Knicks hire D'Antoni....

Originally Posted by allen3xis

Originally Posted by The Wizard

nah watch we go for someone like Darrell Arthur. I think he would be good in D'Antoni system. And early in the 2nd round, I want us to try and get Shan Foster, if he's still there because he can spot up and hit the 3. And if you let him trail on the fastbreak like Peja does, game over.

We don't have a 2nd round pick

If we don't have a top 5 pick..

I'm for Arthur.

But now Bayless fits, OJ is a player no matter what, Rose is the dream.

Here's the thing though. Before we make a decision, we must have an idea from D'Antoni where he wants to take the offense and what personnel hewants to keep because clearly he has thought this through. Next, we should try to gather all our tradeable assets and get worthwhile things for them, whetherit is players or future draft picks. Many teams can use a 2 guard that can shoot and score like Crawford. Just put him with a structured coach and he shouldexcel. He clearly did the best when LB was our coach.
Allen, I don't know how you feel about this, but another idea for our pick..... Anthony Randolph. He would be the athletic big men we havent hadsince Camby
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Originally Posted by allen3xis

Originally Posted by The Wizard

nah watch we go for someone like Darrell Arthur. I think he would be good in D'Antoni system. And early in the 2nd round, I want us to try and get Shan Foster, if he's still there because he can spot up and hit the 3. And if you let him trail on the fastbreak like Peja does, game over.

We don't have a 2nd round pick

If we don't have a top 5 pick..

I'm for Arthur.

But now Bayless fits, OJ is a player no matter what, Rose is the dream.

Here's the thing though. Before we make a decision, we must have an idea from D'Antoni where he wants to take the offense and what personnel he wants to keep because clearly he has thought this through. Next, we should try to gather all our tradeable assets and get worthwhile things for them, whether it is players or future draft picks. Many teams can use a 2 guard that can shoot and score like Crawford. Just put him with a structured coach and he should excel. He clearly did the best when LB was our coach.
Allen, I don't know how you feel about this, but another idea for our pick..... Anthony Randolph. He would be the athletic big men we havent had since Camby

If we could somehow get a mid first rounder I would like to get Javale McGee out of Nevada
I don't see how anyone, Knicks fans especially, can complain until this plays out. Consistently getting 50 wins in the west should count for something. Ihope this will work out. The east needs a team with that run and gun offense. For some reason I expected him to end up in Chicago.
Very interesting hire to say the least for the Knicks. I do not see how "7 secs or less" is not a "gimmick offense. I think MD is a younger DonNelson(i.e. small ball, no concept of defense, and no bench). IMO MD only knows one offense and that is to run and gun. Since the Knicks will have a lot oftrouble moving Big Lazy and Z Bo I do not expect much team success for the next couple of years. My question is why hire a high price coach for a team that isat least a few years away from the playoffs? Hopefully it works out for the Knicks as the NBA needs them to be relevant again(i.e. Boston and LA)
He and Donnie Walsh both know this thing is going to take awhile. Their personnel doesn't fit D'Antoni's scheme, so they'll have to overhaulthe roster within the next couple of years. But that's probably a VERY good thing at this point...

Randolph and Curry runnin up and down the floor?
Hopefully he can turn them around good pick up for the Knicks but Eddy and Zack have to go if they are going to run any up-tempo style of play. I do expectplayers like D.Lee, Nate, and Rolando to excel in this style.

And no i'm not a Knicks fan but they do have two of my favorite players in Q.Rich and Starbury. Q needs to lose some weight and start attacking the riminstead of jacking up threes but because Mike D is his coach again I don't expect his game to change at all.
Only Randolph and Curry don't fit D'Antoni's system. Crawford, QRich, Nate, Lee, Balkman will work well under D'Antoni. He's going to needa true point though.
Allen, I don't know how you feel about this, but another idea for our pick..... Anthony Randolph. He would be the athletic big men we havent had since Camby
Wouldn't mind it...he has a whole lot of upside...

And lookin at Walsh's track record...Bender, Harrington, Granger..he kinda is in that mold.

I'm envisioning Jason Thompson running the pick and roll and runnin the floor now in D'Antoni's system

But there's no way for that to happen

A LOT of Knick fans not happy with this.

Was a it a move to sell an exciting brand of ball?

Or an effort to win games and make the playoffs?
I like this hire..the Knicks probably aren't worried about getting to the Finals within the next couple years, cuz that's something d'Antoniprobably won't do. but to get them back to respectability and back in the playoffs? that's something he can definitely do. At the very least, it'sintriguing and it's the Knicks, why not see if it works? Probably won't make the playoffs the first year, but in the Eastern Conference you don'thave to be that great to make the playoffs as a low seed.
I don't understand why you don't hire Mark Jackson at all, unless he had a bad interview or something. This move just doesn't make sense. Bottomline D'Antoni couldn't pass up the money so he'll suck it up and try to convince himself this is a good job knowing damn well it isn't.
New York is going to eat this guy alive.

I don't understand the allure of New York. I mean, I know coaching there probably carries some sort of "If I can make it here, I can make itanywhere" appeal, but after the Larry Brown debacle, I don't see how any other coach other than Phil Jackson would take that job.

And the thing is, after New York chews him up and spits him back out into unemployment, he doesn't have the longevity of a guy like Larry. Larry'saccomplishments can overcome the New York disaster, but D'Antoni won't have the same luxury.

And did I mention the Knicks are horrid?

Good luck Mike, can't wait to hear your ESPN commentary skills in the middle of the season next year.
wow, this reminds me of the short Don Nelson era of no d offense in NY. NY peeps blasted dude on how he ran that quick offense, no d scheme.

man, how I missed the hustle and the d of the old Knicks identity.
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