Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ya'll are all for this so why do you keep arguing?
Because this is NT, Ms. Anti-dougie.

You just mad she over here holding the wall with me



im not anti-dougie...i'm anti hip rockin and actin like an AKA lookin in the mirror and stuff
Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation. 

Should also have mandatory abortions if you can't support your own kids art the time of birth. 

I had enough of paying for this !++! already.  Yeah, I said it.

I want the itemized bill of where my tax dollars went that Barak Obama referred to in his State of the Union speech last night. 
I was with you up until this point
You guys do realize the perverse incentive created by such a law? It should be called the "trade in marijuana for crack, meth and heroin act." THC stays in a person's system for weeks while cocaine and opiates and methamphetamine will usually be out of an addict's system within days. This encourages someone who might have only smoked marijuana to take up stronger, more dagerous and more addictive drugs.

Will the CEO's of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, AIG and Goldman Sachs and every other bailed out firm be willing to piss in a cup on demand. They are all welfare recipients after all.

Will tobacco, caffeine and alcohol be on that list of banned substances? (does anyone else find it ironic that the OP and the person who is so gung ho about this law counts "beer" among his trinity of good things in life. Beer is, despite all of the history, mystique and marketing surrounding it, a mind altering substance).

The definition of "recipient of government benefits" is very elastic. I understand the underlying logic of drug testing people who receive tax payer to beneficiary payments. However, as Senator Orrin Hatch proposed, everyone who gets  Unemployment benefits should be drugs tested. In theory at least, those benefits are a form of insurance and not welfare payments as is social security and medicare and workers' compensation. Should we test anyone in those programs. What about any whose mortgage was bundled and sold to a GSE? What about any who every drives on government funded roads.

Finally, I hope that you younger people here take a lesson from this. Big government means less privacy for you. The more benefits that you get from the public treasury, the more they attach strings to those benefits and one day a "free" man might be treated about the same as an inmate in a penitentiary today.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

You guys do realize the perverse incentive created by such a law? It should be called the "trade in marijuana for crack, meth and heroin act." THC stays in a person's system for weeks while cocaine and opiates and methamphetamine will usually be out of an addict's system within days. This encourages someone who might have only smoked marijuana to take up stronger, more dagerous and more addictive drugs.

Will the CEO's of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, AIG and Goldman Sachs and every other bailed out firm be willing to piss in a cup on demand. They are all welfare recipients after all.

Will tobacco, caffeine and alcohol be on that list of banned substances? (does anyone else find it ironic that the OP and the person who is so gung ho about this law counts "beer" among his trinity of good things in life. Beer is, despite all of the history, mystique and marketing surrounding it, a mind altering substance).

The definition of "recipient of government benefits" is very elastic. I understand the underlying logic of drug testing people who receive tax payer to beneficiary payments. However, as Senator Orrin Hatch proposed, everyone who gets  Unemployment benefits should be drugs tested. In theory at least, those benefits are a form of insurance and not welfare payments as is social security and medicare and workers' compensation. Should we test anyone in those programs. What about any whose mortgage was bundled and sold to a GSE? What about any who every drives on government funded roads.

Finally, I hope that you younger people here take a lesson from this. Big government means less privacy for you. The more benefits that you get from the public treasury, the more they attach strings to those benefits and one day a "free" man might be treated about the same as an inmate in a penitentiary today.
Only weed smokers will be hit.....

while crack, meth, and hard core drug abusers will continue to do their thing.

It really makes no sense. Someone who messes with meth can get clean in as little as 2 days..... and weed takes 30 days to clear the system.

Drug tests would not exist if it weren't for weed. It is ridiculous how quickly dangerous and harmful drugs leave the system possibly because the body rejects those harmful substances as soon as possible while THC lingers in the system because it is not harmful at all. Those that support this measure should really get educated on the subject of drug testing and drug abuse.

Ive met many who will not touch weed because it will show up on a drug test yet they mess with ecstasy and cocaine hard on the weekends and later take a drug test on the weekday and its like it never happened. Because of these drug tests which are only capable of catching unsuspecting victims or weed smokers. The harm is being done to the person who has no safe alternative "high" and must dip into more dangerous and uncontrolled sunstances which can have severe long term effects on the human body.

The system is working perfectly. Im sure the use of dangerous drugs and alcohol will replace the weed smokers. silly
In theory it sounds good but I think its a bad idea. Too much money will be spent on testing. Also, if welfare recipients have to test, then where will it go from there? Drug testing for Unemployment benefits? disability?
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

(how is it self-pity if im advocating for a population other than myself?)
Boy stop... you know this is NT; where if you're pro-gay rights, it's cause you're gay. If you're for helping the poor, you MUST be poor.  Period. There's no such thing as empathy.


some of these NT dudes man...
i'm not mad cause first off theres white women on welfare who's on drugs just as there is black....if not more.....while on the surface it looks race related its really not

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Only weed smokers will be hit.....

while crack, meth, and hard core drug abusers will continue to do their thing.

It really makes no sense. Someone who messes with meth can get clean in as little as 2 days..... and weed takes 30 days to clear the system. 

Drug tests would not exist if it weren't for weed. It is ridiculous how quickly dangerous and harmful drugs leave the system possibly because the body rejects those harmful substances as soon as possible while THC lingers in the system because it is not harmful at all. Those that support this measure should really get educated on the subject of drug testing and drug abuse. 

Ive met many who will not touch weed because it will show up on a drug test yet they mess with ecstasy and cocaine hard on the weekends and later take a drug test on the weekday and its like it never happened. Because of these drug tests which are only capable of catching unsuspecting victims or weed smokers. The harm is being done to the person who has no safe alternative "high" and must dip into more dangerous and uncontrolled sunstances which can have severe long term effects on the human body.

The system is working perfectly. Im sure the use of dangerous drugs and alcohol will replace the weed smokers. silly

 had no idea...
I approve.I'm tired of going to work while #+%!*% stay at home gettin high collecting a check. get some ambition and get out of the house and find work!
i think the system should be restructured so that welfare recipients can't abuse the $. i overheard this hood %@$## talking about how she's gonna go shopping with her welfare check and i remember looking at her kid like, this little girl is looking mad famished n %%#@ and this scallywag is talking about prada
in philly btw

i think this law is a step in the right direction. i think every state should adopt this.
I'm all for it. You want to be on Daddy's tit, play by Daddy's rules. If you're doing drugs and on Welfare and upset about it, get off Welfare then.

They need to close up the loopholes in all the Government assistance programs. My sister used to be a professional at taking advantage of them. She was literally driving a brand new Escallade and has a pink Old School that has won some trophies and even been in some car magazines (think it's a 65 Buick), while only paying $20 for Section 8 rent (in a very nice neighborhood too not the "inner city"), while getting food stamps, free day care, food stamps, the whole 9. $%!@ is hilarious. She is back in the work force legitimately now, probably upset as $%!@ about it too.

Even unemployment is too easy to get and stay on. When I was on it, all you had to do was log in weekly and say that you made 2 job related contacts, required no further details, which could be as little as filling out an app or nothing really since almost nobody gets audited (George Costanza did on that famous episode though).

I ended up having to pay all that money back anyways due to a technicality.

But yea much like everybody, I know so many people, mostly women, who abuse the system.
They should've BEEN implemented this in every state in the union.  Stop acting like every law implemented is some deep ploy to screw up black people even further, do you know how many poor white folk get welfare too??  And I'm the first person to recognize and call out racism.
More laws similar in nature need to be implemented.  I'm tired of black folk defending this like every person on welfare is the same ole' "poor black woman needs her stamps so her children can eat".  While I'm sure that represents a number of people, it damn sure ain't everybody. There are a NUMBER of people (black & white) who abuse the system daily.  The more the government can weed out the bum !%+ people who get stamps but have money for drugs, the better funds can be provided to those who ACTUALLY need it.
There needs to be a way to penalize people on welfare who choose to have additional children knowing damn well they have no job or means of supporting them----it's disgusting
I thought Florida passed a bill similar to this and they found out like less than 3% of the people on welfare were on drugs. The actual cost of the drugs test cost more money than they saved by kicking the people off of welfare.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There needs to be a way to penalize people on welfare who choose to have additional children knowing damn well they have no job or means of supporting them----it's disgusting

sick of paying for someone else's filthy rugrats.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Only weed smokers will be hit.....

while crack, meth, and hard core drug abusers will continue to do their thing.

It really makes no sense. Someone who messes with meth can get clean in as little as 2 days..... and weed takes 30 days to clear the system.
Can't agree with this post entirely. While I do think it unfairly targets people who smoke pot, when have you ever seen a crackhead go two days without crack? How about a tweaker going two days off meth? It just doesn't happen that way. It's not as easy as "Ok, I'm getting tested in a few days, so I should lay off the crack pipe."
Originally Posted by RedMan

I thought Florida passed a bill similar to this and they found out like less than 3% of the people on welfare were on drugs. The actual cost of the drugs test cost more money than they saved by kicking the people off of welfare.

Was actually only 2%.

And yes that is correct..

I read you would need close to 15-20% in order for it to be barely cost saving.

But don't tell folks that they are just spending more tax payer dollars trying to find people abusing tax payer dollars.. Let them stereotypically believe what they want, and let them enjoy ignorance..

It would be nice if states like Florida contemplating these laws didn't have the wife of the governor that OWNED these drug testing places...

...cause...thats not a conflict of interest or anything.
There's a reason why Florida Gov. Rick Scott is hovering around the Mendoza Line. 
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