Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by gambit215

Some of you are so clueless its sad..............

purchase alchohol with food stamps? The fact that some of you even stay FOOD STAMP tells me you know NOTHING in regards to public assistance. No one is buying steaks and lobsters with EBT cards that couldnt afford it in the first place. Most people on assistance are the elderly and single mothers. The problem is no one here has been in a position where they have ever been on assistance so therefore we feel we can judge.............matter of fact MOST ppl use their grandmother card who take enough legal drugs/painkillers to knock out a rhino.

Not to mention, try finding a crackhead who actually has an EBT card to drop him..

BTW- Drug tests arent cheap, reason being someone who burned a spliff a month ago is not technically an "addict"...............SMFH

Yeah cause most people only smoke once a month
Instead of trying to come off @ an internet elitist, use your brain, Laws never affect the people they go after, they target the poor and defenseless. Most programs already mandate that you WORK in order to get assistance, this sitting on your butt collecting money is a pure myth. Like with everything some people get over, but this is obviously a racist law and more black recipients will get tested than white.
If the cost of the testing is going to stay under the amount they would have given a recipient who is on drugs, I'm all for it. And for the record, this should be on the national level.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by gambit215

Most people on assistance are the elderly and single mothers.

And most of those single mothers get pregnant on purpose so they can get assistance and continue to get pregnant, from anyone, to keep getting assistance, it's pathetic and the kids are the ones that suffer because of this.

Most? Your generalizations really prove you to be the imbecile you are. You really believe most single moms on welfare got pregnant on purpose? Most? Oh and you are sooo worried about the kids huh? Taking away their aid really benefits those kids you are so concerned about! Please organize your stupidity to where it doesn't contradict itself and make you out to sound like a hate-filled moron.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

dirty, people in the healthcare industry have random tests...there are TONS of jobs that random test...

i actually have no problem with this....

although it seems discriminatory, i agree that some of the stipulations on recieving government assistance need to be tightened up

im also in favor of limiting what food stamps buy

i got into a discussion with some of my friends about a new ban on using food stamps to buy soda...

hell yeah, im all for a ban on soda when using government assistance...

if you cant afford to feed your family, we're not going to GIVE YOU garbage...

it should be produce, meats, dairy, eggs, etc.

kinda like can choose the flavors and type of foods, but not the foods themselves...

cause imma admit, when i was on stamps when i was unemployed, i ate better than ive ever eaten

fresh produce, meats, veggies, high-priced juices, etc.

you shouldnt be able to cop lobster with stamps...escargo and filet minon....

or bad stuff, like soda and candy and trash....
  This may be the first time i've ever agreed with you on anything.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

How about we just get rid of welfare all together?

at forced abortions if you can't support the child. That is pretty damn genius. I love it.

Boom.....another one in my camp. 

I'm telling you, this #%%+ is gonna be great.   First we conquer the sneaker boards, and then we are on to Washington DC........


Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

dirty, people in the healthcare industry have random tests...there are TONS of jobs that random test...

i actually have no problem with this....

although it seems discriminatory, i agree that some of the stipulations on recieving government assistance need to be tightened up

im also in favor of limiting what food stamps buy

i got into a discussion with some of my friends about a new ban on using food stamps to buy soda...

hell yeah, im all for a ban on soda when using government assistance...

if you cant afford to feed your family, we're not going to GIVE YOU garbage...

it should be produce, meats, dairy, eggs, etc.

kinda like can choose the flavors and type of foods, but not the foods themselves...

cause imma admit, when i was on stamps when i was unemployed, i ate better than ive ever eaten

fresh produce, meats, veggies, high-priced juices, etc.

you shouldnt be able to cop lobster with stamps...escargo and filet minon....

or bad stuff, like soda and candy and trash....
  This may be the first time i've ever agreed with you on anything.
I agree with him on a lot of this as well.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Some of you are so clueless its sad..............

purchase alchohol with food stamps? The fact that some of you even stay FOOD STAMP tells me you know NOTHING in regards to public assistance. No one is buying steaks and lobsters with EBT cards that couldnt afford it in the first place. Most people on assistance are the elderly and single mothers. The problem is no one here has been in a position where they have ever been on assistance so therefore we feel we can judge.............matter of fact MOST ppl use their grandmother card who take enough legal drugs/painkillers to knock out a rhino.

Not to mention, try finding a crackhead who actually has an EBT card to drop him..

BTW- Drug tests arent cheap, reason being someone who burned a spliff a month ago is not technically an "addict"...............SMFH
calling these chicks single is a stretch...if you mean not married, yes.  
It is disgusting and pure stupid at the generalizations in here I'm in NY not Kentucky and I was a cashier at 2 different super markets two different parts of town and the people you think receive Foodstamps and whatnot are not what you would think at all
the government is gonna drug test so they can set up their own labs and run it at a low cost to them, there is no need to send that many drug tests to a private lab like employers do. they also need to put a name and picture on every card so that people cant sell their balances for cash. the welfare system has been to loose with its benefits for a long time they need more rules in place to help balance budgets...... we laying off teachers but we are giving drug users (not addicts, users, imo if you use at all you should lose all benefits while on public asst. not just the people who are addicts) free money smh
Originally Posted by ninjahood

when are going to learn that da war on drugs has been a utter failure though?
Especially when the punk who started this war against minority drug dealers was bringing in Coke, most of which was being indirectly supplied to these very dealers. 

This is an indirectly racist law just like the Arizona law and the difference between crack & cocaine crimes. 
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

dirty, people in the healthcare industry have random tests...there are TONS of jobs that random test...

i actually have no problem with this....

although it seems discriminatory, i agree that some of the stipulations on recieving government assistance need to be tightened up

im also in favor of limiting what food stamps buy

i got into a discussion with some of my friends about a new ban on using food stamps to buy soda...

hell yeah, im all for a ban on soda when using government assistance...

if you cant afford to feed your family, we're not going to GIVE YOU garbage...

it should be produce, meats, dairy, eggs, etc.

kinda like can choose the flavors and type of foods, but not the foods themselves...

cause imma admit, when i was on stamps when i was unemployed, i ate better than ive ever eaten

fresh produce, meats, veggies, high-priced juices, etc.

you shouldnt be able to cop lobster with stamps...escargo and filet minon....

or bad stuff, like soda and candy and trash....
  This may be the first time i've ever agreed with you on anything.

Actually...I doubt those lobbying corporations would allow that though....

too much money involved... Then you'd get into juice vs soda type deal cause the lines are kinda blurred at times.
Some of you all in live in a fantasy world I swear

Lobster and filet mignon?
come on

Allowing the government to direct how recipients of assistance spend their money is jumping on a slippery slope IMO. At what point do they begin deciding what we all must spend our money on?

In any event, drug testing will probably cost more money than it's worth. One, testing costs (lab supplies, staff, etc.) and two, people WILL get over.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Some of you all in live in a fantasy world I swear

Lobster and filet mignon?
come on

Allowing the government to direct how recipients of assistance spend their money is jumping on a slippery slope IMO. At what point do they begin deciding what we all must spend our money on?

In any event, drug testing will probably cost more money than it's worth. One, testing costs (lab supplies, staff, etc.) and two, people WILL get over.

Ummm not really a slippery slope since one is money that is handed out if you dont like it dont take the money whereas the reverse is money that someone earns on their own and has to pay a percentage of to the govt in taxes. Of course with the way the expansion of govt is going I wouldnt put anything out of reach.

Dont really see the cost aspect of it since you take someone off of the recipient list who receives hundreds of dollars a month X however many years they will be on it vs a drug test with given the inflated govt costs could be $30 and the minimal staff it would take to conduct such test. Not a fan of random drug testing but rather testing everyone who applies and then retesting when they renew. This way it takes any prejudice out of the process since one race cannot be tested more than others. The way this would hurt is people who are smart enough could just stop using those drugs before it is time to renew esp those that are quickly excreted and absent from testing positive.
im tapping out.

im finna stop arguing with people on NT forreal.

if any of these dudes even read the post, i agree 100 percent with drug testing

and i think the usage of EBT should be more strict


i feel no pity for dudes crying about paying more taxes when, even after taxes, they still take home 5 and 6 times the income the people they cry about "freeloading" get from the government.

and 5 and 6 times is CONSERVATIVE.

dudes making it seem like the government is taking so much bread from them they can't eat.

and ftr, rex and hovkid, its not ME telling YOU what to do with YOUR money

thats a government thing.

the "a b or c" choice was reality.

rex, IF i ever get bread like that (really not a personal goal of mine) i surely wont complain about taxes taken out of my check feeding the poorest people of our country, trust me.

i pay taxes....

are they as much as you guys pay? heaven's no...its a fraction of what you guys pay

wanna know why?

i make a fraction of what you make, duh

you'd think you intellectuals could figure that one out....

i just think its really funny that anytime an american class system argument comes up, REGARDLESS OF WHICH SIDE I TAKE, it always comes down to you guys talking about poor people like they arent even human, because youre UPSET that you pay taxes that assist the very poorest people in our country...

and you make it seem like every single dollar taken from you goes DIRECTLY into someone else's pockets, who is, of course, abusing the system and kicking back and relaxing on your dime.

this idiot really said the government has never supported him.

so the streets he drives on, the safety of society (police, firemen, public hospitals) have never once helped him, he never once recieved a vaccination at school, he doesnt enjoy having poison-free foods compliments of the wack +*% FDA, you know, he's not protected, nationally, by a US army or anything,

this guy is on his own in this world, doing it big.


im forreal done with this post tho.  

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by gambit215

Some of you are so clueless its sad..............

purchase alchohol with food stamps? The fact that some of you even stay FOOD STAMP tells me you know NOTHING in regards to public assistance. No one is buying steaks and lobsters with EBT cards that couldnt afford it in the first place. Most people on assistance are the elderly and single mothers. The problem is no one here has been in a position where they have ever been on assistance so therefore we feel we can judge.............matter of fact MOST ppl use their grandmother card who take enough legal drugs/painkillers to knock out a rhino.

Not to mention, try finding a crackhead who actually has an EBT card to drop him..

BTW- Drug tests arent cheap, reason being someone who burned a spliff a month ago is not technically an "addict"...............SMFH
calling these chicks single is a stretch...if you mean not married, yes.  

technically, if you're ON section 8 and you have a man in the house, you could lose your section 8.

happened to my cousin.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory


Actually...I doubt those lobbying corporations would allow that though....

too much money involved... Then you'd get into juice vs soda type deal cause the lines are kinda blurred at times.


WIC tells you how many oz of what you can get.

i can only scan those groceries and timestamp the WIC voucher.

only juice you can get is 100% juice.

first, lemme explain WIC, WIC is government assisted infant raising....

they give a mother and infant enough food for the baby to go from infant to toddler...

you can ONLY get cheese, milk, eggs, juice and formula, and you can ONLY get the amount of oz that's on the voucher....PERIOD

you right about lobbiests, and thats why our country is ##@%**....the evil that men do.

why let a kid on section 8 getting their food from the government drink huggies and soda pop?

FORCE them to drink, at least, 100% juice....just like infants on WIC recieve...

i really disagree with people having 250 bucks to spend on WHATEVER unprepared foods they want...

if you can't afford food, at least the food we provide you with SHOULD BE healthy....AT LEAST

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I've only see about 2 people say they are actually against this so what exactly are you guys arguing? That they should get to use the extra money for weed but not other drugs?

this is what im saying...

they're arguing about all these poor people that have life on easy street, kicking up and relaxing in the projects while they slave and work hard for their money that the government gives away to whoever, willie nilly, so they can buy drugs and cars with rims and designer sneakers...

arent you reading, S?

ftr, i never said the MOTHER DESERVES ANYTHING

im saying yall are a lil too anal over the "single mother on section 8" buying a dime bag...

she could save 10 dollars? buy more food for her kids? that shows how out of touch with reality yall are...

the majority of EBT users when i worked in a grocery store were homeless white men who would buy two packs of carl budding .59 cent meat and 10 steel reserve tall cans a day.

they used EBT on the meat, and prolly sold the rest of the stamps outside for money for the 211....

and youre literally beasting over the government "TAKING YOUR MONEY" (like youre being left with pennies to the dollar or something) and literally THROWING IT OFF THE BACK OF A TRUCK IN THE HOOD so that young single mothers can buy TEN DOLLARS WORTH OF DIRT WEED

its not that serious to me.

id much rather see them give out WIC type vouchers for ALL Government assisted food.....

you not gonna stop downtrotten people from enduldging in a vice, regardless of what you do...

you take ALL her food stamps away, if she WANTS to smoke a blunt, she'll smoke a blunt...

i never said noone deserved anything, i just said im not losing my +%@$ over someone on section 8 smoking weed

crying about "MY" money and +%@$.

beign in this country is a luxury, a luxury we pay for in taxes....

those who make a larger amout of money pay a larger amount of taxes, why?

because youre ABLE to.....

dude is a corp. lawyer asking me why i dont donate my "salary" to poor people

cause im a poor person, %%!%$%%

A man can be in the house on section 08. he just cant be the father to any of the kids.

And i have seen and heard about people getting steak and lobster while on ebt.

A kid in college gets like around 120 in food stamps, so imagine how much a single parent with 2 ot 3 kids gets.
If the druggies can't get the free money from the government it will raise the crime rate... they will rob and steal to get the money to go get their drugs.

Especially if it's hard heavy drugs that they abuse.
this idiot really said the government has never supported him.

so the streets he drives on, the safety of society (police, firemen, public hospitals) have never once helped him, he never once recieved a vaccination at school, he doesnt enjoy having poison-free foods compliments of the wack +*% FDA, you know, he's not protected, nationally, by a US army or anything,

this guy is on his own in this world, doing it big.

The streets I drive on are safe? Dude, do you know around 40,000+ people a year die on those same GOVERNMENT ROADS? You consider that safe?

I don't need police protection, I have an alarm system, a Glock 23, Kimber 1911, and Colt AR-15. Nobody is breaking into my house and leaving alive. If I ever needed the Fire Department, I surely would hope that even if I did, this wouldn't happen to me:


Considering the property taxes that this man pays, which pays for that Fire Department. I hope they just wouldn't watch my house burn down.

I waive vaccinations and so did my parents when I was younger, I don't want the government telling what "I have to have". Who are they? They don't know what's best for me.

The FDA "protects" me?

This is a list of things that have been recalled this year alone, yet they are protecting me with their "minimal standards"? They start protecting after someone had gotten sick?

Who does the U.S. Military protect me from exactly? Muslims that live in caves half way around the world? The big bad Chinese? The Canadians? The Mexicans that are afraid of drug dealers on our border? Who poses a threat to us? If we didn't have a military who would invade us and why? Clearly, you aren't thinking rationally. The U.S. Government invaded Afghanistan, we have unlimited resources, but yet we can't win over there. Why is that?

thinking the military "protects" YOU. My man, the U.S. Military protects and represents the U.S. Government, not YOU not ME. Who are you?
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