Killer Instinct 3 to be shown at E3??????

Oct 30, 2007
Came across this image while browsing around the internets and this is the supposed lineup for games at E3 this year.....KI3 ??? Does anyone know if this is a totally different game? Or have my nightly prayers for the past 10 or so years finally been answered?

I did a little looking around and this MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be true.There's really no SOLID info though.I hope it's real!
This looks more like a wish list /obvious franchises . People have always said they want golden eye for live arcade and killer instinct to come back.

And why would they only release mass effect 3 on the play station when your old save files carry over?
If it was real...KI3 would probably be on the Wii.

Wasnt Killer Instinct licensed by Nintendo? That's like Halo 4 coming to the PS3
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

I did a little looking around and this MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be true.There's really no SOLID info though.I hope it's real!

No this is SUPER SUPER SUPER fake.

Pro tip, kids: If you’re going to try to prank the worldwide gaming community in relation to the most exciting, most scrutinised event of its year, spend more than three minutes thinking about said prank.
The first of the (probably numerous) supposed leaks from E3 2010 has appeared, and by the looks of it, someone either rattled it off at home (early in the morning, before coffee), or we’re in for the most generic - yet nonsensical - E3 ever this year.


It’s a mixture of the can’t-fail-to-be-there (Gears of War 3, Killzone 3, Guitar Hero 6), obvious genero-sequel ideas relating to current big-hitters (Forza 4 and Bad Company 3 so soon, really? And Fahrenheit 2 being mentioned so soon after the release of Heavy Rain is just painfully unsubtle) and obvious internet fanboy bait ("Hey, Battletoads was a meme, and people got really excited about those Killer Instinct 3 and Road Rash rumours a while back. That makes them totally plausible, right? Also, MASS EFFECT ON PS3! LOLZ!")

Our favourite detail though? The slightly suspicious way that the list only details the four biggest publishers most relevant to the hardcore gamer. Surely Nintendo would be listed with the other platform holders. And what about the numerous E3 certs that are left off this list, presumably because they weren’t obvious enough for the writer to think of before his morning dump? No Last Guardian? No Fable III? No PlayStation Move whatsoever? And the total lack of Halo: Reach is ludicrous.


Above: Uncertain to be at E3, apparently

But what do you reckon? Are we being too cynical? Is a list as obvious as this one actually plausible, and are the omissions just unconfirmed presentations at this time? Or is it, as we think, a lazy grab-bag of stories that have been big on the internet over the last couple of years, thrown together without a hint of care for believability? How would you feel if this list was genuine?

From Gamesradar. OP do your homework first before you post.

-The Juice
They're bringing back Road Rash? That could be good if they do it right and make it online.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

If it was real...KI3 would probably be on the Wii.

Wasnt Killer Instinct licensed by Nintendo? That's like Halo 4 coming to the PS3
No, the company that made Killer Instinct was Rare also did Diddy Kong racing, my favorite
and goldeneye
But Microsoft bought them like in '08 and that's how Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts came out on 360
Banjo was a character on Diddy and had his own sequels, also favorite
man, bringing back old games is like rebooting movies but it better be as good or better
Just re-release KI 1-3 in the ps3 store (if its possible i know xbox owns rare). Id pay 40 bucks for all of them together
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