Knicks hire D'Antoni....

Mar 13, 2004
Done deal...

[h3]Peter Vecsey[/h3]
May 10, 2008 --

The Mike D'Antoni Era has begun.

The former coach of the run-and-gun Suns has accepted a four-year deal at around $6 million per year to coach the Knicks New York Knicks
, Post columnist Peter Vecsey reports.

Knicks president Donnie Walsh chose D'Antoni over Mark Jackson.

Curry is stillfat

so, who is STILL on the Knicks roster for next year?
Like it, quite a bit.

What I had to say..

Walsh has a plan, and I'll trust him.

4 years? Seems like that's the rebuilding part, with his visions of the 4th year being a pretty competitive team that should be in the playoffs. He mustlook at what he did in Phoenix and think he can build a team up..

Then it'll be time to reevaluate D'Antoni or go get another coach that can go to the next level.

Nate, Balkman, Lee, Chandler...and throw Crawford in..

Where would they excel? In an up tempo offense...

What do league rules favor now? An uptempo offense...
Where has Boston exposed a few things with Cleveland? Pushing the in turn, they play great D..and that'll be somethin D'Antoni will have tolearn if he truly wants to be a great coach.

Now I know, what about the defense..

Last year for example, they were 12th in the league at defense (106 points per 100 possesions), while running the most efficient offense in the league (113points per 100 possesions)

Personnel changes would have to be made, and he'll have to make more of a commitment...I'll wait and see, but he didn't win 55 games a year outWest, by luck. He does bring positives.

It's not Don Nelson, there's no gimmicks. His offensive system works and got them pretty darn close to a championship
I mean, if a guy like Larry Brown couldn't get the job done, what makes Knicks fans think a guy like Mark Jackson/Avery Johnson would be any better?

D'Antoni brings in a new style of offense, an uptempo offense that is better suited for the guys they have.

And, who knows. The last time Q-Rich played worth a damn was under D'Antoni.

Maybe he can start balling again.
Terrible move by both parties involved, IMO.

Well...a little better on D'Antoni's end since he's getting paid handsomely.

This guy isn't going to solve the Knicks' problems...believe that.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

do the knicks even have 1 player that would fit into this system?

David Lee + Balkman cutting > Lee + Balkman in the post

Q-Rich shooting open 3's behind the arc > Q-Rich in the post

Nate Robinson can be a Barbosa type

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

No way this works out. D'Antoni is a bum, just going after the money.

Does anyone really think this piece of crap is worth $6 million per year? How can anyone justify this?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

do the knicks even have 1 player that would fit into this system?

Whoever we draft.

Chandler, Balkman, Lee and Nate can all get out and run. The first 3 can all finish on the break too, somethin that hasn't been here since Camby andSpree
People can laugh, but if Eddy Curry could work on his conditioning...he's athletic for his size and strictly offensively, could do well.

Lastly, this means Steph will finally be out
An uptempo offense...

so, what do you all do with guys like Curry & Randolph? Both of whom are better in the 1/2 court offense. There is no way in hell that either one of thoseguys will do well in D'Antoni system. On top of it all, due to the contracts the Knicks have taken on, as well as the baggage that both Curry/Randolphcarry, who exactly would be a willing trade partner?

I can dig the Knicks having a plan to re-build. I don't see immediate success next year, but I do think 30 wins should be a realistic goal. I have no doubtthat Walsh will clean up most of Zeke's mess, and we will see guys like Robinson, Lee, Balkman, etc thrive in the uptempo offense.

There is a lot of dead weight on the Knicks roster, but I think patience is the key to the fans and the people in the front office. I just don't see teamsbeing too willing to take on some of these contracts, especially if they are not coming off of the books....I have a feeling that the Knicks will be in goodshape in about 2-3 years, but they have to go through the growing pains first.

you know J, theres an official Knicks thread right on this page

there are like 4 people keeping that thread going

this needed to be brought to the masses....
Eddy Curry and ZBo are gonna die out there...if they even get to see the court next season
so is he fired or did he resign. i heard barkley rip him for not stepping down, saying d'antoni wants the money from getting fired.
There is a lot of dead weight on the Knicks roster, but I think patience is the key to the fans and the people in the front office. I just don't see teams being too willing to take on some of these contracts, especially if they are not coming off of the books....I have a feeling that the Knicks will be in good shape in about 2-3 years, but they have to go through the growing pains first.
And that sounds good to needed to be done a long time ago.

On Zach and Eddy..

Zach has no chance, Eddy has a little chance...IF he gets better conditioned he moves around pretty good for his size and he is athletic.

I hope ball movement is stressed and those black holes are gone, including Crawford...rather soon.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

And how exactly does this mean steph will be out? Am I missing something here?

Sent him packing in Phoenix..

I don't know if he's around for the last year of the deal but it certainly means he won't be brought back with a new deal after this comingseason.
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