Knicks hire D'Antoni....

I mean this guy is a joke.

0 rings with a 2 time MVP

Went to 7 games vs Kobe + YMCA pick up players

I cant see it. He wanted to get paid cuz he know its a deathtrap in NYC.
Originally Posted by DMan14

so is he fired or did he resign. i heard barkley rip him for not stepping down, saying d'antoni wants the money from getting fired.

I mean, who can blame the guy?

With players demanding trades, wanting extensions, threatening to opt out, it's still a business. For coaches too.

Everybody knows the Suns don't want him back. They let other teams talk to him, even though they were saying they 'want him back.' The thing is,the OWNER doesn't want to fire him, because they'd have to pay him. That's the only reason they let other teams talk to him, so they can workstuff out, instead of paying him by flat out firing him.
So, what does this do to the knicks as far as who they look to draft? Let's say the Knicks slip into the 7-10 range...are we looking a guy like DJ Augustincoming in to run the point?
Well, A few seasons ago we saw Eddy Curry at his finest which wasn't so bad. He just needs to work on his rebounding and condition. Z-bo isn't fit forthis style because he demands the ball in the post, and does his work. Which isn't what D'antoni wants with his centers/forwards.

Also, the Knicks play in the Eastern conference where most of the teams like to play in a 1/2 court set, so playing in an uptempo style can help us.
I hate it because I strongly dislike D'antoni. But since he's here he better change things up and develop some sort of defense and a half-court offensewhen teams like Spurs shut down the run. All in all dumb move on both parts D'antoni would have been successful in Chicago with the better team and Walshwas better off hiring soembody cheap until the rebuilding process is over.
nah watch we go for someone like Darrell Arthur. I think he would be good in D'Antoni system. And early in the 2nd round, I want us to try and get ShanFoster, if he's still there because he can spot up and hit the 3. And if you let him trail on the fastbreak like Peja does, game over.
They are gonna have to make some changes fast- even their players who seem like good fast-break ones aren't good playmakers, they are 1 on 1 players.

D'Antoni did win in Europe playing a totally different style than he had with the Suns- I've heard he can be flexible to the horses that he has so itwill be interesting to see what happens.
curry has had his whole career to get his fat !%+ in shape and hasnt done it i dont see +!@$ changing now.

Chandler, Balkman, Lee
those are all hustle players with lack of offense skills
Originally Posted by The Wizard

nah watch we go for someone like Darrell Arthur. I think he would be good in D'Antoni system. And early in the 2nd round, I want us to try and get Shan Foster, if he's still there because he can spot up and hit the 3. And if you let him trail on the fastbreak like Peja does, game over.

We don't have a 2nd round pick

If we don't have a top 5 pick..

I'm for Arthur.

But now Bayless fits, OJ is a player no matter what, Rose is the dream.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

curry has had his whole career to get his fat !%+ in shape and hasnt done it i dont see +!@$ changing now.

Chandler, Balkman, Lee
those are all hustle players with lack of offense skills

Balkman, yes.

Lee develops a 15 ft jumper and he's good to go..

Chandler is a legit NBA player and future starter, IMO.
I dont know , I like D'Antoni but I dont think he was the right candidate for the Knicks.

But it just might work. If the Knicks are lucky enough to get Rose, it might work out. If they dont, they would have to make some good trades and get rid ofsome people and bring in others. Something they have to do either way.

Rose, Lee, Chandler, Crawford, Balkman, Robinson,...... I can see a good future.
Makes no god damn sense, Knicks are going to make player/roster moves and let contracts expire the next 3-4 years, the hell is the point of hiring a highpriced coach right now?

You'd figure they learn after the Larry Brown fiasco. I can't stand this crybaby coach.

curry has had his whole career to get his fat !%+ in shape and hasnt done it i dont see +!@$ changing now.
Its not easy to do with an irregular heartbeat.
D'Antoni is a chump word to what Barkley said. It'll be at least two years before the Knicks make the playoffs. They have to make the necessary changesbefore they see any progress.
i think NY's offense will be better, but team success...............ehhh not so much


Should have been Avery or Mark.
would you really take a guy with absolutely no track record over D'Antoni
, if he gets the right players this year, theres no way NY should be contendingfor a playoff spot next year
Originally Posted by jhawkcuse10

D'Antoni is a chump word to what Barkley said. It'll be at least two years before the Knicks make the playoffs. They have to make the necessary changes before they see any progress.
Barkely was talking out of his %+*, all you heard was rumors of the suns getting ride of D'antoni and if they wanted to keep him they would of cameout and said so.

Its not easy to do with an irregular heartbeat.

if he can play 82 games of bball he can get his fat %+* in shape in the offseason. just eating write would drop alot of that weight
Dude is a cheese doodles machine, he def needs a good nutritionist in his life.
I agree, if he can play an 82 game season then there is no reason for him not to get in shape this offseason.

It just seems like he doesn't want to do that. He seems lazy. It's the great players who always work in the offseason. And Curry isn't a greatplayer.
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