Kevin Samuels Dead at 56

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I can understand a young person staying at home longer to save money before they head out into the world.

The housing market is ultra nasty everywhere in the country.

But if you are gonna do with, you a) Have to be a good house guest b) Pay a small amount of rent or do a lot of things around the house

When I could not find a decent job in Maryland and I decided to go to grad school, I moved in with my aunt, her husband, and their 6th-grade daughter who all lived in New York.

It was a big help, and I got the feeling my aunt liked having me around (we have always been close), and my cousin liked having a younger person to talk to. I am cool with the husband, knew him since I was in middle school but I was scared I would wear out my welcome.

So I tutored my cousin in math, mowed the lawn, cleaned the pool, took out the trash, power washed the house, and dug the cars out when it snowed. Even cut down a tree for dude. Anything he needed I was happy to do or help. Me and him became best buds

The only time I turned down a request is when mans asked me to go in the crawl space under the house and get rid of some voles that were burrowing under the house. He said he didn't want them to cause any damage, and he could hear them moving down there. So at 7 am the next day, I grab a flashlight, and crawled my *** under the house. I look and look and don't find anything. I damn near crawl to the other side when I start hearing footsteps, something was moving. Turn my flashlight and I see the biggest, beefiest, deer antler spray using opossum I have ever seen in my existence on this planet

I had no weapon to defend myself, it caught me lacking :smh: . It hissed once, and I felt a chill go down my spine. So I responded accordingly. Turned around and crawled my *** in the opposite direction like...


I made it to the exit. When I got out I was looking like...

When Unc asked me what was the matter, I was like...

I was ready to be homeless than to go back under the house.
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Didn't make it past "I'm barely here and barely use the garbage, why I gotta take it out?" Awful way to look at things at a place you stay rent free. Momma is deluded and set her kid up for failure.

"When I met you, you was at your momma house"
"I was 22"

🤔🧐😮‍💨 i don’t know if i believe homie…he looks much older than 22 & the kid said he was about to be 30…so the math seems funny…
Just a general take but just about everything I've ever seen related to the so-called 'manosphere' (not Kevin Samuels) just seems like incels coming up with video essays on why they're not getting laid
Nah chicks called into Kevin's and others shows so there's a more natural dynamic.

Fresh n Fit, Sharp Tank and others intentionally bring certain types of chicks like Jerry Springer seemingly with the intent to talk crazy to them.
Nah chicks called into Kevin's and others shows so there's a more natural dynamic.

Fresh n Fit, Sharp Tank and others intentionally bring certain types of chicks like Jerry Springer seemingly with the intent to talk crazy to them.

if anything, the call in format is less natural because of displacement of the screen as well as being in control of the back & forth by just hanging up or muting the women…

i just think whenever discourse attempts to challenge the falsities/fairytales women believe, even the women who would claim to be realistic end up feeling a way…and it be foolish to not keep in mind that the is an entertainment quotient to these shows

Fresh and Fit have some of the dumbest takes I've ever heard

"If your girl has an Instagram, that's cheating"
Like how insecure can a man get? There's really people out there who hear that and think 'preach!'

it makes some sense if you look at ig the way they do, as the world’s biggest dating app (and for a certain age demographics it could be more or less applicable)…i think most guys would feel a way about their girl still having a dating app/profile while with him…but more viewed more broadly the sentiment is more that men should have more boundaries/requirements of the women that they give relationship to in the current environment where women can ‘advertise’ themselves or behave in ways that aren’t advantageous to solid relationships…so the ig thing is one super specific thing that the guy would have to have discernment about their girl’s behavior/presentation on it but the point is more about guys determining what is acceptable for their relationship

Her mistake was walking by the beer garden, full of people, having a good time. I’ve lived in Philly and I live right outside of it now and still go out for dinner and drinks there. If you’re at a bar where you can get a table to yourself you’re not in an atmosphere where you’re going to get approached.

to be even more specific, her mistake would seem to be really just not having much understanding at all, about the current dating environment, the circumstances conducive to men approaching, how to even make herself appear available/open, or even, GASP, how to actually approach a man in a feminine way…and i’d argue this is the case for many women; most of their experience has been be attractive/just exist and guys approach and they sort out the chaff. i’d be willing to wager she did get some attention/energy, maybe unbeknownst to her, but from guys she didn’t find attractive or even attractive guys that she just didn’t have that kind of connection to…
if anything, the call in format is less natural because of displacement of the screen as well as being in control of the back & forth by just hanging up or muting the women…

By natural I mean there was a variety of women and all of them weren't from the same social media mold.

Hanging up/muting is nothing compared being in a tiny studio with dudes who have an axe to grind and bunch of other random strangers. Even when Kevin called into Fresh and fit the energy was different.

Kevin gave the average at best chick more than one chance to get off the show and talk 1 on 1 via consultation. Something none of those other dudes would do and they would been reckless with her.
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Can’t speak for Kevin. But mad rumors about how the FnF dudes trying to take advantage of their guests sexually or paying for sex.

Not saying KS wasn’t doing the same but he was low key about it…even when women were flirting with him on air. KS was not cut from the same cloth as those FnF dudes who are team no dark butt.
By natural I mean there was a variety of women and all of them weren't from the same social media mold.

Hanging up/muting is nothing compared being in a tiny studio with dudes who have an axe to grind and bunch of other random strangers. Even when Kevin called into Fresh and fit the energy was different.

Kevin gave the average at best chick more than one chance to get off the show and talk 1 on 1 via consultation. Something none of those other dudes would do and they would been reckless with her.

i wouldn’t necessarily argue that there is a ‘type’ that would be willing to subject themselves to kevin samuels & fresh & fit respectively…but i think it fairly apparent that the demographic of women on fresh & fit is much younger and the interplay & setup with the viewing audience was also completely different…i don’t think is just circumstantial that once samuels switched up to the womenfolk he limited his exposure talking to men in the same format

women calling samuels were seemingly trying to solve their perceived issue or responding to a prompt of his and most end up confronted with another perception entirely…meanwhile the women on fresh & fit are not even aware of what they will even discuss beyond dating/differences vis a vis men & women…undoubtedly some of the clips come off wild but with context most of their views, at least as relates to relations between men & women, are for sure contentious but not nearly at all controversial; there is definitely a more ‘adversarial’ vibe to fresh & fit which is part why they get those viral moments with the women, who rarely ever get challenged so directly…each is deploying a strategy to display, entertain, & inform

Can’t speak for Kevin. But mad rumors about how the FnF dudes trying to take advantage of their guests sexually or paying for sex.

Not saying KS wasn’t doing the same but he was low key about it…even when women were flirting with him on air. KS was not cut from the same cloth as those FnF dudes who are team no dark butt.

i have seen them address the ‘paying’ thing, which seem to stem from them talking about using ‘sugar’ dating sites to source women…would being low key about using influence to get sex make it better tho??? and what does who they decide to deal with necessarily have to do with the information they provide?
So now women are suppose to steer conversations show or no show he would rambled the same way since he has nothing else to talk about. He's 27 not a teenager and she's 23.

Dude came back on the show later on to troll because he was in his feeling since he's used to having conversations with people just like him or simpletons being fascinated when he lists off what he's done/doing.
So now women are suppose to steer conversations show or no show he would rambled the same way since he has nothing else to talk about. He's 27 not a teenager and she's 23.

Dude came back on the show later on to troll because he was in his feeling since he's used to having conversations with people just like him or simpletons being fascinated when he lists off what he's done/doing.

i mean sheesh, i think a good deal of guys (assuming they are outchea approaching) have had the experience of having to build/create attraction/interest, it isn’t always smooth or the best circumstance and for sure most often doesn’t result to much after but if the women is open/has some attraction she will at least humor the attempt by interacting. (un)fortunately this was not the case for homie…

i didn’t watch the whole show, how did he troll?
I think women are super critical on a lot of superficial stuff now a days. But being able to be social and socialize, being able to hold conversations, and being able to sell yourself as someone other people want to be around is not a superficial trait and for a lot of women, especially millennials that enjoy city life and going out for drinks and dinner etc. not being able to display those traits is a nonstarter. And honestly I don’t blame them. Every one hates the dude or girl that can’t do anything but talk about themselves over drinks in a non relatable way.
I think women are super critical on a lot of superficial stuff now a days. But being able to be social and socialize, being able to hold conversations, and being able to sell yourself as someone other people want to be around is not a superficial trait and for a lot of women, especially millennials that enjoy city life and going out for drinks and dinner etc. not being able to display those traits is a nonstarter. And honestly I don’t blame them. Every one hates the dude or girl that can’t do anything but talk about themselves over drinks in a non relatable way.

something being superficial doesn’t necessarily equate to triviality…it is just easily/readily apparent, 1st impression type of thing. i think men & women are both superficial, at least initially, it just is the case that it tends to be about different things. even with all the sorcery women employ, i’d argue it is technically easier for men to get over on women (and also the ramifications for this are also potentially more dire for women), altho few men really can fully execute/take advantage of this
something being superficial doesn’t necessarily equate to triviality…it is just easily/readily apparent, 1st impression type of thing. i think men & women are both superficial, at least initially, it just is the case that it tends to be about different things. even with all the sorcery women employ, i’d argue it is technically easier for men to get over on women (and also the ramifications for this are also potentially more dire for women), altho few men really can fully execute/take advantage of this

That’s a fair point actually about superficial =\= trivial. I’ll say that for whatever reason, that guy walked into that conversation confidently feeling that bragging about his professional and educational achievements was all it was going to take to blow these women away. However commendable his accomplishments are that’s a flaw in his game/personality. I feel like we tend to see viral clips like this where these accomplished men get turned down and crowd of men reacting over look the fact that the conversation with a lot of these dudes is like pulling teeth lol

I know the hypergamy angle puts a lot of emphasis on career, income, and accolades. But your presence also can’t be drain on the people around you. Especially if you’re going to pair those accolades with arrogance and entitlement.
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Cats out here conforming to what these women want then wonder why they keep taking Ls. You just relegated yourself to the boring/predictable category

These women want a challenge. Hell if you play a video game on easy mode, you lose interest quickly for a reason
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Being a person that can be social, form connections, while also being able to be relatable is a far more value than just getting women to like you. That’s a life skill that just so happens to translate translate well to dating.

Men, women, colleagues, peers, management etc aren’t generally looking to sift through crappy dialogue, poor conversation skills, and arrogance to form valuable connections.

Two things can be true. The dating landscape can be full of women being far to demanding and unrealistic. But also we can recognize that a lot of dudes struggle with the social aspect of dating and having a functioning/useful social life which involves being digestible to other people
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That’s a fair point actually about superficial =\= trivial. I’ll say that for whatever reason, that guy walked into that conversation confidently feeling that bragging about his professional and educational achievements was all it was going to take to blow these women away. However commendable his accomplishments are that’s a flaw in his game/personality. I feel like we tend to see viral clips like this where these accomplished men get turned down and crowd of men reacting over look the fact that the conversation with a lot of these dudes is like pulling teeth lol

I know the hypergamy angle puts a lot of emphasis on career, income, and accolades. But your presence also can’t be drain on the people around you. Especially if you’re going to pair those accolades with arrogance and entitlement.

i can’t call it on what he was thinking, but i think i’m fairly certain what that particular women’s impression of him was 😂…really i was actually surprised that i saw a good number of women chastising the girl and saying dude was a catch based on that brief clip alone, perhaps unsurprisingly they tended to be older and i’d argue if the woman in the clip were just a few years older the interaction likely goes differently/longer…

i don’t think it is possible to draw all that much about dude, other than him maybe being a lil’ dry which may not necessarily be an accurate assessment because of the format. i’d argue if a man is ‘him,’ i.e. desirable enough he can embody a whole host of negative traits

Cats out here confirming to what these women want then wonder why they keep taking Ls. You just relegated yourself to the boring/predictable category

These women want a challenge. Hell if you play a video game on easy mode, you lose interest quickly for a reason

some women are looking for the boring/predictable guy tho…and i agree to an extent too many guys are trying to be what women want them to be but they are also too vested in the outcome of their interactions with women. many make too much of an assumption that rejection has do with some external or even self perceived inadequacy rather than the fact that everyone ain’t for everybody, and that many women are very temperamental.

the context in which you are in with regards to approaching will factor greatly, in person vs online, what mood the woman is in, the place, the circumstances…there are just way more conditionals/variables with women

ultimately, in dating, most people would want the setup where it is mostly easy mode for themselves and 3-4x/impossible difficulty for everyone else 😂

Being a person that can be social, form connections, while also being able to be relatable is a far more value than just getting women to like you. That’s a life skill that just so happens to translate translate well to dating.

Men, women, colleagues, peers, management etc aren’t generally looking to sift through crappy dialogue, poor conversation skills, and arrogance to form valuable connections.

sure, but to be able to do so within the span of a couple minutes of meeting someone, especially with the proxy of a screen and the remove of seeing body language, real eye contact, and such…most people don’t have that skill innately & and arguably don’t develop it to that point either, so it’s a bit of a leap to assume that he is an automaton just because he lead with his accomplishments and was not immediately charming.

granted the world doesn’t always give an individual understanding of the(ir) personal circumstance, so the girl curving him is what it is, but i wouldn’t really read so far into it to conclude that much about him personally
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Exactly she was just too young in mindset. Like I said, he'll be alright and will hopefully find someone more his speed
sure, but to be able to do so within the span of a couple minutes of meeting someone, especially with the proxy of a screen and the remove of seeing body language, real eye contact, and such…most people don’t have that skill innately & and arguably don’t develop it to that point either, so it’s a bit of a leap to assume that he is an automaton just because he lead with his accomplishments and was not immediately charming.

granted the world doesn’t always give an individual understanding of the(ir) personal circumstance, so the girl curving him is what it is, but i wouldn’t really read so far into it to conclude that much about him personally
I’d grant him a little more sympathy if he wasn’t going out of his way to call into this show. It’s not like this format was sprung on him. He’s more than likely familiar with the show. He more than likely was watching prior to getting connected to them. I’m not saying being a skilled conversationalist is an easy thing to do. I think a lot of people struggle with it. But if you’ve got some self awareness, and know that’s not your forte, why even call into a platform like that? I don’t think anyone watching that clip in good faith is scratching their head wondering why that interaction went the way it did.

You’d me just being petty but based on his quick break down of his education he’s just got a bachelors? I’m interested in the kind of work he’s doing as a nuclear physicist without a PHD.
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I’d grant him a little more sympathy if he wasn’t going out of his way to call into this show. It’s not like this format was sprung on him. He’s more than likely familiar with the show. He more than likely was watching prior to getting connected to them. I’m not saying being a skilled conversationalist is an easy thing to do. I think a lot of people struggle with it. But if you’ve got some self awareness, and know that’s not your forte, why even call into a platform like that? I don’t think anyone watching that clip in good faith is scratching their head wondering why that interaction went the way it did.

You’d me just being petty but based on his quick break down of his education he’s just got a bachelors? I’m interested in the kind of work he’s doing as a nuclear physicist without a PHD.

the call of the yambs is nothing if not a powerful motivator 🤣🤣🤣…seriously tho, people do all sorts of things they probably are best suited or situated for so i don’t hold that against him…similarly to the women that would call kevin samuels or appear on fresh & fit, as individuals you kinda have to grant them grace but taken as a whole there are some truths on display that one can glean if observant. just in this dialogue here there is varied opinion as to the why, from the actual title of the clip, people may understand the base surface thing, guy was a bit drying girl uninterested, but the reasoning is all over the place

that too struck me as oddly young, but assumed it was a slip of phrase, perhaps he meant to say he is pursuing/was put on that track via the army not that he was that already but he could be exaggerating/trolling
Two things can be true. The dating landscape can be full of women being far to demanding and unrealistic. But also we can recognize that a lot of dudes struggle with the social aspect of dating and having a functioning/useful social life which involves being digestible to other people

Useful to who though??

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