Kissing a girl with a fresh tongue ring?

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by magneto621

figures, cant get a intelligent answer on this corny board...but yeah we kissed mostly with our lips closed...
eww. i wonder where else that mouth was this week??? maybe she took care of someone else before she kissed you.
This is exactly why im glad my girl doesent want a tongue ring. Some of yall think of your girls as sex toys
think of a tongue ring in the long run
She'll be fine. You however, deserve to be slapped. I mean, I love a good smooch as much as the next man but that's just as foul as licking a scape onher knee. And me being me, I'm not trying kiss the chick with the tongue ring because I have my own preconceived notions about why girls get tongue ringsin the first place.
Originally Posted by magneto621

figures, cant get a intelligent answer on this corny board...but yeah we kissed mostly with our lips closed...

corny board you say, then what exactly would it make you?
she got a tongue ring??...keep that girl around

last summer i caught one of em....
...i wasnt kissin on no fresh tonguering holes though

just wait till her #*#! heals then go get that neck
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