Kick- As_ the movie New Trailer. JAW DROPPER.

Aug 2, 2008
I love the book and that was reason enought to watch the movie but this clinched it
The movie looks cool and I like the idea but I dont think I could sit and watch a 10 yr old cuss like that for 2 hrs. It makes me feel uneasy.
the more i see about this the more i dont really wanna see it.
just give me the last issue please
I wish they would stop with the Matrix/ gun in the air with the camera panning around it's a new decade....geez.
that was so cool i dont even know what to say.
movies with funny little white girls are always hilarious.
just like movies with wise cracking small black boys.
This has Columbine written all over it.

I have three kids and I take the responsibility of raising my boys right but you know there will be some nut job parent who doesn't know how to disciplinetheir kid(s) go off on this movie once their kid goes shooting up their school in a Halloween costume.
I dont think the whole movie is about the one kid. I think there's like 4 "superheroes" and this is just her trailer
Originally Posted by 3onPar5

The movie looks cool and I like the idea but I dont think I could sit and watch a 10 yr old cuss like that for 2 hrs. It makes me feel uneasy.

shes just one character in a movie about a bunch of anti-heros so it wouldnt be all hit girl all the time. it looks funny enough to watch for free though.
@ people taking this so seriously.

If a kid sees this and goes and shoots up a school in a halloween costume blame the poor parenting. Not some silly movie.
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