Kids collecting J's

Seriously I wouldn't spend money on a sneaker collection until my feet have stopped growing.
All this help i really helpful i where my kicks and i like them looking good just need some got prices on stuff
Learn the history of the man and the shoes before you get into collectin. At ur age u've never seen him play aside from old footage (if u even took thetime to watch any) So don't be a sheep and collect b/c u like em and b/c they are what's hot.
Originally Posted by bblokk23

first of all...DONT @!%* WITH FAKES OR FUSIONS!!

then i would say don't ball in retro Jordans 1-23. ball in team jordans.

as in collecting. your foot is gonna keep growing obviously so i wud suggest getting Jordans a size bigger so when ur foot does grow you'll be good. stay posted with original websites such as , and go by what yew like not because errrbody else getting them.

i would say dont ball in 2-14 16,23 imo 16 right now and started in 7th grade the thing that i learend is try to get shoes that arent going to crease easily like pretty much any leatherthats not just the plain leeather. and my second tip dont buy something just because you think they are a good deal, i did that once and now im stuck with 2pairs of dunks i dont really like and out of 100 dollars.
honstly Ive got a deal set up with a guy for a pair of University Blue
V worn one looking so fresh but ive got this money locked for the Jams and i know you all have told me buy what i Like but what would u do?
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