Kim Kardashian and Reggie Split?! Vol. I still got a chance!!!

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

HE was probably talkin marriage and Kim wasn't trying to hear it...
So true
IHeartBoost wrote:
Originally Posted by rsdplaya


Her hair looks a lot thinner here! I always thought she had lots of thick natural hair. I was suspicious maybe she was wearing extensions, and it looks likeshe does.

So, us girls have a chance to getting to Reggie now? mytmouse, where you at?!?!?!??!You need to start working it and get on it right now andget at Reggie before you miss your chance. I believe in you, you can do it.
hazel - she does wear extensionsv (along with the majority of hollywood) & that picture further confirms my already confirmedsuspicions.

as for the topic, reggie is single now!!

I didnt even realize there was any hair to be looked at in that pic.
my son Reggie will finally have his breakout season now

all the jetsetting and partying Kim was doing was probably a distraction from his NFL career. looks like someone gave him some good advice and told him to cutif off.
Boost - I will stick to believing her butt is fake. Kourtney does not have a phat @+#, just a normal sized butt. Khloe's is bigger, buthers looks real. Kim's just does not look natural, at all. It is whether that or the girl wears butt pads like Beyonce does sometimes. But, it looks likeKim got a Brazilian butt lift done. She lies and claims she has not had any plastic surgery at all, when it is clear as day she has had surgery on her face,especially her nose, and her butt. Let's not forget all the liposuction she does on top of her workouts.

I am not hating on the girl, she is beautiful! But to believe she is 100% natural is just naive.

starzinyoureyes - I always thought all her hair was completely real. But looking at that pic, it has just reaffirmed my suspicions that shewears a lot of extensions. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt her hair is real.
I been on it Hazel...I'm on my way to NO when iget off work to make sure he's ok. Lol. I knew she wore extensions what female in Hollywood doesn't.
Good move on Reggie's part. You don't marry Kim K., you smash for a year or so and then move on.

Well done, sir.
geminifly wrote:
Good move on Reggie's part. You don't marry Kim K., you smash for a year or so and then move on.

Well done, sir.

do you mean if your a famous football player? or do you mean if your any man bc im really confused by that statement.
Originally Posted by Diego

Some girls are so salty.
Who are you calling salty? Call us out. If I think something is fake, I will call it as I see it. There was a discussion about her butt if itis fake or not, and I just added in my 2 cents. Are those men calling her butt too being salty as well? If you are referring to that, how does that make itbeing salty?
Originally Posted by Diego

Some girls are so salty.
so Kim is 100% real, right?

obviously she's had some enhancements... Hazeleyed noticed bc she is a girl, doesn't mean shes salty for pointing it out.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Diego

Some girls are so salty.
Who are you calling salty? Call us out. If I think something is fake, I will call it as I see it. There was a discussion about her butt if it is fake or not, and I just added in my 2 cents. Are those men calling her butt too being salty as well? If you are referring to that, how does that make it being salty?

she wears extensions. = fact
she's the hottest chick to walk on the earth. = opinion (diego's.. & mine

so just because we point out something that goes against what you may think, & has an absurd amount of evidence to back up our statements, we're salty?

Originally Posted by webnerd06

dima > kim

*puts on flame suit*
Oh hellz nooooo...
Good one!I would flame you forthat!But, I <3 you.

Like I pointed out, the girl is beautiful. She would be in the top 10 of most beautiful Hollywood female celebs on my list. But, in my opinion, her butt isfake. Just an opinion. Who cares really if it is or isn't? Men love it, she loves it, girls want to have one like it. All the more power to her.

It is just like if I pointed out that Pam Anderson's boobs are fake. Don't know how it would make me salty.

mytmouse76 - Yes, get on it quick! He needs to be "consoled" right now and someone by his side. I am all the way up here in Canada,so I would not even try. But as for you, put in that work that he's been lacking with having to be stuck with her lying there like a dead fish. I know yougot it.
I'm more surprised that she's 28.

I thought she was younger.

But oh well.

I'm sure they both have suitors lining up for their services.
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