothetical, don't know actually facts and figures), anyone who makes that or less can is in good shape of receiving benefits. But If I have a family of four and make 23,000 there's a good chance I may not qualify?

Now, I know that has nothing to do with anyone in here as the government sets those standards, but how is that fair. Who's to say a family may be struggling but doesn't qualify because they aren't at the threshold of income?

Why is it that I may be struggling, but my %$# has to go out and work for EVERY morsel of food I have on my and my children's plates, yet someone else who may make just a tad bit less than me qualifies?

Some public goods like roads, school and hospitals are non-excludable, but EBT cards are not. There are certain qualifications you have to meet to get those benefits. 

If I'm able bodied and make just a tad above that treshold, I have to go work for food, no matter what. No assistance, even though there's a possibility that I can really use that assistance? But the same able bodied person living next may qualify?

Come on man...

- conservatives love throwing around the word "fair".........
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Like I said, never ever EVER said I was against public assistance, not once. But the whole article was based around drug testing for those benefits. In my opinion, if you need that assistance you shouldn't be doing drugs. 

Someone brought of Financial Aid, another public assistance program and said well should we drug test those "priveledged" kids. HELL @*!%!%# YEAH.

It goes the same on both sides.
- if thats what you think you need to go back and take a course on reading comprehension skills.
- he didnt say 'we should test those on Financial Aid (*Correction PELL Grant*)'. he said IF they did, alot of people in here would be singing a different tune.......

 @ "we should we drug test those "priveledged" kids. HELL @*!%!%# YEAH."  ...........there you go again trying to make everything 'fair' again
. people like you stay jealous of something.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving PELL Grant.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
Originally Posted by Diego

I see them threads on NT where everyone talks about how they plan on ballin with their PELL Grant money. It be interesting to see how many of the people here who think they are "middle class" are the sames ones receiving PELL Grant (poor) and talking down on those in need.

- realest comments in this thread.......SWEAR TO GOD!


- posted again for emphasis. it gets no realer than this!
I only read the first couple pages of this thread but...

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This will be a perfect law for the children of these begging drug-users. Screw those little bastards and their emaciated little arms reaching for handouts. If momma smokes pot, screw the little kids!

This is the problem, and it's hard to say this but: As a person, I'm not responsible for any children but my own. If children are starving, of course I will help them and give them as much food or money for food as possible, I think any moral, warm hearted person is like this.

But this legislation is supposed to stop parents from receiving money who are not willing to help themselves. If they have children they shouldn't be doing drugs. If they can't even put food on the table for there children then what the hell are they doing going to the dealer on the corner for every morning, afternoon and night? This is supposed to get parents to make the right choice, get off the drugs and become a parent. It's not saying we are ending welfare, it's saying you won't get benefits if you can't control yourself for the greater good of your children.
Yes the %%*@ you ARE responsible.  Do you understand what it is to live in a SOCIETY?  As if YOU don't receive any type of benefit from living in the U.S.

Apparently you have had the PRIVILEGE to never have to have gone hungry or live with a drug-addicted parent or live on public assistance as a child or adolescent.  That %!%# wasn't because of anything that YOU did so don't feel so ++@@!++ "holier-than-thou."  If you never had to experience those things as a child, you were not somehow "smarter" or a "better person," you got LUCKY.

And if you're actually that cold-hearted then %%*@ you.  Period.


Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

all this 'why should WE help THEM? they dont want to work for it.."

if you dudes were even placed in these situations for a matter of hours you'd break down and cry like lil +$%+#%%...

its so easy to point your finger and talk down about people from a position of privilige....

mr. i have two parents and a nice upper-middle class home, i expect some sort of car at 16, and my taste in clothing and electronics is sponsored by my parents @@% dudes in here talking about some "if youre not willing to help yourself" !!%!

and im not assuming, its the tone and overall attitude of yalls collective posts that PROVE me right...

i have a feeling if you dudes stepped out of yalls bubble for once, and actually SEEN what you're over here SPEAKING on, your entire outlook, not only in THIS situation, but LIFE would change.

Make sure you're not a drug addict before being given FREE MONEY (that is what welfare is).

Sounds like a very fair deal to me (and other tax payers that have any clue).
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

That is pretty obvious by some of the posts here. 
Like this dude below... 

DownyBoy wrote:

 So it has nothing to do that some people on welfare have mental illnesses or handicaps?  Some of ya all really need to spend a week in public housing and then tell me how easy it is for those people to just pick themselves up and make things better. 
 @ ignorant folks talking out of their @$%@!.

if they have a mental illness then this law should not affect them. 

Mental illness welfare recipients don't do illegal drugs? 
 Roll with me on the 1st of every month to this mental health hospital.  When those dudes get that govt money on the 1st... dealers are right around the corner to help their fix.  Gee I wonder why those dealers frequent that hospital on the 1st... hmmmm??  
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

(how is it self-pity if im advocating for a population other than myself?)
Boy stop... you know this is NT; where if you're pro-gay rights, it's cause you're gay. If you're for helping the poor, you MUST be poor.  Period. There's no such thing as empathy.

self-pity, tho?

and lol @ dude saying "that's not white guilt"

me asking "oh, so what would it be called then?"

and him not even being able to give me a straight answer.

imma stick with white guilt....maybe REVERSE white guilt? HIDDEN white guilt? SUPPRESSED white guilt?

i know they're white....and they're help me out

I don't even know what's being argued, word to mytmouse
. And yet, you make good arguments. How is that possible?

Like... I'm only peeking in here every few pages or so to see if this is really what you guys are bickering over and not some sneak asian women appreciation spin-off i'm missing. I'm with seasoned vet tho. What you said about all that privilege and perspective is pretty real if you ask me.
im moreso going in on them for whining....

they dont bother reading the post, they just come in to say blanket bigoted statements and complain about people wasting their tax money, mention our black president, then be out

and it aint that type of party

so THEYRE arguing with me, assuming that im against the drug testing and im justifying the abuse of government assistance....

and im not...

im just explaining my empathy toward the poorest population in this country....

TRYING to give these lames some sort of perspective....a dose of reality...

but they too busy trynna argue with me based upon economic theory to understand that...

they're also too busy trynna argue to actually gain that perspective...

dude told me "oh i know, im reading a book about it"

So it's like when I end up catching all sorts of heat from these atheist types that don't actually READ what I've said. Gotcha
Is alcohol intake included in this testing?   Seriously... Pretty sure more money is spent on it than hard drugs and pot.  But oh well, what do I know?  
Anyways our whole system is screwed.  From welfare to foodstamps to housing and unemployment.  I actually admit to using my unemployment card to pay a bar tab when I was on unemployment.  

Instead of putting the larger emphasis on helping people get stable jobs and lives, it helps them be comfortable in their ways in poverty.  
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