Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

I'm all for it, almost everyone who holds a job in this country is subjected to drug testing in order to get hired and in many cases the job will still test randomly or when they have a specific situation that leads to employees being tested.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything

Hush, child.

Yeah you sound jealous. You should try to help get your mom a new whip instead of spending cash on kicks.

Random Fact: There are more non-blacks on public assistance getting "benefit" from the government.
Even though the legislation in Michigan may have only found 21 of 258 randomly tested had drugs in there system, that's 21 people who wouldn't get tax dollars.
all of them but three were smoking weed, tho.

thats quite lame.


im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

all this 'why should WE help THEM? they dont want to work for it.."

if you dudes were even placed in these situations for a matter of hours you'd break down and cry like lil +$%+#%%...

its so easy to point your finger and talk down about people from a position of privilige....

mr. i have two parents and a nice upper-middle class home, i expect some sort of car at 16, and my taste in clothing and electronics is sponsored by my parents @@% dudes in here talking about some "if youre not willing to help yourself" !!%!

and im not assuming, its the tone and overall attitude of yalls collective posts that PROVE me right...

and if you ARE infact GROWN men....

imma need to find some other way to classify myself....

!!%! is disgusting.

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything
this type of dumb !!%!.

noone cares about your input nor opinion, dude....

you contributed nothing.

but why are we helping others who don't give a damn about themsevles and continue living a lifestyle that is only hindering their ability to provide food, shelter, etc.
dude, all but three of the people who failed the test, failed for weed....


im all for cutting off assistance to meth and crack heads who will smoke it all up

but WEED hinders someone's ability to provide food and shelter?


Are you going to come up to me and offer to help me? Would you waste your resources trying to help me, when you could continue helping yourself? Are you going to feel bad for me that I failed the test?
now, in a test situation, no, its a test.....

now, when it comes to people starving in the streets.....much different answer.

i guess im just more empathetic than the average man...

i have a feeling if you dudes stepped out of yalls bubble for once, and actually SEEN what you're over here SPEAKING on, your entire outlook, not only in THIS situation, but LIFE would change.

ive spent time in section 8....ive taken food stamps, the physical paper stamps, to corner stores to get cigarettes for my aunt, ive gone to free lunch and free summer childcare camps, i ate from food from food panties that were white with black letters on it, i have empathy for people in that situation.

you got kids in the suburbs, never worked a day in their lives, talking greasy about section 8 mothers like they living the fat life, feet up on a mahogany desk, counting money smoking cuban cigars...

section 8 is so sweet, but you have to live in probably the least "american" parts of america....!!%! is basically a 3rd world country....

so yeah, her rent is 30 bucks a month, but look where the %!%# she lives and what she has to deal with everyday...

food stamps, yeah, she gets to eat food for free, she feeds her kids for free, she sells the left over foodstamps and goes to cop a dime sack with it...

the %!%# was that 10 bucks of our "HARD EARNED TAX MONEY" gonna do for her and her kids? she lives in basically a 3rd world country, the only jobs available for her would take her off section 8 and welfare, and she would actually end up LOSING MONEY at any of these jobs....

and she can't get a *@#@%! dime sack, dude?

its like that forreal?

yall that cold hearted in your plush middle class hyper inflated suburban home sipping on a zima?

yall need reality checks, forreal.

(p.s. notice how i didn't even give a race of the woman in my example, right? cause that !!%! doesnt #***%%# matter, dude. they're human beings. i used to teach kids who ONLY ATE AT SCHOOL. we're such proud americans who wanna scream woooo america #1 YEAH.....but we have americans living like they in sudan or some !!%!...and not only do people NOT show empathy, which is the least you can do, you have these people out here STYLING ON THEM.....get yourself some world not SINGLING anyone out, even the dudes i just getting sick of reading this !!%!. got me feeling punchy and !!%!.)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Even though the legislation in Michigan may have only found 21 of 258 randomly tested had drugs in there system, that's 21 people who wouldn't get tax dollars.
all of them but three were smoking weed, tho.

thats quite lame.


im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

all this 'why should WE help THEM? they dont want to work for it.."

if you dudes were even placed in these situations for a matter of hours you'd break down and cry like lil +$%+#%%...

its so easy to point your finger and talk down about people from a position of privilige....

mr. i have two parents and a nice upper-middle class home, i expect some sort of car at 16, and my taste in clothing and electronics is sponsored by my parents @@% dudes in here talking about some "if youre not willing to help yourself" !!%!

and im not assuming, its the tone and overall attitude of yalls collective posts that PROVE me right...

and if you ARE infact GROWN men....

imma need to find some other way to classify myself....

!!%! is disgusting.

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything
this type of dumb !!%!.

noone cares about your input nor opinion, dude....

you contributed nothing.

but why are we helping others who don't give a damn about themsevles and continue living a lifestyle that is only hindering their ability to provide food, shelter, etc.
dude, all but three of the people who failed the test, failed for weed....


im all for cutting off assistance to meth and crack heads who will smoke it all up

but WEED hinders someone's ability to provide food and shelter?


Are you going to come up to me and offer to help me? Would you waste your resources trying to help me, when you could continue helping yourself? Are you going to feel bad for me that I failed the test?
now, in a test situation, no, its a test.....

now, when it comes to people starving in the streets.....much different answer.

i guess im just more empathetic than the average man...

i have a feeling if you dudes stepped out of yalls bubble for once, and actually SEEN what you're over here SPEAKING on, your entire outlook, not only in THIS situation, but LIFE would change.

ive spent time in section 8....ive taken food stamps, the physical paper stamps, to corner stores to get cigarettes for my aunt, ive gone to free lunch and free summer childcare camps, i ate from food from food panties that were white with black letters on it, i have empathy for people in that situation.

you got kids in the suburbs, never worked a day in their lives, talking greasy about section 8 mothers like they living the fat life, feet up on a mahogany desk, counting money smoking cuban cigars...

section 8 is so sweet, but you have to live in probably the least "american" parts of america....!!%! is basically a 3rd world country....

so yeah, her rent is 30 bucks a month, but look where the %!%# she lives and what she has to deal with everyday...

food stamps, yeah, she gets to eat food for free, she feeds her kids for free, she sells the left over foodstamps and goes to cop a dime sack with it...

the %!%# was that 10 bucks of our "HARD EARNED TAX MONEY" gonna do for her and her kids? she lives in basically a 3rd world country, the only jobs available for her would take her off section 8 and welfare, and she would actually end up LOSING MONEY at any of these jobs....

and she can't get a *@#@%! dime sack, dude?

its like that forreal?

yall that cold hearted in your plush middle class hyper inflated suburban home sipping on a zima?

yall need reality checks, forreal.

(p.s. notice how i didn't even give a race of the woman in my example, right? cause that !!%! doesnt #***%%# matter, dude. they're human beings. i used to teach kids who ONLY ATE AT SCHOOL. we're such proud americans who wanna scream woooo america #1 YEAH.....but we have americans living like they in sudan or some !!%!...and not only do people NOT show empathy, which is the least you can do, you have these people out here STYLING ON THEM.....get yourself some world not SINGLING anyone out, even the dudes i just getting sick of reading this !!%!. got me feeling punchy and !!%!.)

You went too far, we don't have any americans living like they are in Sudan. If you let yourself get THAT hungry you deserve to starve. I'm stealing for food or walking in to a police station saying I'm hungry, hell even a hospital.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

You went too far, we don't have any americans living like they are in Sudan.
[*]Of the 49.1 million people living in food insecure households (up from 36.2 million in 2007), 32.4 million are adults (14.4 percent of all adults) and 16.7 million are children (22.5 percent of all children). [*]17.3 million people lived in households that were considered to have "very low food security," a USDA term (previously denominated "food insecure with hunger") that means one or more people in the household were hungry over the course of the year because of the inability to afford enough food. This was up from 11.9 million in 2007 and 8.5 million in 2000. [*]Very low food security had been getting worse even before the recession. The number of people in this category in 2008 is more than double the number in 2000. 
there are people who live in the deep south and their daily life and rountine, besides having SOME SORT of shelter, isn't MUCH different from that of someone in sudan....

there are people who live in West Virginia that HUNT for their meat...


and they typically eat possum or other rodents...

in america.

and not because they think rodents taste good.

I'm all for giving to the less fortunate and redistribution of wealth via taxes.

I am against my tax dollars being used to support drug use. You want do drugs, I don't care. I'm just not paying for you to get high.

I support the law.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I'm all for giving to the less fortunate and redistribution of wealth via taxes.

I am against my tax dollars being used to support drug use. You want do drugs, I don't care. I'm just not paying for you to get high.

I support the law.

you're paying for living in the country.

thanks, tho.

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

I'm for it. Get them to not just kick back and relax and do drugs while the government wastes money on them.

example of my annoyance.

Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop
if someone qualifies for government assistance, who are YOU to say they dont "deserve" it...

the poverty line is something like 14k

who are YOU to say a person making 14k doesnt DESERVE assistance?

the government deemed a line, which, if you happen to fall under, you are eligible for assistance...

THIS is the type of mindstate that frustrates me.

people are "kicking up" and "relaxing" on government assistance...

that #$#% aint even angers me.
I'm for it. Get them to not just kick back and relax and do drugs while the government wastes money on them.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Even though the legislation in Michigan may have only found 21 of 258 randomly tested had drugs in there system, that's 21 people who wouldn't get tax dollars.
all of them but three were smoking weed, tho.

thats quite lame.


im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

all this 'why should WE help THEM? they dont want to work for it.."

if you dudes were even placed in these situations for a matter of hours you'd break down and cry like lil +$%+#%%...

its so easy to point your finger and talk down about people from a position of privilige....

mr. i have two parents and a nice upper-middle class home, i expect some sort of car at 16, and my taste in clothing and electronics is sponsored by my parents @@% dudes in here talking about some "if youre not willing to help yourself" !!%!

and im not assuming, its the tone and overall attitude of yalls collective posts that PROVE me right...

and if you ARE infact GROWN men....

imma need to find some other way to classify myself....

!!%! is disgusting.

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything
this type of dumb !!%!.

noone cares about your input nor opinion, dude....

you contributed nothing.

but why are we helping others who don't give a damn about themsevles and continue living a lifestyle that is only hindering their ability to provide food, shelter, etc.
dude, all but three of the people who failed the test, failed for weed....


im all for cutting off assistance to meth and crack heads who will smoke it all up

but WEED hinders someone's ability to provide food and shelter?


Are you going to come up to me and offer to help me? Would you waste your resources trying to help me, when you could continue helping yourself? Are you going to feel bad for me that I failed the test?
now, in a test situation, no, its a test.....

now, when it comes to people starving in the streets.....much different answer.

i guess im just more empathetic than the average man...

i have a feeling if you dudes stepped out of yalls bubble for once, and actually SEEN what you're over here SPEAKING on, your entire outlook, not only in THIS situation, but LIFE would change.

ive spent time in section 8....ive taken food stamps, the physical paper stamps, to corner stores to get cigarettes for my aunt, ive gone to free lunch and free summer childcare camps, i ate from food from food panties that were white with black letters on it, i have empathy for people in that situation.

you got kids in the suburbs, never worked a day in their lives, talking greasy about section 8 mothers like they living the fat life, feet up on a mahogany desk, counting money smoking cuban cigars...

section 8 is so sweet, but you have to live in probably the least "american" parts of america....!!%! is basically a 3rd world country....

so yeah, her rent is 30 bucks a month, but look where the %!%# she lives and what she has to deal with everyday...

food stamps, yeah, she gets to eat food for free, she feeds her kids for free, she sells the left over foodstamps and goes to cop a dime sack with it...

the %!%# was that 10 bucks of our "HARD EARNED TAX MONEY" gonna do for her and her kids? she lives in basically a 3rd world country, the only jobs available for her would take her off section 8 and welfare, and she would actually end up LOSING MONEY at any of these jobs....

and she can't get a *@#@%! dime sack, dude?

its like that forreal?

yall that cold hearted in your plush middle class hyper inflated suburban home sipping on a zima?

yall need reality checks, forreal.

(p.s. notice how i didn't even give a race of the woman in my example, right? cause that !!%! doesnt #***%%# matter, dude. they're human beings. i used to teach kids who ONLY ATE AT SCHOOL. we're such proud americans who wanna scream woooo america #1 YEAH.....but we have americans living like they in sudan or some !!%!...and not only do people NOT show empathy, which is the least you can do, you have these people out here STYLING ON THEM.....get yourself some world not SINGLING anyone out, even the dudes i just getting sick of reading this !!%!. got me feeling punchy and !!%!.)

My wife works for our county's DJFS and she has to deal with people on welfare all day..And after hearing the stories about how so many people she deals with each day are obviously loaded when the walk thru the door, I wholeheartedly agree with this plan to drug test for benefits..Anyone who thinks this law is a violation of privacy/civil rights or is racist needs to go work at the welfare office for a month and then tell me if you feel the same way..Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop..This country needs to start holding people more accountable for their own lives instead of relying on a handout from the goverment..
Originally Posted by casekicks

My wife works for our county's DJFS and she has to deal with people on welfare all day..And after hearing the stories about how so many people she deals with each day are obviously loaded when the walk thru the door, I wholeheartedly agree with this plan to drug test for benefits..Anyone who thinks this law is a violation of privacy/civil rights or is racist needs to go work at the welfare office for a month and then tell me if you feel the same way..Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop..This country needs to start holding people more accountable for their own lives instead of relying on a handout from the goverment..

this right here
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Even though the legislation in Michigan may have only found 21 of 258 randomly tested had drugs in there system, that's 21 people who wouldn't get tax dollars.
all of them but three were smoking weed, tho.

thats quite lame.


im growing more and more sick with you dudes on here who OBVIOUSLY have no life-experience whatsoever to mold these opinions you somehow formed in your sheltered life....

all this 'why should WE help THEM? they dont want to work for it.."

if you dudes were even placed in these situations for a matter of hours you'd break down and cry like lil +$%+#%%...

its so easy to point your finger and talk down about people from a position of privilige....

mr. i have two parents and a nice upper-middle class home, i expect some sort of car at 16, and my taste in clothing and electronics is sponsored by my parents @@% dudes in here talking about some "if youre not willing to help yourself" !!%!

and im not assuming, its the tone and overall attitude of yalls collective posts that PROVE me right...

and if you ARE infact GROWN men....

imma need to find some other way to classify myself....

!!%! is disgusting.

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything
this type of dumb !!%!.

noone cares about your input nor opinion, dude....

you contributed nothing.

but why are we helping others who don't give a damn about themsevles and continue living a lifestyle that is only hindering their ability to provide food, shelter, etc.
dude, all but three of the people who failed the test, failed for weed....


im all for cutting off assistance to meth and crack heads who will smoke it all up

but WEED hinders someone's ability to provide food and shelter?


Are you going to come up to me and offer to help me? Would you waste your resources trying to help me, when you could continue helping yourself? Are you going to feel bad for me that I failed the test?
now, in a test situation, no, its a test.....

now, when it comes to people starving in the streets.....much different answer.

i guess im just more empathetic than the average man...

i have a feeling if you dudes stepped out of yalls bubble for once, and actually SEEN what you're over here SPEAKING on, your entire outlook, not only in THIS situation, but LIFE would change.

ive spent time in section 8....ive taken food stamps, the physical paper stamps, to corner stores to get cigarettes for my aunt, ive gone to free lunch and free summer childcare camps, i ate from food from food panties that were white with black letters on it, i have empathy for people in that situation.

you got kids in the suburbs, never worked a day in their lives, talking greasy about section 8 mothers like they living the fat life, feet up on a mahogany desk, counting money smoking cuban cigars...

section 8 is so sweet, but you have to live in probably the least "american" parts of america....!!%! is basically a 3rd world country....

so yeah, her rent is 30 bucks a month, but look where the %!%# she lives and what she has to deal with everyday...

food stamps, yeah, she gets to eat food for free, she feeds her kids for free, she sells the left over foodstamps and goes to cop a dime sack with it...

the %!%# was that 10 bucks of our "HARD EARNED TAX MONEY" gonna do for her and her kids? she lives in basically a 3rd world country, the only jobs available for her would take her off section 8 and welfare, and she would actually end up LOSING MONEY at any of these jobs....

and she can't get a *@#@%! dime sack, dude?

its like that forreal?

yall that cold hearted in your plush middle class hyper inflated suburban home sipping on a zima?

yall need reality checks, forreal.

(p.s. notice how i didn't even give a race of the woman in my example, right? cause that !!%! doesnt #***%%# matter, dude. they're human beings. i used to teach kids who ONLY ATE AT SCHOOL. we're such proud americans who wanna scream woooo america #1 YEAH.....but we have americans living like they in sudan or some !!%!...and not only do people NOT show empathy, which is the least you can do, you have these people out here STYLING ON THEM.....get yourself some world not SINGLING anyone out, even the dudes i just getting sick of reading this !!%!. got me feeling punchy and !!%!.)

Don't $!**%%* talk down to someone because you think they haven't lived a lifestyle or don't know what's its like behind sheltered walls. I don't give a damn if it's a dime sack a week or a brick of raw coke. It's illegal substances. It's wrong. Listen, if you got kids mouths to feed, you don't waste a dollar on ANYTHING over then giving your kids food and shelter. Don't give me this "oh she deserves it" bull$^#. She don't deserve %$+# but a slap in the face for thinking she does deserve it. No one deserves anything. You work for anything you get, that's what you do. If you can't find a job, then you collect your unemployment and your food stamps and you save that money for rent, and put food on the table. You want a vice, to bad, learn to deal with it. No one told you to take your first puff of a blunt. You knew it was a costly habit, and if you can't afford it YOURSELF then don't depend on someone else to support it for you. Cause personally, I don't buy anything I don't need and I'll be damned if someone tells me they NEED to buy a dimesack.  POINT BLANK.

And she doesn't live in a third world country. Immigrants from Guatamala, Soviet Bloc nations, Sudan, Iraq, those are 3rd world countries where there is no clean water, no waste treatment facialties, no access to healthcare or even a damn education. That's third world. No where, not anywhere in this nation are there conditions like people in other areas in the world have to deal with. You live here you get a free education, whether it sucks and the school is failing or not, you get it and you make the best of it.

People come from piss poor conditions all over this country and succeed on a daily basis. It's not a matter of what you have or don't have, it's a matter of determination and vision to get yourself to become better then the people who raised you. However, it's people like you who say the priveledged don't know about the "struggle". What $!**%%* struggle, your sitting behind a computer with internet access just like me, but let me guess, you know all to much about the stuggle from coppin' ciggs at the local food mart. Get out of here with that...

You want drugs, BUY the drugs YOURSELF. 10 bucks, 20 bucks, 100 bucks. I don't care. Its the principle.

It's the same people like you talking about the corrupt politicians holding the people back and making the conditions like they are, but you support the ones taking food stamps and reselling them for a dime bag. That's fraud too. Think about that...

I'm sorry your life is so bad that you need a to smoke a blunt everyday. Deal with it, keep your head high and make some moves in your life...
I havent had the chance to go through this entire thread but....A lot of you guys are forgetting something when you think about this. Most of these people ON DRUGS are SURVIVING off of Welfare. What do you think is going to happen to crime when the addicts need to get money? Unless the State is going to pay for this people to get actual treatment this isnt goign to do anything really but save money. I guess money is the only thing that matters in the situation but these people are still human beings. If you are going to deny them welfare atleast give them proper drug treatment.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Don't $!**%%* talk down to someone because you think they haven't lived a lifestyle or don't know what's its like behind sheltered walls. I don't give a damn if it's a dime sack a week or a brick of raw coke. It's illegal substances. It's wrong. Listen, if you got kids mouths to feed, you don't waste a dollar on ANYTHING over then giving your kids food and shelter. Don't give me this "oh she deserves it" bull$^#. She don't deserve %$+# but a slap in the face for thinking she does deserve it. No one deserves anything. You work for anything you get, that's what you do. If you can't find a job, then you collect your unemployment and your food stamps and you save that money for rent, and put food on the table. You want a vice, to bad, learn to deal with it. No one told you to take your first puff of a blunt. You knew it was a costly habit, and if you can't afford it YOURSELF then don't depend on someone else to support it for you. Cause personally, I don't buy anything I don't need and I'll be damned if someone tells me they NEED to buy a dimesack.  POINT BLANK.

And she doesn't live in a third world country. Immigrants from Guatamala, Soviet Bloc nations, Sudan, Iraq, those are 3rd world countries where there is no clean water, no waste treatment facialties, no access to healthcare or even a damn education. That's third world. No where, not anywhere in this nation are there conditions like people in other areas in the world have to deal with. You live here you get a free education, whether it sucks and the school is failing or not, you get it and you make the best of it.

People come from piss poor conditions all over this country and succeed on a daily basis. It's not a matter of what you have or don't have, it's a matter of determination and vision to get yourself to become better then the people who raised you. However, it's people like you who say the priveledged don't know about the "struggle". What $!**%%* struggle, your sitting behind a computer with internet access just like me, but let me guess, you know all to much about the stuggle from coppin' ciggs at the local food mart. Get out of here with that...

You want drugs, BUY the drugs YOURSELF. 10 bucks, 20 bucks, 100 bucks. I don't care. Its the principle.

It's the same people like you talking about the corrupt politicians holding the people back and making the conditions like they are, but you support the ones taking food stamps and reselling them for a dime bag. That's fraud too. Think about that...

I'm sorry your life is so bad that you need a to smoke a blunt everyday. Deal with it, keep your head high and make some moves in your life...
i applaud you man
Originally Posted by diceloveme

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

we know this, ninja.

also, the illegal purchase of alcohol with stamps wont change, to the other guy before ninja.

but back to ninja,

if they limit what kind of foods can be purchased with EBT, they will limit the amount of flipping food stamps...

for example, if i cant cop my fav junkfood, sodas, i.e. anything except fresh produce/meat/basic things....why would i be trynna buy food stamps?

people do it now cause look, i spend 150 at the grocery store a month, i can give HER this 150, and get 300 worth of food now...its great.

put limitations on it.

you dont see people selling their WIC vouchers, right?

i think stamps should be more WIC-like....

x oz of milk, x oz of cheese, x number of eggs, ex oz of formula, PERIOD

not a free-for-all, cop filet minon and lobsters type deal..

also, a more WIC-like approach would discourage the illegal purchasing of things other than food with EBT as well
And BTW isnt this pretty hypocrtical for the government to punish people for using drugs when they allow these drugs into the country? The government has had a history of supporting drug cartels in outside countrys. Many people blame the crack epidemic partially on the US government. Isnt this just what they wanted to happen?
i like how you made it personal with the whole "you" thing...

it was cute, a logical fallacy, but cute, anyway...

i never said the word "deserve", first off....

 No one deserves anything. You work for anything you get, that's what you do.
except if you were born into any class other than the very lowest in this country......cause im pretty sure we don't work for formula/breast milk....nor do we work for pampers...nor do we work for public schooling...nor do we work for anything our parents bestow upon us.

some people don't have parents bestowing #+$$ upon them...

some people actually have parents TAKING from them....

who are YOU to point YOUR finger at anyone else?

do you know what its like to never have #+$$? to never even have realistic aspirations to have or be #+$$...because its not very likely?

i, personally, don't....never said i did....which is why i cant, with a clear conscious, judge or talk down on people in that situation.

this hypothetical metaphorical "lazy, relaxing, fat pocketed, baller on government assistance" #+$$ is disgusting. these people are born and die in a circumstance they have little to no control over. These are policies and systematic oppression that was in place BEFORE ANY OF OUR GRANDPARENTS WERE EVEN EMBRYOS.....

yes, people get out, yes, people work and provide, yes, all of that, yes, it can be done...


the very idea that yall think people living in the projects can EVER "kick back" and "relax" on government're bugging.

yes, people HAVE discovered ways to WORK the system...just like ANY system thats EVER been IMPLIMENTED in HUMAN HISTORY.....

am i defending THOSE people? no. am i JUSTIFYING it? no way...

am i empathetic to the very very desperate and sad circumstance and situation these people are BORN into and DIE in? yes.

And she doesn't live in a third world country. Immigrants from Guatamala, Soviet Bloc nations, Sudan, Iraq, those are 3rd world countries where there is no clean water, no waste treatment facialties, no access to healthcare or even a damn education.
  besides the obvious population of americans too poor to afford ANY of these things....

there are sections of the US in which tap water is flammable as it comes out the faucet...

there are sections of the US where there is no plumbing....

there are millions upon millions upon millions of americans who do not have access to healthcare whatsoever

and there is a post where a mother recieved double felonies and actual jailtime for trying to get access to an equal education for her daughters.....

so, again,


like i said, step outside once in a while

if that offended you, good, thats what it was supposed to do.

(i also noticed how you refuted none of my assumptions about you and how you formed such a disgusting mindstate concerning this topic....its nice to know i was right....even if partially.)
I agree with the last few statements. If you have seriously addicted people, if you do cut off their welfare, you will see a rise in crime most likely. That's the scary part. Rehabilitation for those who need it would be good, but that would cost alot of money.

There would obviously need to be a cost-benefit analysis done to see if the ending assistance to drug addicts would save more money than operating more rehab clinics. That or increase public safety, but that doesn't seem to work as police can't be in every place at once.
Its hard to see how anyone has a problem with this.

If someone is on welfare gaining liberty checks out of the tax payers pocket then clearly they shouldn't be on any type of drugs. Unless you as a tax payer want to supporting someone's drug habit, where do you think the money goes for these people who are using?

Frankly I'd rather be supporting someone along the lines of a single mother who has her act together but can't find a job.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

And BTW isnt this pretty hypocrtical for the government to punish people for using drugs when they allow these drugs into the country? The government has had a history of supporting drug cartels in outside countrys. Many people blame the crack epidemic partially on the US government. Isnt this just what they wanted to happen?
Why not fix the problem for these people in these neighborhoods and find a way to get rid of the drugs?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I'm all for giving to the less fortunate and redistribution of wealth via taxes.

I am against my tax dollars being used to support drug use. You want do drugs, I don't care. I'm just not paying for you to get high.

I support the law.

you're paying for living in the country.

thanks, tho.

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

I'm for it. Get them to not just kick back and relax and do drugs while the government wastes money on them.

example of my annoyance.

Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop
if someone qualifies for government assistance, who are YOU to say they dont "deserve" it...

the poverty line is something like 14k

who are YOU to say a person making 14k doesnt DESERVE assistance?

the government deemed a line, which, if you happen to fall under, you are eligible for assistance...

THIS is the type of mindstate that frustrates me.

people are "kicking up" and "relaxing" on government assistance...

that #$#% aint even angers me.

enphan i agree with pretyy much everything u said in here

im all for cutting foodstamps/welfare to druggies
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