Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

We should of drug tested before the bank bailouts.....
All for it.
Seen family members abuse the system. Sell drugs out of an apartment paid for by the Government with a fridge full of food.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

 Getting HIGHLY emotional over an internet discussion...
....over things that REALLY affect the REAL world around us.

Shut up.
Is that why you were spilling guts the other month about desperately quitting weed? Afraid you'll get cut off otherwise?
Which part of you thought that was funny; the lame part or the racist part?
lol, the mere fact there are streets to drive on means the government has supported you, moron

when you buy food at a store, the food traveled along government-funded roadways, genius

with all your guns, a city in complete lawlessness is not whats up, there are more looters than you have bullets, the police force/standing army deters such actions

im not going to argue with you dudes anymore because you talk ridiculous

the things you say are so utterly ignorant, i have no desire to continue even this exchange.

rashi, youve shown me in every post you post that your mindset is laughable to me. You really believe what you type.

Hovkid and Rex, i understand your frustrations, but you surely will never get pity from me. it is what it is.

this kid is seriously arguing that he's never been afforded any sort of assistance from the USA whatsoever...



then posted a ridiculous story, i didnt even click the link and i know what he's talking about

its funny you would use that clipping to defend your claim that the government has never helped you,


the even funnier part about you using this as an example, its an example of what happens when people cry about paying taxes, vote levys down, and fire departments are so underfunded that they have to operate in a capitalistic way and charge each private homeowner a fee separate from the taxes that they DONT recieve.

you guys are forreal jokes.

this dude lives in the united states and forreal believes he's never enjoyed any assistance from the government...

so you delivered yourself in a hospital? or you had a private doctor come to your house? nah, you were born in a private practice, right?

and the doctor that delivered you, he had no college loans from the government, correct?

im pretty sure there is a large number of people, if not afraid of being sued and arrested, would love to slap you in the face....i mean, if you talk and conduct yourself like this in everyday life (which i doubt)

oh, do you cook on your own private generator with your own self-contained butane gas stove?

when you flush your toilet, do you personally remove the waste from your house, by the bucket?

do you take your trash to a landfill, by yourself, every week?

oh, and im sure your cache of personal firearms stop counties like north korea from attacking YOU, huh?

again, you make yourself look alot dumber than i know you could possibly be.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This will be a perfect law for the children of these begging drug-users. Screw those little bastards and their emaciated little arms reaching for handouts. If momma smokes pot, screw the little kids!

great sarcasm, better point.
We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN





Thats my problem, people really think folks on welfare doing it big and living the life...its simply not true, sure there are some isolated cases but for the most part people are struggling.
Dont judge an entire population because you know somebody on welfare thats riding on 24 in rims, who knows the whole story behind that situation.

Im sure im biased since i was raised on welfare, sent to the store with brown money and all that $#!+ but to see some of these elitist attitudes on here really disgusts me..My disgust goes both ways though , im equally disgusted with the dudes i see buying malt liquor in the morning with EBT cards while i grab my morning coffee and paper and they have no intention of ever doing anything in life.

BTW dont let these politicians fool you, ANY money saved from a law like this will never ever reach your bank account....It'll probly be spent on some BS pork project that'll never see the light of day.
Originally Posted by Diego

We should drug test everyone in college receiving financial aid.

Guarantee you selfish bums youll be against that one even though the same principle applies.

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?
Whoa?!?!?! I agree with Diego on something........................Damn

100% for it.

any welfare or assistance should be substantiated with receipts and what not. stop enabling people to throw away their lives and other people's money...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

we know this, ninja.

also, the illegal purchase of alcohol with stamps wont change, to the other guy before ninja.

but back to ninja,

if they limit what kind of foods can be purchased with EBT, they will limit the amount of flipping food stamps...

for example, if i cant cop my fav junkfood, sodas, i.e. anything except fresh produce/meat/basic things....why would i be trynna buy food stamps?

people do it now cause look, i spend 150 at the grocery store a month, i can give HER this 150, and get 300 worth of food now...its great.

put limitations on it.

you dont see people selling their WIC vouchers, right?

i think stamps should be more WIC-like....

x oz of milk, x oz of cheese, x number of eggs, ex oz of formula, PERIOD

not a free-for-all, cop filet minon and lobsters type deal..

also, a more WIC-like approach would discourage the illegal purchasing of things other than food with EBT as well  

Originally Posted by Murda He

forces people like *everyone I know* to prioritize and grow up. 

this, as well.

everything ephan said i agree with. i think its ridiculous most fast food in LA takes food stamps. they have huge signs in front of jack in the box's WE ACCEPT EBT

ninja's point doesnt really.. well. stick because there will always be some ways to circumvent blocks, and even if this does that, i think it will still save tax payers a large amount of money.
Originally Posted by Diego

How do we not expect to fail as a country when everyone is all about ME ME ME?

thats what im asking.

what good is your neighborhood if your neighbors are all starving to death?

^^"Neighborhoods are now hoods cuz nobody's neighbors,just animals surviving with that animal behavior".
/Posdnous of De La Soul*
I just read through this entire thread...
Some of you cats need a wake up call of EPIC proportions.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

I'm sick of supporting people when no one supports me. I've worked hard my entire life and never had an easy ride, whether you want to think I did or not.

- classic conservative speak. (not saying you are, but still)
- i work hard for the Federal Gov't too. ive given to charity before, ive even been charitable to random people and given them money/things before. someone asked me once about me not getting something from them in return. to them i replied, "when i give....I GIVE. im not looking for anything in return. its not even a thought.".
- my point is our society/government decided to use our tax dollars to help assist certain individuals, and thats all i need to know. im not tripping, no need for a reciept, or anything of the sort...I GAVE, and im done with it.
- could a better system be developed to ensure the money is used in a more efficient manner....sure. but im not complaining either way, the moneys gone. like eNPHAN said you have 3 options:

a.) take it to capital hill

b.) make less money

c.) move
........if not one of those 3, S.......TF.......U!!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i see people who pay upwards of 125 dollars to tan their skin while their fellow americans go to sleep hungry at night.

and its because, you know, like you guys say, their those tanning their skin DESERVE to tan their skin, cause you know, 15-year-old, BMW-driving becky WORKED SO HARD for it....while Sara, the 15 year old who doesnt eat everyday because she feeds her three little brothers and sisters first, DESERVES IT, cause she's OBVIOUSLY just lazy and wants a handout from people like becky...


Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

 Getting HIGHLY emotional over an internet discussion...
....over things that REALLY affect the REAL world around us.

Shut up.
Is that why you were spilling guts the other month about desperately quitting weed? Afraid you'll get cut off otherwise?
Which part of you thought that was funny; the lame part or the racist part?

When you were at the morgue the other day, did you see your rap "career" or was it still on life support?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I've only see about 2 people say they are actually against this so what exactly are you guys arguing? That they should get to use the extra money for weed but not other drugs?
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

 Getting HIGHLY emotional over an internet discussion...
....over things that REALLY affect the REAL world around us.

Shut up.
Is that why you were spilling guts the other month about desperately quitting weed? Afraid you'll get cut off otherwise?
Which part of you thought that was funny; the lame part or the racist part?

When you were at the morgue the other day, did you see your rap "career" or was it still on life support?

......i wonder. do you also have an s/n over at Stormfront and the Hannity forum?
@ the sig


the funniest thing is, as he types those responses, he prolly chuckles to himself before he clicks "post reply"
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Budweiser

 Getting HIGHLY emotional over an internet discussion...
....over things that REALLY affect the REAL world around us.

Shut up.
Is that why you were spilling guts the other month about desperately quitting weed? Afraid you'll get cut off otherwise?
Which part of you thought that was funny; the lame part or the racist part?

When you were at the morgue the other day, did you see your rap "career" or was it still on life support?
Ball 2..
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I've only see about 2 people say they are actually against this so what exactly are you guys arguing? That they should get to use the extra money for weed but not other drugs?
I hear you love... and I don't know either
How about getting RID of drugs as a whole but we cant have that now can we that's just asking for too much.

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