King of the simps, Derrick Jaxn, caught cheating on his wife

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And why are you using NBA SHowdown 94 style ratings? (Using tenths :lol: )

Y’all really questioning this? She slightly average at best. Most of y’all high rating is based on her *** being shown all the time.

if this woman was to walk down the street, she would just be another one.

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1. majority of women are insecure. No matter how good you tell her she looks, she not gone believe you. Why waste that energy??

2. They walking around her with makeup, fake bodies, lashes, etc. most of them aren’t comfortable in their own skin. It’s pointless
1. I agree, but I don't think I've ever rated a girl to her face nor has one asked. All that game playing stuff ain't for me. I'd rather take a hike

2. And the average girl don't walking around like this. I didn't see a fake *** in person until like 3 years ago, and she looked dumb.But you're in a plastic surgery region so you might see different.
Y’all really questioning this? She slightly average at best. Most of y’all high rating is based on her *** being shown all the time.

if this woman was to walk down the street, she would just be another one.


She looks like a regular around the way thick woman which is good enough for a lot of men
Y’all really questioning this? She slightly average at best. Most of y’all high rating is based on her *** being shown all the time.

if this woman was to walk down the street, she would just be another one.

We’ve made average a diss in today’s society. When in reality, the majority is average and there’s nothing wrong with that.Meg is a cute girl with a nice body.
Here comes that feminist propaganda. Deflect to men anytime a truth is spoken about women. Just like clockwork

You can call it what you want but it is as factual a statement as the one that was replaced. In fact the last 2 pages is an expose in how that is a fact. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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