Kim Kardashian gives birth to Kanye Wests baby girl, PICTURES LAST PAGE!!!!!1

I really hope he doesn't find out some crazy life changing secret on the kid's 18th birthday................
might as well get that test now o be extra safe never know could be ray j, reggie, or kris coulda snuck one in 
I'm a Kanye stan as much as the next person, but dude got me scratching my head this time. He just put out the subpar Yeezus and now he got a daughter named North West by the industry *****. Man i dont know smdh :smh:
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Kanye proposed to Kim

What a week for Kimye! Kanye West has reportedly asked Kim Kardashian to marry him just days after his girlfriend gave birth to their daughter North.

The new parents are said to be planning their nuptials for this September in Kanye's beloved Paris after the rapper proposed to his beau days after the birth of their little girl.

The Sun report that the 36-year-old new dad has not proposed with an actual ring yet, but he has splashed out a cool £500,000 on a rare black and tiger-stripe diamond ring, as an extra special 'push present' to mark the birth of North last Saturday.

“He has spent half a million on a ring as a push present and had it designed months ago in preparation", an insider reveals. "He’s even more in love with her now than ever and they can’t wait to get married.”

With Kim's divorce from Kris Humphries finalised in the weeks before the birth, after over a year of drama, the path is clear for another wedding- will this one be as extravagant has her last?

It was revealed that the couple left Cedars Siniai hospital with their new born earlier this week after spending the days after the June 15 birth holed up in their luxury suite of rooms, which reportedly cost more tha £2,500 per night each.

The Sun report that each three-bedroom, two-bathroom suite came equipped with flat screen TVs, leather sofas, dining areas, marble bathrooms and personal chefs, who were on call 24/7.

Kim kept up her grooming regime with daily blow dries, manicures and pedicures whilst also enlisting the help of a personal labour coach at a cost of more than £3000 a day.

“Kanye wasted no money in making sure Kim had the best of everything while she’s in hospital," the source reveals.

Meanwhile it was suggested yesterday that North's birth has completely changed new father Kanye. We're used to seeing the Yeezus rapper looking a tad sour faced but sources have revealed that being a dad has turned that frown upside down.

“Ever since she was born, Kanye has had a smile from ear to ear,” a source told the Daily Mirror.

“He is still walking on air. Kim’s room looked like a florists there were so many bouquets.”
think of the amount of money they will get if they televise the wedding, though :x
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Honestly.... It's not that serious. How many kids are really called by their first and last name all the time? She'll introduce her self as North, and say everyone calls me Nori. When y'all were in school were you called by your first and last name all the time? Come on now...
Honestly.... It's not that serious. How many kids are really called by their first and last name all the time? She'll introduce her self as North, and say everyone calls me Nori. When y'all were in school were you called by your first and last name all the time? Come on now...

Well thats because most kids arent born with a first and last name that go together and form an actual word :lol:

People will call this girl Northwest all her life
Couldn't afford the car, so she named her daughter Alexus....

Calling your daughter North though...
Well thats because most kids arent born with a first and last name that go together and form an actual word

People will call this girl Northwest all her life
Every single day.
If he ain't no punk, he betta holla that he wants a prenup. Its something that he needs to have so when she leaves his ***, she won't leave with half.........

'Ye for crying out loud you're ******g up left and right!!!!
If he ain't no punk, he betta holla that he wants a prenup. Its something that he needs to have so when she leaves his ***, she won't leave with half.........

'Ye for crying out loud you're ******g up left and right!!!!
dude wrote a song called gold digger an whelp........
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