Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Its hard to see how anyone has a problem with this.

If someone is on welfare gaining liberty checks out of the tax payers pocket then clearly they shouldn't be on any type of drugs. Unless you as a tax payer want to supporting someone's drug habit, where do you think the money goes for these people who are using?

Frankly I'd rather be supporting someone along the lines of a single mother who has her act together but can't find a job.

So you rather forced them to starve? If getting off drugs was easy then there wouldn't be rehabs.
This #*++% enPHAN telling ya'll what's REAL.

Regardless of this situation and how ya'll feel about it, the truth is A LOT of you guys get to speaking really authoritatively about lower class people as if any of us picked our starting points in life.

Hell, ya'll take pot shots at me *all the time* for being FROM Gary Indiana. ( Iwas born here. It's not like I moved here at age 35. This is where I'm FROM, not where I'm going.. so I'm proud.)

Am I a criminal? Not really. Am I uneducated? Nope. I'm just the one vocal enough person from a bad enough place that all you closet racists and *self-important dependents of prosperous adults* get your lulz off on me. I've never used a food stamp. I've never eaten off of one. My dad makes more money than yours, FACT.

However, that doesn't figure into MY self-worth. It never has. I'm just me. And so I try to tell a lot of you guys all the time that ya'll talk down on me and people like me all the time from your PARENTS point of view, but ya'll don't hear me. Ya'll are too caught u-p in living sponsored lives to hear a real #*++% talking dead at you.

And which one of you 15 year olds has spent more than moment passing through the hood? Which one of you can speak from EXPERIENCE on what is and isn't *real life* to cats in our circumstances??
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

good, there needs to be stricter laws with government handouts, my friends mother (white) was asked for the title to her $1000 dollar car to ensure that she was not trying to cheat the government while the african american women with 24's on her brand new dodge durango wasn't asked about anything

Hush, child.

Yeah you sound jealous. You should try to help get your mom a new whip instead of spending cash on kicks.

Random Fact: There are more non-blacks on public assistance getting "benefit" from the government.
Yeah he sounds a little jealous...but you gotta learn how to read. It's his friend's mom, not his.
Your "Random Fact" is a bit skewed. Non-blacks make up 87% of this country. The U.S. is only 12.5% black. Obviously there will be more people on welfare in the 87%. So that "fact" is pretty lame. 
Originally Posted by casekicks

My wife works for our county's DJFS and she has to deal with people on welfare all day..And after hearing the stories about how so many people she deals with each day are obviously loaded when the walk thru the door, I wholeheartedly agree with this plan to drug test for benefits..Anyone who thinks this law is a violation of privacy/civil rights or is racist needs to go work at the welfare office for a month and then tell me if you feel the same way..Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop..This country needs to start holding people more accountable for their own lives instead of relying on a handout from the goverment..

I've heard the exact same rationale for a cop's racism. Just saying.

I don't buy that this legislation has the abuser's best interest in mind.  Sorry, I just don't.  You think these laws will help anyone seek out help for their abuses? Please!  This will only drive them further away.  If poverty is a driving force behind the stress that causes addiction, isn't making them poorer the wrong approach to 'get them off drugs?'  If you believe that at least part of the intent behind the legislation is to help the addicted you are being fed a false intention.  If they are trying to help the afflicted, why not make treatment more readily available?  Why not make that an option instead of ostracizing them and deeming them unfit to be helped by the state?  Instead we drive them away to more crime. Personally I think treatment would cause people with drug addictions to be much more sustainable and employable!
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Its hard to see how anyone has a problem with this.

If someone is on welfare gaining liberty checks out of the tax payers pocket then clearly they shouldn't be on any type of drugs. Unless you as a tax payer want to supporting someone's drug habit, where do you think the money goes for these people who are using?

Frankly I'd rather be supporting someone along the lines of a single mother who has her act together but can't find a job.

So you rather forced them to starve? If getting off drugs was easy then there wouldn't be rehabs.
thats they fault for getting addicted
ive used hella drugs, but im not poor, im not addicted, im not on welfare, i have a great job and an apartment fridge fulla grocerys bought with my own money
drugs is not an excuse to fall off in life
people are stronger then drugs its all in your mind
and i stay wasted on the weekends
if you cant handle it dont do it
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i like how you made it personal with the whole "you" thing...

it was cute, a logical fallacy, but cute, anyway...

i never said the word "deserve", first off....

 No one deserves anything. You work for anything you get, that's what you do.
except if you were born into any class other than the very lowest in this country......cause im pretty sure we don't work for formula/breast milk....nor do we work for pampers...nor do we work for public schooling...nor do we work for anything our parents bestow upon us.

some people don't have parents bestowing #+$$ upon them...

some people actually have parents TAKING from them....

who are YOU to point YOUR finger at anyone else?

do you know what its like to never have #+$$? to never even have realistic aspirations to have or be #+$$...because its not very likely?

i, personally, don't....never said i did....which is why i cant, with a clear conscious, judge or talk down on people in that situation.

this hypothetical metaphorical "lazy, relaxing, fat pocketed, baller on government assistance" #+$$ is disgusting. these people are born and die in a circumstance they have little to no control over. These are policies and systematic oppression that was in place BEFORE ANY OF OUR GRANDPARENTS WERE EVEN EMBRYOS.....

yes, people get out, yes, people work and provide, yes, all of that, yes, it can be done...


the very idea that yall think people living in the projects can EVER "kick back" and "relax" on government're bugging.

yes, people HAVE discovered ways to WORK the system...just like ANY system thats EVER been IMPLIMENTED in HUMAN HISTORY.....

am i defending THOSE people? no. am i JUSTIFYING it? no way...

am i empathetic to the very very desperate and sad circumstance and situation these people are BORN into and DIE in? yes.

And she doesn't live in a third world country. Immigrants from Guatamala, Soviet Bloc nations, Sudan, Iraq, those are 3rd world countries where there is no clean water, no waste treatment facialties, no access to healthcare or even a damn education.
  besides the obvious population of americans too poor to afford ANY of these things....

there are sections of the US in which tap water is flammable as it comes out the faucet...

there are sections of the US where there is no plumbing....

there are millions upon millions upon millions of americans who do not have access to healthcare whatsoever

and there is a post where a mother recieved double felonies and actual jailtime for trying to get access to an equal education for her daughters.....

so, again,


like i said, step outside once in a while

if that offended you, good, thats what it was supposed to do.

(i also noticed how you refuted none of my assumptions about you and how you formed such a disgusting mindstate concerning this topic....its nice to know i was right....even if partially.)
Didn't offend me one bit, nice try. 

Parts of the United States with no plumbing? Name me one Section 8 building that doesn't have plumbing? If it doesn't have plumbling, you know why it doesn't right? Cause criminals have decided to tear apart the buidings, steal wiring steal parts to feed their addictions. Some, NOT ALL, but some of those people are the same people going to the welfare office collecting their money to go feed their addiction.

No access to healthcare? So if you are violently ill and you go to the ER they won't save you? They will. It may not be basic, but try getting that in a 3rd world country? Ask the people in Haiti if they can walk into a damn hospital and get service? Why do you think people still come to this country in waves? Ask those same people why they live in the worst parts of the worst cities in this country? Because anything here is better then anything there. It's only the American's like you who believe it's not. 

We don't work for pampers? Or formula? What are you trying to prove? I never said anything about children. Obviously babies don't go out to the drug store slap down a $50 and buy a box of huggies for themselves. But your talking about the lowest class not having that type of family environment. THATS THE WHOLE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION HERE. PARENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BESTOW THAT ON THEIR CHILDREN, THAT'S THEIR @+$!##* CHILDREN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. 

What don't you get?

"some people don't have parents bestowing #+$$ upon them...

some people actually have parents TAKING from them....

who are YOU to point YOUR finger at anyone else?"

You're making it seem like it's a chore for parents to give their children diapers? If you have kids, you buy your kids diapers. If they can't then why using your logic, should they be able to use tax payer money to buy a dime sack? Why ? WHY ? PLEASE EXPLAIN? Why? 

What your saying is If I cut drug test them they can't get money for diapers? I like the idea of giving the less forutate money for diapers. BUT NOT FOR DRUGS. and that's what you are saying. they should be able to buy drugs. Why should they use my money to buy weed when some of these people don't have the ability to bestow diapers onto their @+$!##* children?

People don't kick back in the projects? I could tell you never been to the projects, cause while most don't kick back, a lot do.

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation. 

Should also have mandatory abortions if you can't support your own kids art the time of birth. 

I had enough of paying for this !++! already.  Yeah, I said it.

I want the itemized bill of where my tax dollars went that Barak Obama referred to in his State of the Union speech last night.  


Originally Posted by prymone

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Its hard to see how anyone has a problem with this.

If someone is on welfare gaining liberty checks out of the tax payers pocket then clearly they shouldn't be on any type of drugs. Unless you as a tax payer want to supporting someone's drug habit, where do you think the money goes for these people who are using?

Frankly I'd rather be supporting someone along the lines of a single mother who has her act together but can't find a job.

So you rather forced them to starve? If getting off drugs was easy then there wouldn't be rehabs.
thats they fault for getting addicted
ive used hella drugs, but im not poor, im not addicted, im not on welfare, i have a great job and an apartment fridge fulla grocerys bought with my own money
drugs is not an excuse to fall off in life
people are stronger then drugs its all in your mind
and i stay wasted on the weekends
if you cant handle it dont do it

You smoked crack or meth?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by casekicks

My wife works for our county's DJFS and she has to deal with people on welfare all day..And after hearing the stories about how so many people she deals with each day are obviously loaded when the walk thru the door, I wholeheartedly agree with this plan to drug test for benefits..Anyone who thinks this law is a violation of privacy/civil rights or is racist needs to go work at the welfare office for a month and then tell me if you feel the same way..Handing out welfare benefits left and right to people who dont deserve it or have to do anything to get them has got to stop..This country needs to start holding people more accountable for their own lives instead of relying on a handout from the goverment..

I've heard the exact same rationale for a cop's racism. Just saying.

I don't buy that this legislation has the abuser's best interest in mind.  Sorry, I just don't.  You think these laws will help anyone seek out help for their abuses? Please!  This will only drive them further away.  If poverty is a driving force behind the stress that causes addiction, isn't making them poorer the wrong approach to 'get them off drugs?'  If you believe that at least part of the intent behind the legislation is to help the addicted you are being fed a false intention.  If they are trying to help the afflicted, why not make treatment more readily available?  Why not make that an option instead of ostracizing them and deeming them unfit to be helped by the state?  Instead we drive them away to more crime. Personally I think treatment would cause people with drug addictions to be much more sustainable and employable!
I think it's pretty clear that this isn't in the best interest of the abuser. Let's be real. The guy that pushed this through is a Republican from Kentucky. This is to save the tax payers money. Period. Only time will tell how this is going to work out.
And do you really think an addict on welfare is going to just decide they will go to treatment if it's available? There may be a couple but not many. 

One thing we can definitely agree on is crime. Because a junkie is going to get their fix one way or another.
And how are we going to test alchololics? Isnt alcoholism high in the US. If we are going to pretend that we are a morale society we shouldn't pick and chose which drugs are okay. US needs a big drug reform.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation.  


There ya go.

And ephan is over hear talking about children don't have diapers. There's a reason they don't have diapers. They don't have parents. You got a mom and a dad, but you don't got parents. They'd rather be out there using food stamps to buy weed then put their children in diapers.

Simple as that.

I'm done.

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation. 

Should also have mandatory abortions if you can't support your own kids art the time of birth. 

I had enough of paying for this !++! already.  Yeah, I said it.

I want the itemized bill of where my tax dollars went that Barack Obama referred to in his State of the Union speech last night.  


Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation.  


There ya go.

And ephan is over hear talking about children don't have diapers. There's a reason they don't have diapers. They don't have parents. You got a mom and a dad, but you don't got parents. They'd rather be out there using food stamps to buy weed then put their children in diapers.

Simple as that.

I'm done.


I'm sure most of the kids who are affected by this are raised by single parents.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation. 

Should also have mandatory abortions if you can't support your own kids art the time of birth. 

I had enough of paying for this !++! already.  Yeah, I said it.

I want the itemized bill of where my tax dollars went that Barack Obama referred to in his State of the Union speech last night.  

Do you all realize that this will only boost crime when they cut addicts off? I think it's a good idea in essence, but would you rather people use their assistance money on drugs, or breaking in your house to get whatever they can to get money to feed their habit? Just cutting people off isn't the answer. Some type of rehab would needed for this to be done in order for this to balance out.

Oh and WEED, legalize it. Take it off the black market and force millions of drug dealers to go unemployed in that profession. Create Jobs by producing and selling it. Free up who knows how much space in prisons and use the police force to fight actual CRIME, not a college kid that gets high in between semesters that could be the next could be the one of our many presidents that's smoked weed one day.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If you got money for weed you don't need my tax dollars.

I am all for this law.  Should be federal legislation.  


There ya go.

And ephan is over hear talking about children don't have diapers. There's a reason they don't have diapers. They don't have parents. You got a mom and a dad, but you don't got parents. They'd rather be out there using food stamps to buy weed then put their children in diapers.

Simple as that.

I'm done.


I'm sure most of the kids who are affected by this are raised by single parents.
Your point?

Should also have mandatory abortions if you can't support your own kids art the time of birth. 

I had enough of paying for this !++! already.  Yeah, I said it.


okay, so which of your tax dollars went to police and repaving roads and which went to black mothers who would rather buy weed with their foodstamps than food?

its so nice to have you back, Hovkid, so very nice...

did Obama force you to cut out that extra spring getaway vacation this year?


at least some poor people ate!

And ephan is over hear talking about children don't have diapers. There's a reason they don't have diapers. They don't have parents. You got a mom and a dad, but you don't got parents.
lol, this is the last time im even acknowledging you dude...

you right, they don't have parents.....

you did tho, so %*%$ them, right?


lol @ no section 8 place doesnt have plumbing, and if it doesnt, its because criminals ripped it up

bro, if you don't consider yourself at least bigoted.......


by, the way, i know your superior suburban-educated, never-had-to-get-a-hand-out-because-you-had-mommy-and-daddy ASSUMED i meant section 8 when i said "some parts of the US don't have plumbing"

i was talking about the rural south...mostly WHITE AMERICANS...

you know, who the white upperclass calls "appalacean"?


but nah, we know your mind went RIGHT to the single black mother in section 8 rolling up her marijuana she bought with food stamps and her in-and-out drug dealing thug boyfriend who broke the pipe in the hallway to show white america how thug he is....


%%+#!%! morons, forreal.

either you're

a.) stupid as %*%$

b.) young as %*%$

c.) bigoted as %*%$

you pick.  

People don't kick back in the projects? I could tell you never been to the projects, cause while most don't kick back, a lot do.





Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by prymone

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Its hard to see how anyone has a problem with this.

If someone is on welfare gaining liberty checks out of the tax payers pocket then clearly they shouldn't be on any type of drugs. Unless you as a tax payer want to supporting someone's drug habit, where do you think the money goes for these people who are using?

Frankly I'd rather be supporting someone along the lines of a single mother who has her act together but can't find a job.

So you rather forced them to starve? If getting off drugs was easy then there wouldn't be rehabs.
thats they fault for getting addicted
ive used hella drugs, but im not poor, im not addicted, im not on welfare, i have a great job and an apartment fridge fulla grocerys bought with my own money
drugs is not an excuse to fall off in life
people are stronger then drugs its all in your mind
and i stay wasted on the weekends
if you cant handle it dont do it

You smoked crack or meth?

no but coke, acid, x, shrooms, hella *$@%
and i still pop x a lot, and i smoke daily
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

And how are we going to test alchololics? Isnt alcoholism high in the US. If we are going to pretend that we are a morale society we shouldn't pick and chose which drugs are okay. US needs a big drug reform.

drug tests also test for alcohol.
again, i think america's problem is a lack of empathy.

every single one of you dudes talking greasy keep saying "EYE DID THIS" or "EYE DID THAT"

a.) no matter what YOU did or didnt do, you already had an advantage because of what you were born into...not one of you dudes ESCAPED THE PROJECTS BY YOURSELF....%*$* outta here.

b.) just because YOU were fortunate enough to do WHATEVER YOU DID, doesnt mean EVERYONE has the same OPPORTUNITY

id forreal physically slap like three of you dudes in this post....

thats the realest thing ive said on NT...

Hovkid, you don't feel even a little better about yourself for sacrificing your 3rd yearly trip to wherever so some less fortunate kids didn't starve to death in the united states?


you tired of saving people from starving, huh?


and yall wonder why people call yall heartless and bigoted?
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